The Post Edo Japanese Mindset is fucked up : cover up fukushima, the boat of hell....
what the fuck is going on, I guess no pre edo war lord would tolerate such weakness... I guess it's the pussy domesticated slavelife worshiping western mindset that has taken over....
rather than behave properly and clearing digilently this ship or fuku, it's only denial and pedobucks to buy the compliance of the whoring private media...
what a shame...
and this culture of shame... you fuckers are so lucky that the weather prevented the full on assaults many times...
and what have you become? for the olympics... the big moment... as if the radiation would go away, as if the fish biomass wouldn't move...
you are so arrogant in your fake humility, so thievering so unloyal... but after all all that was good from japan came from the tang and co mindsets...