Suicide is not an easy topic. Japan is not a perfect country.
I asked more than 20 locals if this video should be made. Only one person said no. The rest agreed. So here you have it: Japan has a suicide problem. The good news, however, is that it's been on the decline for the past few years as the government is addressing it in some serious ways.
There are many reasons why this is happening in such a great society, so I'll leave it to you for more research. I said in the video it's double the rate in Germany. It's ALMOST double, for accuracy's sake (
I wouldn't be able to make this video without the help of locals from Huber.Inc - a company my friends work at that got me a tour of the forest with locals. My girlfriend, Alyne, helped with scripting and music selection and all around good companionship.
Thank you Yusuke, Marina, Yuriko, Yuya and Aishna for helping with the translations. This video is more effective if it reached those that it was designed for.
This video was filmed by a foreigner, me, but was approved by tens of locals, you. Thank you for the trust!
If this video stirs up emotions, my best suggestion is to seek professional help!