Beauty Salon Conversation With Ms Tamaki
Do want to start your own beauty salon or find out information about owning one? Well today for my first interview ever I am meeting the wonder Ms. Ayako Tamaki.
Now this is my first business interview I ever posted so I am a bit nervous so forgive the the my word play a few times lol. So since this is my first please tell me the positives and all the negatives about the video. Give a like, subscribe, and if you are in the area please check out her business. Starting any business from home or in a building the key is start with a plan and stick to it.
Starting your own business has its advantages, rewards and also loses but it's the journey and adventure that makes it worthwhile and all the people you help along your path. Building with skilled people will make the journey easier and faster and that’s exactly what Ms Ayako Tamaki did.
I Met Ms. Tamaki at Okinawa chamber of commerce event and hit it off. Meet here I met other local business owners and in the future will be posting more interviews with many different kinds of businesses.
So If you want to learn more on how to start a beauty salon this is the video for you. She goes over how she started her beauty salon, some of her biggest hurdles or problems she has dealt with, how she manages her time and didn’t make excuses just actions, how family and friends help out in the beginning to present day, how she is planning her expansion and doing business overseas in america.
Ms. Ayako Tamaki has owned her beauty salon for now over 4 years and has been amazing adventure. She has a huge passion for beauty and for hair. She has a wonderful team full of energy and ready to help clients look their best. Please check her social media below there are many examples of hair being down on many different people.
While I was there I met one of amazing clients and she was doing her hair for the prom, which you will see in the video near the 5 minute area. Her hair look absolutely amazing!
She is in Okinawa Japan and is in Chatan here is the Google map location. This is very near American Village アメリカンビレッジ
Here is Ms Ayako Tamaki social medias
I will be doing more business interviews so please check out my website and YouTube channel for more.
#okinawa #beautysalon #money #business #startingabusiness #hairsalonbusiness
#ビジネス #美しさ 面接 (めんせつ) 沖縄
日本 ビューティーサロン
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