喉のケアにはプロポリスのど飴! Propolis syrup for throat care!
マスクや次亜塩素酸、アルコール除菌、とにかく思いつく風邪対策はしっかりしてるんだけど、それでも「…あれ!?ちょっと喉が痛いような気がするような…」っていう時がある( ˘ω˘ )
プロポリスって、かなり強めの殺菌・抗菌作用があって、これなら喉から入ってくる菌をしっかり撃退( ^ω^ )
喉から風邪をひきやすい人は、プロポリス常備生活をお試しあれー( ^ω^ )♡
In winter, I swear to my heart every year with absolutely no cold!
I can not go on my favorite board if I lose physical condition in winter and I am not very good at getting hot and getting tired of it anyway w
Mask and hypochlorous acid, there are times when alcohol sterilization, I'm cold measures are firm to come up anyway, but still Tteyuu "... there!? Hey, such as feel like a sore throat ..." (˘ω˘ )
Essentials at such time, kore! "Throat candies" always in my pouch (^ ^ ♪
Even if honey does not have a sore throat, I usually lick it from my usual but, "This is a serious throat goby way! (; '· Ω · ) ..." ... the green bag Of "Propolis candy" ♪ I'm licking ♪
Propolis has a considerably stronger bactericidal and antibacterial action, and if it fights firmly repelling fungus entering from the throat (^ ω ^)
I heard that Propolis is used by singer or artist for throat care, lie or true ... ←
So I also lick a propolis candy as soon as my throat is scratching. Refreshing feeling becoming addictive with suits when eating! ... But a little difficulty ( ' ; ω ; `)
This candy, a very "smell peculiar to propolis" ...! ! Although I may not understand people who have never eaten, somehow, somewhat like a grandma in a simple way ... the taste of propolis which can not be said anything.
When you lick this candy and meet with friends, you will be noticed around ( ' ; ω ; `) that you are told" Eh? What are you eating !? " But when you lick it when your throat scratchy I will get rid of propolis can not stop!
People who tend to catch colds from the throat, try propolis standing life (^ ω ^) ♡
私もプロポリスはお世話になってますよー。液体のプロポリスをのんでますが、くっさいし、まずいしw マヌカハニーもおすすめです。
そうなんです!オブラートに包んで言いましたが、私も声を大にして…くっさいし、まずいですよね(´;ω;`)マヌカハニー!実は私も愛用中です( ^ω^ )