VA kills vetrans

in #jamesart638 years ago

know what the VA has done to me an my family !!! they cut my va penison check from 1.444.00$ down to 270.00$ an left me in great hardship with no way to pay my bills or my rent !!! plus the VA said i was over paid for 5years an that i owed them 80.000.00$$$ now how on earth can i ever pay this ammount with no income ?? you see im a disabled vetran an the money they did pay to me went to bills an liveing expenses , nothing went into saveings !!! even debt mantagement set up a payment plan an they reniged on that too takeing all the funds i had comming !!! they let this go on for years knowing i had no way to pay any of this debt back !!! its there error not mine i never set out to fraud the VA or misselead them !!they did this too me a disabled vetran on 20% rateing who on earth can strighten this mess out ??? MR president Obama appointed the person in charge of the VA an he can make this right if he wanted too !!but who am i too him a zero !! just another vetran who is in great hardship !!! you sir can help but wont !!! obama !!! Va hurts many vetrans not helping us at all !!so many are in hardship an faceing evictions an on the streets with nothing !!! this has to stop !!! we fought an supported our contry !!! even died for this God forsaken land of the free !!to be treated like this is shamefull !!an a discrace !!!some help they give at the VA !!!Help us vetrans not hurt us


Veterans were tricked into sacrificing for the corporation that is the government. The system is set up and designed to use us all, veterans and civilians. We need to stop cooperating with the banks, military industrial complex and global elite who profit from the sacrifices and mistakes of the average person throughout the world.

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