Ancient Tomb Period~Asuka Period (古墳~飛鳥時代)

in #japanese7 years ago (edited)

石舞台古墳320.jpg  奈良全体MAP400.jpg
The year of 574 when "ShotokuTaishi" was born who can be said to be
one of the "Idol" of Japanese history and original figure of 10,000
yen bill, to 710 Heijyo-Kyo Palace was built, is named Asuka Period,
when as a nation, Japan made solid basis as the country, comparing to
previous Ancient Tomb Period, by enacting Constitution, making family
registration and tax collection systems and so forth.
Also currency was issued and heads of local administration offices were
appointed throuout the country.
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The term Palace residence of emperors changed to, "Kyo" where officers
have offices and their residences too. The Asuka Palace might be small
residential site of the royal family while the Fujiwara-Kyo had the grid
style street as chinese cities and could be bigger than Heijyo-Kyo and
even Heian-Kyo. It was very critical time of establising fundamental
centralized systems as "Ritsuryou(laws and rules)-System", and Fujiwara
-Kyo might need to have big capital and palace for their "Majesty".
Both Asuka Palace and Fujiwara-Kyo wer located in Asuka area, where is
not too developed having bujildings and traffic, and still looks like
old japanese village which can be said to be "satoyama, rural and natural".
If you have time, I would recommend you to ride bicycle to move around
this area to enjoy nature and feel old time. You can find rental bicycle
shop at the station.
住む、所謂”京”の体裁の都が出来た時代でもあります。 都の場所は次の
奈良の都の南の現在の明日香村辺りでした。 最初の推古天皇時代の飛鳥宮
天皇の住居を指す”宮”は何度か移転があったようです。 この明日香村は
の原型のような雰囲気すらあります。 時間があれば、自転車でのサイクリング
藤原宮道路図320.gif  自転車回り画像400.jpg

Buddhsm came to Japan in 538 from Korea causing trouble between the party
for and against. Soga family including ShotokuTaishi was the party to
accept and promote it, while Mononobe family was strongly refusing it.
In 587 Soga family won the fight having exterminated Mononobe clan.
In 593m ShotokuTaishi became the regent assisting Suiko lady Emperor.
He promoted Buddhism by building Shitennouji in Naniwa (Osaka) and also
in Consitution, he emphasized harmony among people, for central govern-
ment by royal family. He sent missions to China (Zui=Su) for international
exchange and peace.
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He built Houryuuji, which is oldest wooden construction in the world and
designated as the World Heritage for the first in Japan, where attended for
business though he lived in Asuka area. He passed away in 622, when
his son and family wer forced to kill themselves by the attack of Iruka
Soga. Iruka Soga was also killed by NakanoOoenoOuji(later Tenji Emperor)
and NakatominoKamatari (later beginner of Fujiwara group) in 645, who
proceeded the "TaikanoKaishin (System reform)" to further strengthen power
base of centralized governing system by Emperor. In accordance with request
of help by Kudara of Korea, they sent army but severely defeated by allied
force of Shiragi and Tang at "Hakusonkou" resulting to defensive policy of
forming and sending garrison soldiers to Kyusyu and transferring capital to
Otu near lake Biwa.
聖徳太子は法隆寺を建立、主に斑鳩で政務を取っていたようです。 法隆寺は
います。 残念ながら、聖徳太子死後(622年)、息子の山背大兄王は従兄弟に
刺殺されます。 二人は大化の改新を進め皇室政治の基盤を強化します。
法隆寺世界最古木造建築日本初世界遺産400.jpg 法隆寺釈迦三尊像320.jpg

In 670, Kamatari passed away after granted Fujiwara name, followed by the
demise of Emperor Tenji in 671. The following year 672, the biggest Coup
d'eat by royal family in the history "JinShin War" occured and the yonger
brother of Tenji Emperor who resigned from political position to Yoshino
as a monk, won and became Tenmu Emperor. He started to name the nation
Nippon and also began to use Emperor title instead of Great King.
In 681, he ordered compilation of history records of "Kojiki" and "Nihon-
Shoki" trying to simulate Chinese "Shiki (Shiji)". After his time in 686,
Empress Jito succeeded the position and completed Fujiwara-Kyo in 694.
天皇となり、都も大津に移ります。 670年鎌足は藤原姓を許され直後に死去、
天智天皇も671年には逝去となります。 翌年672年には日本史最大の皇族の
握ると、大王の代わりに天皇を称し、国名も日本とし、 681年には中国の
政治を強化し、686に亡くなります。 その後は妃の持統天皇が継ぎ、694年には
天武天皇320.jpg 古事記320.jpg

Houryuji and Shitennouji by ShotokuTaishi are quite important, however we
need to see the trend from ancient tomb to family or clan temple or Buddhism
statues to indicate or symbolize authoity. The trend became so popular
in the community that the culture itself is slightly deifferent from that of
previous Peiord. The culture in Ancient Tomb period is called Asuka culture
which try to emphasize concept of Buddhism while tendency of Asuka Period is
named Hakuou culture, more colorful and elegant, which may be said "localized
or Japanizeed". Wall painting at Takamatuduka was probably more colorful when
originally painted. Yakushiji is the reprensentative of Hakuou beauty and
Manyou-Gana was considered to be used about this time, although ManyouShu
is of the next Period of Nara or Tenpyo culture.
ます。 薬師寺も白鳳文化の代表作です。 それに、万葉集という日本最初の
高松塚古墳壁画320.jpg 薬師寺320.jpg

At last I must add one shrine in this area, which is Kashiwara Shrine, built
in Maiji Period by Emperror Meiji to worship Japanese first emperor Jinmu.
It is located southern foot of Mt.Unebi, while the imperial tomb of Jinmu
is at the other side, namely northern foot of the Unebi mountain,
This shrine is of modern time but now become so pupular that the annual
worshippers exceeds 10 million comparable to that of old and famous Kasuga
shrine in Nara. By the way, in Asuka village, in addition to Unebi mountain,
there are other two names are shown in Manyosyuu, namely Kaguyama and Miminasi-
yama and three together, they are Yamato-Sanzan(three montains) surrounding
Fujiwara-Kyo, which has been the speciality of this area since Asuka Period.
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