What is electromagnetic compatibility?
Today we would like to explain what electromagnetic compatibility, internationally known by the acronym EMC, is.
This phenomenon refers to the ability of an electrical equipment to function correctly without causing electromagnetic interference or disturbances to other equipment, in the same way that it will also have the ability to not suffer alterations in its operation by emissions that may reach it from other equipment that are in the same energy field.
It is evident that any device, equipment or system that has an electrical operation is immersed in an environment of electromagnetic energy that propagates both through free space (radiated) and through the conductive materials of the objects in its path (guided). For equipment to be electromagnetically compatible with other equipment, it is necessary to know the limits of this radiated and guided electromagnetic energy, and then comply with the three principles on which electromagnetic compatibility is based:
- That the equipment does not cause interference to other equipment.
- That the equipment is not susceptible to emissions from other equipment.
- That the equipment does not cause interference to itself.
To ensure that the three above-mentioned assumptions are met and that the equipment avoids its own and/or other people's interference, different techniques are used such as filtering, shielding or the appropriate distribution of the components that make up an electrical equipment. It is also important for electrical equipment to have a robust operating system that makes it "immune" to emissions from other equipment.
In this sense, radio communication systems are the most sensitive of all when operating in a natural or man-made electromagnetic environment. Surely on more than one occasion, while listening to the radio, you have noticed how its emissions suffered interference, for example, from a phone call received by a nearby device. Well, all this is due to the fact that this type of electrical systems have a high sensitivity to other electromagnetic emissions.
Where is this phenomenon used?
Signal jammer is a common name for a device which, when turned on, generates radio interference at a certain frequency and depending on the power of the device at a certain distance around the device. Generated interference does not affect all devices in a row, but works in a strictly defined range in which only the frequencies for which it is designed fall. Buy wifi jammer in jammer-store.com
Blocking can not be selective, if you include, for example, suppression wi fi it will stop working for all who are within the radius of the jammer without exception, so it is necessary to pay attention, because by your actions you can hurt others or create a conflict situation.
According to the purpose suppressors can work only on one frequency or such that are programmed for several bands from three to twenty, which you can control in manual mode, independently including and disabling the unnecessary.
In more powerful models you can adjust the radius of action yourself, but here you should take into account the nuance that when you increase the power to suppress one channel, it becomes a little less in other channels.