We were not here to code the hosts, the robots, but to decode the guests, the humans in the Westworld Matrix. Congratulation! You've won a free donut. However, by the time you get out of your house due to social distancing, I'm afraid somebody else will be eating it. Thank you so much. You're welcome.
Write on My Wall
Did you know that you can write anything you want on my Facebook. I double-dog dare you to put whatever you want on my wall. I promise I will not remove it. I will not delete it. Do you accept my challenge or are you chicken? You can post on my wall any time you want. Anything you want. Feel free to put ads and spam in my tea. That's my plea.
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2020-04-14 - Tuesday
Oatmeal Daily - 2020-04-14 - Tuesday
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN | Published in April of 2020
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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.
Value in Mirrors
And they reflect people as well. On top of that, a mirror is also an illustration that goes beyond that.
I understand that but I was specifically talking about their skills as fighters.
West World
2020-04-14 - Tuesday - 03:02 AM - 03:58 AM - Westworld 207
Are they going to kill Bernard?
Bernard clones or skeletons in the closet
Guests are the variables and the hosts are the controls
We were not here to code the hosts, the robots, but to decode the guests, the humans in the Westworld Matrix.
Ford hijacked Bernard's body, partly, to help guide.
Backups allow for the robots to die and come back, like a one up, an extra life. Reincarnation.
When you're in the darkness long enough, you begin to see.
Was that a dream inside Bernard?
Did it happen or not happen?
Did they die or not die?
Did some of those scenes already happen before or later or in which order or did some of them did not really happen?
2020-04-14 - Tuesday - 03:02 AM - 04:56 AM - Westworld 208
Clay Aiken Clint Eastwood is crawling on the ground.
The white face Indian had a wife.
Is Bernard based on Arnold?
The Indian was there to when they all died in that town? The Indian thought he was mad from the hot sun and yet it red pilled him. This world was not really mine and yet she was. This is the wrong world. He kidnaps his girl who forgot him. He takes off his makeup. She remembers him. Ake. The Indian tells the black daughter girl that he was trying to warn them and save them. Eastwood would kill her daughter again and again and the bond between mother and daughter is strong. You've been a flower growing in the darkness. The least I can do is give you some light. A bear. Ford talks to the Indian.
2020-04-14 - Tuesday - 04:59 AM - 05:54 AM - Westworld 209
Did Clay want control and immortality?
The Forge is like the Cradle except with the consciousness of the guests, the humans, as opposed to that of the robots. In the real world, they have things like this in the work.
What do you do in the park each year?
Why did Clay's wife kill herself?
Maeve is the favorite host of Ford.
Emily is the daughter of Clay.
He says he belongs to the fake matrix world to his dying wife.
Delores' BF shoots himself.
Sleep. 11:00 AM - Arose. Orange. Vitamin juice thing. Coffee.
Thug Goosh
Adam Schiff
Meetings not secret
You Can't Close America Rally on Saturday Pic
Sorting through music books for several hours.
Smoothy. Back to Alex Jones hosted by Owen Shroyer. We are all on trial as we are forced to stay at home while criminals run loose.
Facebook Admins
If I make you an admin, then it is no longer mine as you can delete me out of my groups if you wanted to and that goes for all of the many hundreds of admins, they all own the groups and can steal them from me. I gave the power to take the groups from me and to remove all connection to me from those groups if they wanted to.
If you speak out against five five, the seventh letter.......
Music Organizing
02:35 PM - 06:20 PM - Went back to music book sorting for several hours, part 2 for today and day 2. Started yesterday as I said already yesterday. Will try to finish sorting the twelve boxes tomorrow. Have you ever been to Seattle? Tomorrow would be a good day for that for you perhaps. Dishes. Hooked up the red fat to book shed hose. Hour or so nap. Back to Alex Jones. Soup dinner.
5G cars caught on fire.
World Class
06:54 PM - The Star Wars Phony: Dave Filoni - Submit to the High Council!
Gus plays 2 Star Wars characters? @WorldClassBullshitters
No. Maybe not.
Giancarlo Esposito
He played Gus on Breaking Bad. I thought he played a character in Star Wars: Rogue One. And now in Mandalorian as Moff Gideon. But maybe he was not in Rogue One.
Craig Mason
07:04 PM - Great Awakening: Blackout/Removal Of Patriots Coming?
AM talk radio cross with FM morning vibe
When there is flak, you're over the target.
Can you be my friend and write on my wall, please?
New Admin
08:00 PM - Việc làm parttime sinh viên was a 4K members Facebook group that I was in and I clicked and saw that I could make myself an admin. That means there was no admin. So, I am now taking over this group. This is my 126th group that I am running. I've ran over 200 groups on Facebook or at least over 126 and currently have counted 126 groups and 212 pages. Plus, dosenz of accounts. I've joined like 4,000 groups and have been leaving thousands of them over the years am now only in around 1.2K groups or less now.
Oatmeal Vietnam
08:34 PM
Turned that group in to Oatmeal Vietnam - Facebook Group
Bright Side
08:46 PM - 14 Challenging Riddles for the True Problem Solvers
Screen Rant
09:21 PM - All The Times Cartoons Predicted The Future | Compilation
Simpsons did predict Corona in that it talked about the planning that they did in deciding how to get the world to lock down.
Baked Blunts
Amazon is _______ books.
A. Buying
B. Burning
Did you know that I'm not on Facebook?
Hoax ______ the name of a documentary movie that Amazon is currently ________
A. are, buying
B. is, burning
Dear 400+ admins and mods, should we let non-English related stuff run wild in this group?
Congratulation! You've won a free donut. However, by the time you get out of your house due to social distancing, I'm afraid somebody else will be eating it. Thank you so much. You're welcome.
Write on My Wall
12:21 AM - Wednesday - Facebook
Did you know that you can write anything you want on my Facebook. I double-dog dare you to put whatever you want on my wall. I promise I will not remove it. I will not delete it. Do you accept my challenge or are you chicken? You can post on my wall any time you want. Anything you want. Feel free to put ads and spam in my tea. That's my plea.
West World
2020-04-14 - Tuesday - 03:02 AM - 03:58 AM - Westworld 207
2020-04-14 - Tuesday - 03:02 AM - 04:56 AM - Westworld 208
2020-04-14 - Tuesday - 04:59 AM - 05:54 AM - Westworld 209
Thug Goosh
Baked Blunts
Random Notes
Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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