“Mini Version Akihabara” of Kobe / 神戸的小型版秋葉原。
Today I went to Kobe Sannomiya and went to target restaurants. In the Center Plaza of the shopping street, there are many animate goods, toys, figures and some idol stuff just like a “mini version Akihabara” I hope there were more 48 and 46 stuff...haha...
今天去了兵庫縣的三ノ宮駅的目標食店,這裡是神戶牛食店的重地呢!在這裡的商店街內,有一個小型秋葉原的街道,也有很多動漫的東西,玩具,手板模型和一些偶像精品。如果能夠多一點 48 和坂道的東西多好⋯哈哈⋯