2019-01-02steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago (edited)

Are there secret microphones on toasters? Is government injecting live Ebola into vaccines in America? Are white people getting murdered in their own homes in South Africa? Are leftists attempting to take out the Sheriffs in the United States? Are globalists prompting Americans to start a violent civil war in the USA in 2020 like never before? The answer is yes, Control Freak Lunatics are trying to do all of these things and more. Like that Star Wars Fish said in Return of the Jedi, "It's a Trap." The good news is that new patriots are growing wings daily. How is that possible? Easy. They drink gallons of these red pills. Somehow, the red pills allow for conservatives and classical liberals to manifest wings from their backs. We endorse non-violent offline activism. | Flag Dude 08 Rejects Astrological Time | Infowars Army 2019 year in review | I made an hour long Critical Minds Infocomms 2019 Review Reaction | Are you a Rick Grimes? We need more leaders in this world. Start where you are. But you don't have to be a big leader of the whole entire world to be valuable and vital. You have no idea how priceless you might be. I placed the fence boards under the music trailer. I finished sorting through some of these world coins that we have. Last Man Standing is interesting. I should binge watch through that show.

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2020-01-02 - Thursday

Created & Published Daily


By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.

Faith & Cent dot co

01:27 AM - Beta Cent Co

Yeah, faith plays a pivotal role in it all. There are so many mysteries out there. Thanks for your comment. Chilling wrote at 2019-12-28 - Saturday the following:

Life is about making a meaning out of all that surround us. I do worry about people's actions asking myself why not doing their responsibilities the other way round.

As I pause, I also got to realise culture is key in all our actions. They say culture is dynamic but most cultures are never changing irrespective of the threats they pose to our development agendas.

Coming to politics, the people in government are also of different cultural background with different risks when it comes to implementing government policies.

A community whose women carry loads through a long distance to the market to sell before the family can feed cannot make use even horses available and cheaper due to their culture.

Faith is something you can't take from man. This is embedded in the various religions and are respected and upholded by those individuals or groups. Christianity is one of such. Even though the preaching of the gospel multiply day by day, some answers to many questions remain mystery to some masses while others are just good to go. I think one of these grey areas is the relevance of Christmas and how it started. We heard, we read, and the only choice we have is to believe; faith.

This world is so beautiful but it revolves around a supreme being, God. The beauty is that, whether a Christian, Moslem, Buddhist, Pagan, etc, they all believe in God all mighty. The problem we have is wherether Christianity is more than a religion or not.

I love cartoons, especially the ones that keep me thinking I have a role to play in my destiny. We need to make some cash and merry with our hearts and also reach out to the needy.

I love your content, joeyarnoldvn


03:46 AM - A lustrum means a five year period.

Harvesting Stars

03:49 AM - Facebook

Scientists say they are seeing stars disappear now that they used to see 50 years ago in the sky. Some of them might be from our own galaxy. Some of them might be other galaxies. The theory is that they harvest stars in order to bend space and time, to create worm holes, in order to travel through space faster by bending the spoon as mentioned by the boy in the Matrix.

Flag Dude 08 Rejects Astrological Time

04:28 AM - Steemit

We were having a calendar debate. Now, I presented some arguments to support realigning decades. So, I want to briefly highlight some of those arguments from the previous articles that I wrote which highlighted them. I want to emphasize on how Flag Dude 08 ignored what I wrote. Long story short, we have battled each other on the Infocomms going back to 2018 as documented in Banning Oatmeal. So, I don't have time right now to get into all of it. For years now, I've been red pilling people. Now, sometimes, people get mad at me. So, they attack me. They lie about me. I've written about some of these things in the past. One of the guys that criticizes me was Flag Dude 08. So, really quickly, before I get into the timeline debate that we were having that he totally ignored, let me tell you who Flag Dude is. I'll begin by showing you some of what he or she or it has written about me for example, as follows:


Two Cents Crying

"And he’s made 2 cents whining." Said Flag Dude 08 concerning me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, at 03:35 PM, Monday, the 25th of February of 2019. And some people say things like that about me. Now, I must confess that I've came across as too aggressive in the past. I'm not perfect. I care about people. I talk about making government smaller. I talk about many different things. I try to keep an open mind. But optics are important. Like an actor, I've used my emotions in my attempts at persuading. For decades, I've been making videos and writing online. Sometimes, I may try too hard to get my points across. So, therefore, I come across as a cry baby or other things. Sometimes, Hillary Clinton comes to my house and calls me a racist. Now, if you don't know, that was a joke. Because she would probably just kill me. What I'm trying to say is that I'm human and I try my best to evolve. So, I'm changing. But I've been on the world wide web writing stuff since like 1998. Now, it is 2020, so that is 22 years of who knows what. I say that to say that I'm a work in progress. In life, you can regret things perhaps. I mostly regret when I fail to try. As long as I try my best, that is all I can do. I can talk all day about me. But more on some of those things later. Suffice to say that there is more to this Original Green Oatmeal from Oregon, born in 1985, than what meets the eye. You can't always judge an oatmeal by its water or a book by its cover haha. Now, back to the FlagDUDE08: I've included some links to where you can find him on the Internet. He might be some kind of web developer. He seems to like Star Trek. He likes casinos. I don't think I have seen his face. You can see my face. I'm not hiding. I'm not saying that he is hiding, but oh man, I think he is hiding. But I could be wrong. Of course, he can do what he wants to do. But he is kind of anonymous like Qanon Q. So, I'm not going to say that I know him well enough to know one way or another, like who he is and is not. I don't know. But I am a bit sad that he ignores what I write. I'm not saying he has to read what I write. But we were in a debate. And he didn't read my counter. That kind of defeats the purpose of a discussion. Here are some links of FD08 or FD as follows:

Flag Dude 08

USCHO | YouTube | Elf | Steemit | What Why How | Casino | Gotham | Fitness Digest | G | Gold Fire | Jeopardy | IWA | Tucker | Walmart | Duck Duck Go |Star Trek | Conspiracy Revelation | WTC | RU Clip | TV Brant | Sonic


Flag Dude wrote to me: "Joey, get over it. There's no reason to carry this across two channels. I've given what the technical definitions of centuries and decades are, in accordance with the presently accepted calendar of this age. Whether you agree with it or not, or if you want to give it some alternate name, is your prerogative. Let me know if you'd like to have a civil discussion without the ad hominem attacks. Until then, good day." He wrote that to me on the Infowars Discord at 04:22 PM yesterday, that is Wednesday Wed, the first of January of 2020, that is 2020-01-01. He was responding to what I was writing. Like I said already, we have been going back and forth with each other for like two years or so, since like 2018. So, I'm not going to tell you everything right now. This is a rough draft outline. This is a very small article post when compared to the whole story. So, let's cut to the chase. Not Chase The Patriot. You can watch his show. You should. But let's get down to what my counter was in the debate we were having. Now, for the record, I am not saying I am right. I was just sad that what I wrote was not even acknowledged. He could have said that he disagrees with these things that I brought up. He could have said that he disagreed with the people I brought up. He did not. Instead, he pretended as if I was mocking him. I was mocking his idea. Because it was not an argument. He was not really looking at what I wrote. He can disagree with what I wrote. But he didn't even read it. I like cardinal numbers. He didn't read my articles, my posts, where I talked about a few different things. So, let's get into the debate right now:


2020 Decade Debate

Is 2020 the first year of a new decade? If not, then why not call it the 21's? Why didn't we call the Roaring 1920's the Roaring 1921's? Why didn't we call the 90's the 91's if the decade begun in 1991 instead of 1990? Is 2020 the last year of the 2011's decade or the 2010's decade? Here are some of my questions that I have in regards to the debate and everything.


2021 is The Beginning

I wrote that Alex Jones is right that the next decade begins in 2021 according to the Gregorian Calendar. But astrological time and computer time reassigns 1 BC to be (virtually speaking) 0 AD in order to align each decade, century, and millennia, to end at the end of a nine year (9) like 2019 for example. The Holocene Calendar adds 10K to each year which then turns 2019 AD into 12019. I would favor for whatever calendar that allows for alignment to 0.

Main Points

I agree that the next decade begins in 2021 according to the Gregorian Calendar. But the problem is that there are other calendars out there like I said. In other words, if there was no zero in a calendar system, then there should have been one. If 2020 is not the beginning of the new decade, then it should be, even if it is not. Like I said for the record, yes, I know, it is not a new decade according to that one particular calendar system. But, see the problem is that that calendar sucks. It messes things up. Of course, that is how things are. But that does not make it right. it just makes things how they are. So, like I said already, there are other calendar systems ad what have you as mentioned already. Let me tell you what those things are again as follows:

2020 Decade Supporters

The following supports ending decades in years ending in a nine (9) digit:

  1. Oatmeal Joey Arnold
  2. Holocene Calendar
  3. Astronomical Time
  4. ISO 8601

Those Four

My argument is mainly on those four things above. I'm saying that it should be that way and that it is that way according to those four things above already. The Gregorian Calendar did not always existed. But it came. Likewise, things can change to allow for decades to begin on even numbers in stead of odd numbers like the number one. According to these other systems and calendars, they already do begin on a year ending in a zero. Things are already like that. So, that king was wrong. That calendar system was named after him. But you can't not have a year zero. That's wrong. Because that combines BC and AD. See, the first BC year has to share space with the first AD year. That is silly.


@Xero Chance#5995, do you miss the 1991's decade? Why don't they call the Roaring 20's the Roaring 21's? Are you enjoying the last year of the 2011's decade?

Decade Debate Links

Yahoo | Quora | 2020 | Reddit | Wikipedia | USA Today | Time And Date | Express | AZ | Year Zero

YouGov poll

A YouGov poll was conducted on December 2, 2019, asking 13,582 Americans whether the following decade would begin on New Year's Day 2020 or New Year's Day 2021. Results show that 64% of Americans answered the next decade will begin on January 1, 2020, and will end on December 31, 2029 (the cardinal range). 19% of the Americans surveyed replied they are unsure, while 17% answered the next decade will begin on January 1, 2021, and will end on December 31, 2030 (the ordinal range).


Long story short, in this unfinished rough draft article, let me warn you about watching videos about this debate. You can search on Google, Bing, AOL, MSN, Yahoo, Duck Duck Go, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and other search engine online, and you will generally see people say and write that there was no zero. But what they don't tell you is that there was also no Gregorian Calendar during 1 AD. That king was not even born in that year. It came later on. The truth is that we have had different calendars throughout time and even to this day. When I lived in Vietnam from 2012-2017, I saw that people were using solar and lunar calendars at the same time. Some people use the sun calendar. Some people use the moon calendar. Some people use the Jewish calendar. You can find a list of different calendars on Wikipedia. So, people are spreading fake news in that they don't tell their audience the whole story. They just say that, scientifically, there was no year zero. But that is not relevant. What is relevant is choosing a calendar. In other words, it is not a monopoly. But that is what they want us to think, that there was only one way of doing it. That is why I love the free market. There are different ways of doing things. You can align 1 BC with a virtual 0 AD or simply add a 0 AD to your calendar system or add ten thousand years to your calendar in order to get rid of AD and BC. We have many options here. Decades should end at the end of years ending with a nine. That is why cats have nine lives.

Crit1kal Mind

04:40 AM - Infowars Army 2019 year in review | FS

This video is really interesting. I'm still watching it. I'm still thinking about it.

Can I say everybody is kind of wrong? So, it is more a question of who was more wrong. It is possible that Owen Shroyer made choices that may have had larger consequences. So, blame can be placed on different people. Yes, the Infocomms could have been managed better, of course. It seems that they didn’t stick to one story. It appears, allegedly, like as if they were endorsing some elements of free speech on IWA. Well, I did meet Pastor Sam. I like Sam. But, this is a big complex thing. I could write a bunch of articles on all of these things. More on some of these things later. I’m still listening to this video. So, I’m trying to take it all in. I try to remain as open minded as possible. Rob Roy has a channel on Meme World Us and Oatmeal does not.

Computer Problem

05:51 AM - Discord

A guy bought a computer from like Ebay. He could not see the computer turn on. Here is what I told him. The monitor is in power saving mode because it is not getting a signal from your computer which means a problem with a cable and/or the computer itself and not the monitor, it seems.

11:58 AM - Dishes. Moved the fence board to under the music trailer in the big garage, inserted smaller boards to allow for air circulation for drying out the wood. We the wrong package from UPS. Well, the wrong light bulbs thanks to Home Depot I think. There is a chicken in the crock pot. Mopped the floor. Got the wood together. The smaller pieces under the patio cover. We are collecting metal as of yesterday. I filmed an hour long reaction video to the Mischief with Griff, the Critical Mind, the hour long 2019 Infocomms review video that I was watching in Discord, from YouTube, around 5 AM this morning. So the quick video I made was from the top of my head, filmed in the book shed. I talked about a few things. I did not say everything. More on some of those things later. I really want to say more on this. I'm eating potato yogurt soup and it is good. I eat nuts. I am drinking coffee. I'm watching the Geeks + Gamers video.

Geeks + Gamers

BOMBSHELL | Disney Sabotaged JJ Abrams\ Rise of Skywalker!

Computer Noises

04:21 PM - I asked Batman Chris UK if his computer was making normal computer noises when he turns it on. We were talking about this on Discord around 05:51 AM this morning. I was trying to help out on that computer problem. Somebody else talked about the keyboard problem Chris was having. But that doesn't explain why his computer was not broadcasting to the monitor or the television, assuming that the monitors was not receiving a signal.


05:05 PM - Steemit

The meaning to life includes to some extent the opportunity for individuals to make those type of choices, good or bad, right or wrong, and the ability to install an AI app for example might be more preferable over not having a choice in the matter when it comes to human egocentric tyranny.

On & Off

It depends on the AI. Like, if it is just an AI program, then you can turn that on and you can turn that off.


The problem is when technology has backdoors, remote access, spyware, etc, etc, etc. Hypothetical, technology is fine. But that is theoretical to a point. In real life, it is tricky, complex.

Drawing Lines

I would try not to draw a line. Well, a line is better than no line. But it is better to simply run away from tyranny, etc. The problem is that control freaks weaponize tech to get to us. But we have been countering with alternative tech as a reaction and as a way to compete with the globalists. It's important to try your best to trust tech developers, web developer, app developers, people who are trying their best to build hardware, software, etc, that compete against the ghetto social networks, the Chine Apple Phones, etc.


We cannot always trust each other for many reasons. We know that. But we can sometimes attempt to trust some people and some things at times when they earn that trust to an extent and for a while. It is also critical to remain optimistic and yet skeptical at the same time.

Shopping Too Much

05:10 PM - Steemit

Shopping is like gambling in that it is a risk. So, people should try not to spend more than they're willing to lose as it is all potentially an investment.

The Greatest Story Ever Told

05:14 PM - Steemit

Once upon a time, there was a man. He made mistakes. He did bad stuff. He ruined his relationship with his wife. It killed her. He became a dirty cop. His son found him and saved him. Then, he saved him. He picked up an old guy and tossed him in a big hole and then died. And then his son lived happily ever after for a few years until some bad stuff happened which led him to drinking blue milk on an island, the end.

One Word Comments

05:21 PM - Twitter

Sarah Ann Leahy wrote to me: "Imagine how successful you could be if you used the time spent on twitter (in which you usually do nothing but respond with one word) doing something a bit less passive and more productive? Methinks you could actually have an effect on your world. Good luck!" My response is that I do. I have a blog on Steemit. I make videos on YouTube. Etc, etc. So, I agree with you. I do agree with Sarah on that.


05:25 PM - Twitter

Sarah asked: "Navigating the idea of “growing up” is hard on its own. But how does an insanely smart, bookwormey, 12 year old young woman of color navigate this idea? Is it any different that what I remember when I was a pre-teen?"

The principles are the same. The hard part is getting the younger people to see your relevance.

The Decade Problem

05:49 PM - Steemit

I prefer astrological time which aligns a virtual 0 AD which does not exist in the Gregorian Calendar with 1 BC which is done in computer time and astrological time and there is another calendar system that adds 10K years to fix this decade problem. It is better to start a decade on the zero. By the way, Opa Tom Helus, 21 does not narrow it down any more than 20 does if you wanted to talk about the 1920's the year as opposed to the 1920's the decade. So, the 21 argument does not cut it. The Gregorian Calendar messed things up. There are ways to fix that problem. I do not endorse that error. I understand it but I do not like it. Well, hope you enjoy the last year of the 2011's, AKA the 2010's. I think it is strange that people can accept that 2020 is the last year of the 2010's decade haha. I reject the Gregorian Calendar to the extent it doesn't fix that Year Zero problem. Either add an Actual Year Zero, A Virtual Year Zero, or add ten thousand years to the current year to make it not 2020 but 12020. Those are three main options to fix the decade problem. And computer time and astrology time adds a virtual 0 AD year. I like that. Astrological time and computer time aligns 1 BC with a virtual 0 AD to fix this Decade Problem, Marilyn Mitchell, and that is what I align with, those two calendar systems.

Making The World Greener

05:53 PM - FS

@Vitt but if it makes the world greener, how can it be a poison?

Geeks + Gamers

BOMBSHELL | Disney Sabotaged JJ Abrams\ Rise of Skywalker!

The Grew Meme

On Geeks + Gamers, on that video, a hater told Jeremy to grew a brain. That spawn the grew meme. They fly now. They grew now. Merry Grewmas. It is like the waffle meme. The Grew Meme is like the Waffle Meme. I love it. I Grew it.

Rack Attack

06:33 PM - Infowars Army / Owen Shroyer / InfoComms Being Infiltrated by Flagging Brigades??

This video includes a pre-Infocomms insight. I need to investigate that.

Can we bring back Action Wars?

The 2019 Infocomms flagging mechanism was too akin to the Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc, complaint systems, for the most part, during the first six months of 2019 at least. There are different ways to manage forums. They could have done things differently. I could have helped them with that.

Mom was watching Last Man Standing. Tim Allen was acting like Alex Jones. He said men are wimps. They used to build buildings just to tear them. He set up a man with his daughter. He came and met the wrong daughter, the older single mother one. But that was ok. So, he went off with her. The other daughter was fixing a car tire. Funny. I should watch through this show. Ate some chicken. Was Mustafar the guy that voiced Darth Vader?

Steemit Groups

07:36 PM - Steemit

Because Beta Steemit is designed to only show some things it appears because it is kind of like Facebook Groups. It is supposed to keep things separate to some extent. So, my posts will show up on Beta Steemit. But the comments appear not to show up. I'm not completely sure how that works but I have heard a little bit about it.

Fractionalized Writing Joey

07:40 PM - Steemit

I don't know what that means. Do you mean that I summarize my thoughts? I have learned a lot in my life. I used to take writing classes. I've been writing for decades. I was born in 1985. Do you mean that I compartmentalize or that I juggle plates, topics, subjects, like Lionel Nation, or that I include links to my daily activity?


07:44 PM - Steemit

I agree, one needs as many hats as possible within the context of those type of situations, like when writing a book like you said.


The Alex Jones Show Thu 01/02/20 Full Show

Are there microphones in cheap devices like toasters as well?


08:04 PM - Steemit

I first saw the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Map in 2007 when I went to work at Camp Kuratli. I like that pyramid. It is a good way to look at the psychology of people. You kind of have to help people physically before you can help them locally, socially, culturally, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually.

Destiny of Women

08:10 PM - Steemit

The destiny of women is in their strength. Speaking of women, I mentioned the Pholosopher in Discord and James asked me about that gun video I shared in that Steemit Discord, the Steemit Terminal general chat. He said he doesn't like to talk about his 2A support on Discord. He draws a line. You draw an invisible line between what you think you should bring and not bring. That line is dangerous. Virginia. Something is happening in Virginia. They're trying to take away our guns. British were trying to take away our guns in Connecticut back in 1775, a year before 1776.

Rights & Ownership

08:48 PM - Telegram

But that depends on the ultimate source to all rights, first of all, as ownership is a right. I understand the differences and the alliance as well.


08:52 PM - Discord

Positivity must be aligned with engaging solutions over active, ongoing, accelerating threats, globally, socially, internally, psychologically, historically.

Action War

09:00 PM - YouTube

​RackAttackGamer, I know it is not a simple question. My question is also open ended for the world to ponder and consider taking action towards restarting.


Returning to Vietnam

09:17 PM - Facebook

Romelus Saladar posted a video of hot Vietnamese chick getting high and he wrote: "Joey Arnold Joseph Scott Rasp YOUR VIETNAM FRIENDS are asking WHEN ARE YOU COMING BACK !!!.... I know your LOVE VIETNAM STYLE !!!"

Rom, you should buy some Deep Fake Tech to get them to say my name in the edit. I won't know it is a fake video. I will hear chicks say my name. Immediately, my Johnson will lead to hop in an airplane and come right on over to find them.

Seinfeld Steemit

09:20 PM - Discord

My Steemit is Seinfeld. Seinfeld was a show about nothing. My blog is about nothing haha. I am tempted to open up my TV to look for hidden mics.

Secret Microphones

10:02 PM - Telegram

My question is, what if there are secret microphones around Satish Luintel and what if Satish does not even know where these microphones are hiding? What if he cannot see them and what if he does not know where they are?


11:19 PM - The War Room With Owen Shroyer Thu 01/02/20 1st Hour

They put live Ebola in the vaccines and then they give it to us. It is similar to how Nazis killed the Jews.

George Washington Socks

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


Can I say everybody is kind of wrong? So, it is more a question of who was more wrong.

That sounds "right".

"We need more leaders in this world. Start where you are. But you don't have to be a big leader of the whole entire world to be valuable and vital."

I can't agree with you more!

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