A comment I posted on Jack Kruse's blog, relating to my Winter Metabolism Hypothesis

in #jackkruse8 years ago

[I posted this at https://www.jackkruse.com/brain-gut-6-epi-paleo-rx though it awaits moderation, I want to share it anyway to my fellow, honorable and intelligent steemians]

Jack, I have a question, specifically about my current condition. The fantastic information you have presented in your blog has helped me a lot deal with the condition, and even avoid a drug treatment for the most part, save for some valerian root.

I ceased drinking alcohol, after most of 20 years, save for a year in prison, The detox in prison took place in a hospital, and the foods I was given were very simple and not the solanacea/allium/bread that was when I got moved out of the hospital after they took no account of my sensitivity to light in stopping my sleep.

After close monitoring of my symptoms in response to foods, I determined that not only was carbohydrates, including starch, triggers of the onset of the delerium tremens symptoms, but also, proteins. The symptoms of alcohol withdrawal are strikingly similar to the effects of methamphetamine, even the hyperthermic delerium, the role of glucose in the high (which now to me seems like a sickness).

You of course are aware of the fact that the liver can convert – indeed, must convert, the excess amino acids into glucose. Thus, especially with fish, and my current metabolic dysregulation. So I am inclined to suggest to you that in fact marine foods may not be 100% good, if they are not very high fat, like cod, snapper, and hake.

In my quest to avoid seeing ‘good doctors’ and take medications and pay money for their ‘knowledge’, and pay drug companies for their poisons, when mine is already superior to theirs, thanks to you, and a simple root suffices when one accounts for the influence on sugar with glutamate levels and delerium (I am not sure what the neurochemical basis of this is, except I would hazard the guess that it is anoxia), I have had thtis opportunity to study a deeply dysregulated metabolic system, from the subjective standpoint.

I had to do this when I was in prison for that year, when I started to develop chronic allergic asthma, which extensive challenges with singular food items, eventually determined that, in order of approximate speed of onset and intensity of symptoms, Brown Rice, Wheat, Dairy, Solanacae, Allium, and Melon fruits, so it was natural for me to start to recognise the causal chain between what I ate, and how I felt.

I am, in fact, at this very moment, testing further on lightly cooked egg yolk, heavily fried mushrooms. I know, not exactly totally isolation test, but I did already test egg yolk, and at first it was beneficial, similar to salmon, but then the symptoms started up. Obviously I am very hungry, but if the food makes me ill so quickly and obviously, I have to be very careful.

A salad with coconut oil and ghee, a lot of lettuce, 3 fried yolks, just fried enough to fully set, at low temperature, heavily fried mushrooms, and Gerand Sea Salt, with a splash of vinegar, is this afternoon’s experiment.

[edit: this has not increased the symptoms at all, in fact it may have diminished it, although I did need to spray myself down with cold water to reduce the hot-head feeling that I figure must be glutamate overactivity]

Also, I think it is pertinent to mention, that for alcohol withdrawal treatment, low light levels are also helpful, in diminishing the inability to sleep. In fact, after I blocked out the light, and even when sitting in front of a computer monitor with the brightness turned down to as low as possible without becoming illegible, Since low light levels help, I am thinking that there is a light trigger involved in the glutamate, and indeed, I think I am confirming that now, as the hot-head/headache effect is rising the longer I am in high light conditions.

As an aside, I wanted to point out something to you, related to your evolutionary biology hypothesis. As you know, the human body clearly has two distinct metabolic modes, which I am calling ‘Summer’ and ‘Winter’, for obvious reasons.

Summer means strong light, high temperatures, readily available sugar laden foods, most notably fruit, and in general, a much lower need for energy from food.

[edit: also, in my new apartment, initially I have been subjected to direct sunlight for as long as 5 hours a day, and very high temperatures. This may have contributed to the acceleration of the many symptoms of my illness slowly exacerbating, the asthma]

Winter means dim light, frequent cloud cover, cold, very little anything containing carbohydrates except root vegetables, long periods of time indoors, even, out of reception of the Schumann resonance, and the primary sources of food are the few winter adapted animals that do not hibernate, such as Deer, rabbits, most birds (think about that one for a minute!), sheep, and obviously, lots of fish. [edit: namely, the species that live in cold waters, such as Cod and Hake, and so on]

I also want to then mention that you talk about this metabolic state, and extensively refer to it as a fairly broad panacea, and I believe you are right, for most of modern diseases. They are not modern diseases, they are diseases of the endless Summer. Strongly heated houses, electric light, high EMF, in general (though naturally, this cannot happen so much, there is night and day, winter and summer). [edit: So not only has winter been erased, so has night]

However, for the humans that live in the tropics, it is pretty close to being an endless summer [edit: except with nighttime]. How have these equator dwellers adapted? Dark skin, dark irises, very, naturally strong metabolism (except for more than 2 or 3 generations living away from the equator, these equator people rarely are obese, and usually just are naturally fit and energetic [edit: , even if they don't intentionally exercise]).

So, where I am digging with this, to wind this up, is that if we are facing a cataclysm, and nuclear winter is far from off the table, a replication of the extinction event of the Dinosaurs, that perhaps you are missing some ingredients in your Rx.

Namely, diminished light exposure (does not need to be pitch dark) that EMF in Winter mode is not going to interfere with circadian clocks, as has been discovered with people living for long periods underground, we have an internal 25 hour clock, and this timing itself makes you wonder about when this non-external-reference dependent Summer metabolism developed, perhaps once the earth spun a little slower.

Furthermore, from my experiences with proteins, which are converted into sugars, I am unsure, what other way can the liver eliminate them other than converting to glucose? Perhaps made into uric acid instead? [Thus, high protein food should not be at the base of the pyramid, but high fat]

And one last thing. You talk a lot about non-photic life forms that depend on very harsh chemicals and solely infrared light. In the scenario of the dinosaur extinction, we would be talking about the equivalent of deep winter angle sunlight levels, which would mean very little photosynthesis, and without photosynthesis most grazing animals would die out very quickly. The sea, as well, would be very sparsely populated with blue green algae.

Therefore, the bottom of the food chain in the K-T extinction, would have to have been these extremophiles [edit: , to a large degree]. There must therefore also be a chain of probably currently rare species whose metabolism is incompatible with a warm, bright environment like today. This chain of life would reach up to the coastlines, where the mammals and later, in ice ages, humans would have migrated, to eat these fish. [edit: and maybe these are already part of the polar ocean foodchain, which would have expanded to cover most of the ocean]

There is more. Depending on the extreme of the cold, if the temperature remained, in such times, during the ‘summer’ around 10-12 degrees C, it would be sufficient to support the proliferation of fungi, who by no coincidence, would also have an ENORMOUS source of food in the form of [edit: mostly] dead forests, whose leaves no longer make [edit: much] sugars. So another food, and a reason to go to the ground and walk on two feet, would be to gather mushrooms, away from the ocean.

Therefore I suggest more amendments as well to your scheme. Mushrooms should be a high position. Cold conditioned vegetables like Brassicas survive in an Ice Age summer. The fish species that would have probably adapted to a diet of a mixture of the sparse algae and extremophiles predators, would have a very important feature: very high fat content, since this buffers against the cold. And I believe you may find it plausible that during the rapid ERV mutation process at the seaside, that humans may have mutated rapidly into cetaceans.

That in fact, you might be wrong on this being where our ancestors came from, but rather, that the cetaceans came from a common ancestor, and in fact *we* are adapted to living in cold forests and mountains, during such times that the primary food source would have been fungus and animals adapted to this source of food [edit: and low ground cold tolerant plants like brassicas, and cold climate nut trees], which does not extend very far. There would of course be no evidence for the bone collectors of any of this, since the ocean is full of electrons, has enormous latent heat capacity, and nothing would be possible to find down there anyway, except in the case of a massive seismic activity causing the fresh corpses to be covered in silt and mud and sand, and thus preserved as with bog mummies.

This fungus hypothesis also may link to Terence Mckenna’s assertion that psychedelic mushrooms may have been a conditioning factor in the emergence of large brains, and it is an interesting fact that most species of psilocybin fruit at a trigger temperature of 10 degrees, with frequent rain, and they grow on rotting wood, which would have been abundant in equatorial ice age ‘summer’, which was probably maxed out at approximately this temperature.

Since viruses do travel as an epidemic, the marine viruses could still have travelled rapidly towards the human population inland, in the half dead former tropical rainforests. And you are aware of the fact that there is fossilised trees in Antarctica?

Such a rapid movement of a landmass to the pole seems inconceivable to me. I think much more likely is a change in the tilt that provides for poles with warm enough conditions for a temperate rainforest such as I describe, and you assert is the original home of our ancient protohominid ancestors. [edit: a tighter tilt and slower rotation may explain a temperate polar climate, and the 25 hour internal clock, which replaced solar/Schumann clocks]

I hope I just dropped some idea-nukes on your head in this article, and same for everyone else.

I am testing the hypothesis soon, by altering my living environment so that I avoid sunlight, completely, only ever going out at sunset, sleeping completely according to my internal clock’s bedtime cycle (I suspect it is, as it is with babies, ! 5 hour cycles, and thus 5 sleeps and 5 wakes. to grow mushrooms in my darkened environment, preferably wood growers, and ideally, underground, and putting a simple heat exchanger to keep the fungus production chamber at the ideal 10 degrees, to take the cold conditioning to an extreme where I am able to sit in a dead cold bath for half an hour (no added ice, just cold bath).

If I have to go out in the light, completely cover my body and face, wear goggles, as though I was a vampire sneaking around in the daylight. And of course, lastly, to replace every LED illuminator in electronic devices, including displays, removing the blue LEDs and replacing them with red, or if tricolour, replacing with a bicolour red/green. The interior of my dwelling would thus only have these spectra, so that I do not activate the blue light receptors that I suspect are part of the Summer metabolic trigger.

Obviously I may need some type of income to achieve this, but you will have to agree with me, that this lifestyle would make me resistant to circadian disorder from EMF, also. So my lifestyle and income would necessarily come from computers.

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