Haile Selassie I.

Hello friends of reggae, from Jamaica, the main objective of this platform @reggaesteem is to write and publish everything concerning this musical trend the "REGGAE", about their culture, origins, singers, and more.
It's here as part of the culture and history you have to know a lot, that's why I found this name HAILE SELASSIE, you may wonder what this name has to do with reggae. If you keep reading you will know.
Haile Selassie I. Born as Tafari Makonnen, in Ejersa Goro, Ethiopia, on July 23, 1892, died in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on August 27, 1975)
In 1931 he ascended to the throne as Emperor, he was the last monarch to occupy the imperial throne of Ethiopia, in Ethiopia, let us remember that this country is in the African continent, that many of them emigrated to Jamaica.
In Ethiopia, in their language "RAS", means "PRINCE", that when put together with his own name, which is Tafari Makonnen, they take the "TAFARI", gives rise to the name "RASTAFARI" and talk about Rastafari, is to talk about Reggae, are very close to both terms, this is the relationship of Haile Selassie I, with my post.
It happened then that the Rastafari movement believes in Selassie as a Black Messiah, a Christ who came in his role as King and who according to the biblical interpretation, is the representative of God on Earth.
This movement came and spread, mainly in Jamaica since 1930 and then to other countries around the world since 1960, mainly due to the success of the Jamaican considered the most successful singer of reggae who even after his death is still Bob Marley, a Rastafarian singer.
They look because sometimes we must know well the origins of things, because everything has an origin and history, it is good to know, share what we learn, maybe many if they knew it, but there may be many more that do not. This is like a summary of history. If you feel what you call curiosity you can search and know more on the Internet.
To summarize Reggae and Rastafari had two great characters or important figures the Emperor Haile Selassie I and the King of Raggae Bob Marley.
JAH RASTAFARI. Nice summary of the history. Well Africans went to Jamaica but mainly as slaves taken there. I’ll have to research about the Ethiopians going to Jamaica , though come to think of it many Jamaicans have that Ethiopian facial characteristics.
If the story is very long, I just wanted to show the relationship between Rastafarians and reggae, if there were not many immigrants, they also came as slaves like most Africans when they were taken from their lands.
Rastafarianism is a fascinating religion. I don't think many Ethiopians immigrated to Jamaica, a few Rastas went there to help in a war with Italy, lived there for a while, then returned to Jamaica. It doesn't make sense that people would leave Ethiopia for Jamaica. Why not go to Western Europe or America?
Yes, as well as fascinating, it is also different and its ideology is very much respected.
Yes, not everyone has emigrated, but I say because wars, if they are actions that bring more pain, now emigrate to support a war that is not theirs.
In the end, these are things that only they will know.