Encouragement Articles (EA)
Complimenting Character.
Do your best to promote the light, towards what is right, what is tight, in the night, for the glory of the height. I've been making these playing cards, which I've called Encouragement Articles (EA), since like 2003, which was 15 years ago as it is 2018 right now (this year). I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. I've also been writing letters and full-page articles as well. Here are around one hundred cards I've made over the years for family, friends, staff, campers, associates, others. This is a little preview, a little window, into the kind of things I do, the kind of things I've written, drawn, created, designed, over the years. This is a small sample of the hundreds of EAs (in this post) that I've given out to people. These are the cards I have that I wasn't able to give out. I don't have pictures of the cards that I delivered out. But if you see any, you can publish them as well. Many years later, people have thanked me for them, which means that paying it forward is fundamental in life. It makes a difference.
2006 EA Cover
Featuring Chris Zuagg, Andy Pandy, Ric Garland, Harry Bollback, Joey Arnold

1990's | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1997 | 1998 | 2000 | 2001 | 2018
1992-07-06 - Monday
Tiffany Rochell Cumbo accepted Christ into her heart at a nightly 5-day Vacation Bible School (VBS) children camp event at my Community Baptist Church in Cornelius, Oregon (OR), which was about an hour east of my house in Forest Grove (FG). Somebody, maybe Rick or Katie, must have encouraged Tiff to hide in the back of my Dad's small red car. Maybe an orange car. Dad (Don Donnie Donald Melvin Rasp Arnold) drove us to VBS that Monday. We heard Tiff in the trunk. We let her out as soon as we got to the church. She stayed. During the lesson, the teacher shared the gospel to the group. Tiff accepted Jesus as her Savior to become a Christian. During the prayer time, she raised her hand & said her family may move again. She was sad about losing friends.

The back of the Salvation Acceptance Certificate
My AWANA Sparky Card
I memorized & recited Bible verses at these clubs as a kid
2003 Encouragement Articles (EA) 64 Cards Deck
Becky Westberry
Don Arnold
Basketball Bank Shooter
Eric Morse
Jenni & Rachel Gasser
Kacey Woodbridge
Katie Jean "Mars" Arnold
Bill Gasser
Rachel Gasser
Rich Libby Family
Sandy Maeshiro
Tiffany Cumbo
Tom Cameron
Tube Card
Keeps Cards On Fields Forever No Matter What
Bill Bailey
Betty Rainwater
Yu-Gi-Oh Blue Eyed White Dragon
Bumbaloe Trap Card
Direct Path
Esther Koelbl
Fire Card
Invisible Card
Jim Rainwater
Jose Lopez
2003 EA Red Edition
Bill Bailey
Da Crew Card
Lindsay Stone, Colby Caperon, Eric Koelbl, & Gary
Daniel Steele
Eric Morse
Jenni Gasser & Karen Koelbl
Matt Dooney
Megan Morse
Mighty Treo
Colby Caperon, Matt Dooney, Rachel Gasser
Sponge Bob's Dad
Resuffle Deck Card
Shiana Paradis
Switch Card
Ted Koelbl
Christina Stauber
Basketball Point Guard - Forest Grove High School (FGHS). I knew her when I was a manager, cameraman, assistant, ball boy, towel boy, with her team, during my Senior Year there at FGHS, 2003-2004.

Business Card Template
This was designed around 2005
2006 EA Snow Camp Edition
Alex Tomato
Ann Bishop
Briana Vanilla Charm Joy
Chad Patterson
I'm not a girl but I may be Indian, Native American
Ches Aladdin Tuna
Chet Bishop
Chris of Butter Jessica
Similar to Kyle & Nichola Gray
Cindy Cornbread
Cook Jim of Bob McFaddon
Like Glenn Slothower
Daycare Jen
Emily of Channie Garland
Flowing Duck James
Grace Duck Mayonaise
Guy Williams
Hannah Daisy Sunlight Princess
Jacob Wario
Jaime X Bald Charm
Jarrod Camper
Jarrod of Melanie
Jeremiah Snow Camp
Jim Microwave of Glenn Slothower
Joe Parks
Kyle Gray
Kyle Hat: Maybe Vanderzanden
Kyle Ryan Heart of Nichola Gray
Loreen Chlorine
Mike Laymoun
EA Quebec To-Do List
I made this list around March of 2006
Encouragement Articles (EA)
Published in November of 2018 | By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Rachel of Shawn Baker
Ray Pritchard
Ryan Cubs
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Cook Sarah
(RSS Feed | Live Bookmark)Timeline: Encouragement Articles (EA)
2003-04-XX - Began Making EA Cards - approximate dates
2006-01-XX - Made EA Cards During Snow Camp
2006-03-XX - Made EA Cards During & After Quebec
2018-11-06 - Tuesday 01:59 PM LMS | Encouragement Articles (EA)
Published at 08:25 PM Tuesday
Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk