Notes from Under the Tatami Mats – My Adventures in Japan … (Part 1, with links to Notes 1~ 50)

(It comprises the Intro and 50 individual posts, with separate links to each post.)
(For Part Two, see link at bottom of this post. )

(Right-click to see my original post) (Image source) "Things I’d loved, laughed, and cried about ... pondered, wondered and marveled about ... feared and loathed during my wrong strange trip into the heart of crepuscular gloom in the Land of the Rising Sun."

(Right-click to see my original post) "An enticing blend of ancient traditions with ultramodern contraptions and amusements. ... And women. ... And money."

(Right-click to see my original post) "An even-tempered love–hate elationship with the country."

(Right-click to see my original post) "We smiled ... and continued watching the floating world drift by."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Home of koala bears and kangaroos ... Canada?!?"

(Right-click to see my original post) "Damn, this country is pretty screwed up."

(Image source)

(Right-click to see my original post) "She was cute enough, but she severely lacked any conversation skills."

(Right-click to see my original post) "It’s safe to say that Japan’s population does not comprise only pure Japanese.”

(Right-click to see my original post) "People who are normally quite gentle and polite engage in rude and vindictive behavior."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Maybe” probably means “no,” but it might mean “yes."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Where the streets have no name."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Virtually snowbound and housebound, in a remote, nondescript town in the far north, with nothing to do but watch a boring marathon on TV."

(Right-click to see my original post) "A chance to relax, cleanse, and invigorate yourself."

(Right-click to see my original post) "The most shocking thing about the man with the bad dentures . . ."

(Right-click to see my original post) "All the hot springs in Japan will freeze over before Japan changes its immigration policy."

(Right-click to see my original post) "The Japanese stole Hokkaido, subjugated Okinawa, and rented Hawaii, on a long-term basis."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Hmm, maybe there's a connection between the ownership of the companies and the tons and tons of concrete."

(Right-click to see my original post) "These exercises are typically pointless and futile … but they are de rigueur."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Japan ranks 20th in terms of corruption, just two places below the US (‘nuff said)."

(Right-click to see my original post) "It was kinda nice to hear that I looked like a stunningly handsome movie star. But it was wrong."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Even on a good day, this Steemer is definitely not as good-looking as any rock star."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Wreaking havoc by killing and spreading poison in peaceful neighborhoods."

(Right-click to see my original post) "He had to adhere to the Japanese Imperial Army code of never surrendering."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Those sickos seem more deranged than your typical psychopath in any other country."

(Right-click to see my original post) "You can never know the horror unleashed at that moment ..."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Experiments in poison gas and germ warfare … human vivisection … rape, torture, mutilation, and slaughter. ... Not to mention obliteration of a fine, womanly character."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Bullying by adults is loathsome. ... Organized and well-orchestrated bullying by adults in an office environment is loathsome and reprehensible."

(Right-click to see my original post) "In no other nation was ritual disembowelment practiced.”"

(Right-click to see my original post) "The unwanted employee was given a not-so-subtle hint that it was time to leave. ... Now. ... Go!"

(Right-click to see my original post) "Japanese rules are made to be bent. ... Until you snap."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Psychopaths who are perverse enough to engage in such despicable behavior."

(Right-click to see my original post) "If only those crimes did not have such a terrible impact on the victims and on the families and friends of the victims."

(Right-click to see my original post) "The humor about the overwork simply wore off, and it just became sad and pitiful."

(Right-click to see my original post) While we were dining, she interrupted the conversation to ask me, “By the way, what’s your name?"

(Right-click to see my original post) "You'll have to accept me as I am – still miserable, and still very much alive."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Rub-rub” means “reciprocal love.” Or maybe "reciprocal rubbing."

(Right-click to see my original post) "I was pleased to do my part to promote inter-cultural awareness."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Young Japanese women would spend armfuls of money on clothes, souvenirs, gifts, more clothes, more souvenirs, and more gifts. And more clothes."

(Right-click to see my original post) "The ratio of weird women to wonderful women never varies much."

(Right-click to see my original post) "I survived my Japan adventure. Albeit not intact, and albeit permanently scarred."

(Right-click to see my original post) "These accidents provided me and my friends with plenty of amusement."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Murakami’s novels will have a staying power similar to that of the greatest Beatles albums."

(Right-click to see my original post) "For those who have an interest in Japan, all of these books are relevant, fascinating, and thought-provoking."

(Right-click to see my original post) "From the idiosyncrasies of the culture, to the banal shenanigans of the bike gangs who feebly 'terrorize' quiet neighborhoods."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Chilling revelations about what happens in the halls of power. ... Not for the faint of heart."

(Right-click to see my original post) "The poor people of Hokkaido’s fishing villages in post-war Japan struggled to free themselves from the clutches of the usurious money lenders."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Ai, ai, ai! That’s a Strange Kinda Love. (or) How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bimbos."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Shameless and pointless name-dropping.” ... "Atrocious juvenile tripe."

(Right-click to see my original post) "An ideal balance – mature, but with a fine sense of the absurd."

(Right-click to see my original post) "The choco-capitalists started by selling marshmallows to be handed out on March 14, but it proved to be a supremely ludicrous marketing strategy."

(Right-click to see my original post) "Summer is here, and we are looking for a place to stick it in."

Long list, Nice effort!
This is only about half of my "Notes." Tomorrow, I'll post Part 2, with links to #51-87. Hope you can find it and read thru it.
Very interesting
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Glad you liked it. More coming soon.
Very nice article...hope u will appreciate my work as well
Glad you enjoyed it.
I love Japan so much. I've been to Japan 2 times last year. I'm still not sick of travelling in Japan.
Cool. Where in Japan did you go?
I feel anger and indignation when I see people who just walk around making empty comments, only with the miserable intention of winning some healing and sbd, looking for a vote.
I have detected some users who walk through the publications of a select number of authors, only to leave poor comments of four words.
If you take the trouble to monitor each time the author writes, then why can not you bother to read and leave a comment according? I can not understand this.
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