Die gedanken sind frei

in #janesondergrond2 years ago (edited)

We dont wanna add or compete but we saw some real cool gems so far on #lovebyte stream and you know how that goes - it itches somewhere

So let us remind you we are not pros, devs, artists, coders or any -isms in the world. We dont do this on the regular and compiled basic is probably even less suited due to its lengthy syntax. But we see they can use nano stuff with special gfx commands so we assume its not a sin ... not that the intention was to create something that abides by the rules of lovebyte just something in 64b which is 128b now b/c 64 basically doesnt fit any graphical command very well so far


For the sake of experiment and passtime - limited to scripting language


new project

// Project: bitesized 
// Created: 2023-02-12

// show all errors

// set window properties
SetWindowTitle( "bitesized" )
SetWindowSize( 1024, 768, 0 )
SetWindowAllowResize( 1 ) // allow the user to resize the window

// set display properties
SetVirtualResolution( 1024, 768 ) // doesn't have to match the window
SetOrientationAllowed( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) // allow both portrait and landscape on mobile devices
SetSyncRate( 30, 0 ) // 30fps instead of 60 to save battery
SetScissor( 0,0,0,0 ) // use the maximum available screen space, no black borders
UseNewDefaultFonts( 1 ) // since version 2.0.22 we can use nicer default fonts


    Print( ScreenFPS() )

$ wc -c main.agc
696 main.agc

"something" on screen


    Print( ScreenFPS() )

$ wc -c main.agc
50 main.agc


bare minimum


$ wc -c main.agc
15 main.agc
(ofcourse this is just a black screen)

breaker int

inc i

$ wc -c main.agc
34 main.agc
this will eventually crash after reaching the upper limit ofcourse

the standard fps without setting is 30 with this kit, standard resolution is 1024x768 so none of the usual initations can be used clearly and to print the var it needs initializing, it seems the standard "VirtualResolution" is 100x100 btw so coords used will adjust relative (1024/x,768/y), anything over 100 will be out of screenbounds

for i=1 to 37

$ wc -c main.agc
44 main.agc
less bad than python but you need one byte per delimiter (endline/newline) and some commands require whitespace, if you type


you get error "1t" syntax and "to37" syntax after ("unexpected token") - assembler has no newlines ofcourse



$ wc -c main.agc
61 main.agc

certainly something you wont be doing in asm in 61bytes like that on a c64 (setting up the bitmap memory and pointers probably already takes 32 bytes or more) but no idea on a tic-80 or pico-8 or similar. Looking at "nanojam" we'll assume they have lvl commands too which enable you to do more shiney (assuming what counts is the sourcecode, not the size of the executable)

If anyone feels the need to send us a key for one of these fantasy consoles, by all means dont be shy, we certainly would check it out but as is we have plenty of #stuff already and can keep busy until armageddon if need be

seeing as they use that nano thing (first time i see that one) it must be allowed by their rules and the sourcecode #bytes count , that thing doesnt seem to need whitespaces and stuff a bit like bash (thats a big saver in 128b or less)



$ wc -c main.agc
128 main.agc

if the nano can do it then agk counts i guess - not that we have anything o prove here tussen de soep en de petatten ... seems like an enjoyable hobby to have which promotes mental stability by creating focus while preventing excessive brainrot from sitting in enemy territory with triffid infested zombies on all sides

We might explore it a little further but ofc .. 128b in compiled basic doesnt leave much, especially with the whitespaces,newlines and REALLY long commands syntax

that said ...

WE SEEN SOME AWESOME STUFF SO FAR (and also a few that makes us think our attempt 1st1 isnt the worst in the world today :) but what matters is you wanted to do it and you did, for no good reason other than the fact that you felt like it (ofcourse, different norms might apply to different mutants - we know for a fact they do to humans)

well it took about .... the original file sits a 1:26am and the time was 2:23 running up and down the stairs letting the cat in and out, getting coffee and what not, its not like this is rocket science off the top of a hat but as you see

you can #dostuff (i mean if a broke bum with not even a hischool degree can do it ...)

but you dont have to ofcourse, you are free to let chatGPT be your brain

we probably explore this a little deeper, see if we can get anything "moving" in 64b and what we can do by using basic draw commands and math in 128b but definitely no releases (its probably too late this year anyway)

SO if you wanna send us a key for any of those TICs or Picos or Nanos

please do, we'll definitely check it but we got enough #stuff atm , and not enough money to buy stuff to put on a shelf and gather dust


you know if you're a spelling or gremmar nazi, you debate semantics or you wanna have a set way of how its done, these things are probably not your thing

its actually more about going AWAY FROM how its done in order to get it done

actually after a fashion

very nice

thats 128b

256b of php (scripted but compiled) source looks a little like this

echo file_get_contents('i.php');$a= 0;$b= 0x111111;for ($x=0;$x<15;$x++){echo '<div style="background:'.sprintf("#%06x", $a).'">_</div>';$a+=$b;}for ($x=15;$x>0;$x--){echo '<div style="background:'.sprintf("#%06x", $a).'">_</div>';$a-=$b;}

much more readable :)

wc-c here is exactly 256 but php doesnt have "createparticles" ofcourse ...

send us all your hardware

send us all your fantasy console keys

and make demos

we heart demos ... so we gonna check the stream a bit more and lay back - i mean

life is going nowhere

and we are in no hurry to get there

hmm, a bit of a riddle to us why bamber (gamecreators) or even the Gabe of Gabes, lord of sales, doesnt do a yearly compo (with limits to the rules ofc) ... for AGK-demos (on a set hw system or categories) and for the steam deck - me thinks code-junkies would flock to it like they flock to any party or event in reach and what more promotion do you want, you just put on the banner "no Crotter, including but not exclusive to miCrotter, youBLE and amazos representatives will be on the dancefloor scouting"

... conundrum really

5am , starting to decay again, sadly just when the stream starts talking and they show some tic- code

... for a first night try we feel neither a bit rubbish nor yet slightly not meh

inc t
if t>360

the newlines eat bytes ... we replaced a=makecolor(r,g,b) with the real numbers : -1 to -(2^24) for shorthand but modding the prog to have shorthands that arent standard in it isnt allowed in our little personal dimension here (just as it wont be in php2css and you cant use javascript either there but thats another dimension again). Otherwise it could do in some more less with aliases like drawellipse to d(x,x,x,x,x,x,) and random to r() but syntax wont allow so

this is

wc-c : 128b exact , not even room for a dec r to make it a spiral , the thing here too is that sync() clears the framebuffer so for snazzy it might be better to calc outside and do one sync at the end to get a 128b still

OMOSHIROI! very glad we found on pouet this was happening and we cared to check it, and we seen some great stuff already

thats the scene for ya

if you set out "IM GONNA BE FAIRLIGHT BY NEXT YEAR" ... you might get frustrated

if you set out "I LOVE THIS SHIT"

you probably gonna like it

like we are actually just looking for a backpat by us to us where we think to ourselves "hm that's slightly not meh" (jeff minter speech)

but that doesnt go for everyone

SO, ... we assume you prefer end of the world and conspiracies but whatevers coming is coming

and this is #ourstuff, our footy

we had your sisters panties too - and a beer or two in previous lives thats okay

if we dont get the money to get out to mars or the other side of the planet, we'll just rot here and do #ourstuff

there seem to be plenty of demoparties coming

and we REALLY want something that feels slightly not meh in 128b AGK

(we checked 3dparticles but thats definitely 256 or more like 512b if not 1k territory)

maybe we find a key for one of dem fantasy things somewhere but actually just some lightweight afternoon tea coding and the usual php can keep it still

so, guess we'll have to check the stream tomorrow or the body wont hold

too bad, but it was really interesting to try

no you cant, in php you could a=b=c=50

here you have to
thats just how the thing rolls

every machine is a new adventure too

that tic thing certainly looks interesting but in 128b ... not sure , we'll see the winners :D

actually the random is a quantum off too bc the standard random command doesnt do negative numbers you need randomsign for that (which is x bytes more just to type the command lol)

as we says : OMOSHIROI !!!!! definitely


okay please dont tell us how to

basic is a language too and that tic really doesnt look too different from basic unless it was something else, we are not looking for judgment, besides if you restrict us to YOUR standards while we're not playing ... shouldnt you be coding something instead

... thats the only problem sometimes, puritan semantic gremmar nazis

find them less in the scene , more in stack overlords but a lot of ppl still hang up on strict rulesets

i guess JoG is purely wild

as Crazy Jane would be

o yasumi

if you have the cartilege of a 70yo in your neck at the ago of half and you go past that age

let me know how it feels :)

(ofcourse thats all an excuse just to be lazy b/c we LOVE sitting here stuck in a hole with holes in a short becoming a hole ourselves slowly sinking from ctulhus tentacles deep into the swamp of mordor , thats a given !)


our entry for the 1k heh


tho we seen plenty somehow lately 1k 2k intros on airwolfs youtube c64! channel (then again, we once more dont feel a bit rubbish comparing ourselves to peopl who been basically at it weekly for almost 30 years most of them , some probably more all the way to 40) since we had a hiatus but see

we also dont like explaining ourselves, like a joke, it takes the lul out of it

titled 1st1k

the first intro to be completed after picking it up after 30 years

exactly 1024b accodring to windows (sadly cbmprg requires tinkering and we dont feel like debugging other folks stuff just to do some lightweight afternoon tea coding)

sid included , colors from c64 cycled included ... nothing packed, no scrolltexts , exactly 1024 bytes there

b/c we wanted to

back then, nothing to prove there's actually a demo hanging to learn how to use the sprites where its the point to do a scroller IN sprites without multiplexing so far but OOH STRINGY LOOK OVERTHERE

which is just to get it down so we could get to the middlersted game

b/c that would need more than your avg 4 colors per 64 pixels et al

while it wouldnt need fast scrolling and a tracker tune has been ages and goattracker is nice and



looking at it now i start to wonder if syntax error can strip 128 opcodes (and a colorhash) out of it that moves and is shiney

that depends on how the body feels tomorrow

time for 2 nd cycle then, thank you lovebyte , GUD STUFF !!!!!

no idea, we dont remember any code by heart and the ondergrond here syntax is a waste of brainspace anyway - its on a need to need basis

seeing as it has a smell petsci logo, a sid chip setup and a rasterbar-borderless irq bit with 3 or 4 12 letter text strings

SOMETHING under 1024b can be stripped out of it

but ofcourse we have nothing to prove, maybe later - no one of the lines has a different inside than outside color (to show its an irq barred there not just a char altered)

not that it matters

but it sure made the weekend quiet in thirdspace

pavlov gnome has a hard time getting through when theres a little focus inside

and the ones living down below the basement dont scream up constantly

its better like this

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