10 million yen?? Wow. Same problem in Germany. They predict Germany will be a maority Muslim country by 2030 because of this
10 million yen?? Wow. Same problem in Germany. They predict Germany will be a maority Muslim country by 2030 because of this
Thanks for the comment.
If they'll continue their inclusive policy on immigration than maybe, but what if Merkel gets sacked and the new PM will be someone who is hard on immigrants like Salvini. It's a bummer that EU's loose immigration policies only give fuel to the far-right that rally up masses against liberalism and liberals.
This predicted change is based on current population and birth rates . Turkish immigrants are having 3.4 children per couple . The Germans are at 0.5 lee couple . Yeah it’s terrible that we will probably see another holocaust in our time due to the right wing activity.
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It's funny but it seems that fertility rates in Turkey are lower than that http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkeys-total-fertility-rate-falls-to-2-07-in-2017-134253