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in #j5 years ago

People buy Trump Cereal and film themselves kicking it, throwing it. Kaitlin Bennett interviewed people that sold the cereal. The adults who spit on the gun girl are diagnosed with TDS, the Trump Derange Syndrome. There may be no cures for TDS. The Expanse. Killing Space Mulan. Red Letter Media: Best of the Worst. | Was Looking For Work | Trying to Fly With Hawks | Can you try to live at peace with people? You can write down your beef down somewhere for the record. But do you really have to bring it up too often? The answer should be to maximize potential within the people around you like cultivating gardens.

Was Looking For Work

03:18 PM - Steemit

I emailed myself and my brother the following email addresses of mine as I was trying to find work again. I was born in 1985 and I went off to college in 2004. In 2008, I got my first apartment and was working two jobs. In 2009, lost both jobs, one to a Mexican who took over my work shifts as a dishwasher at Kells Irish Restaurant in Portland, Oregon, and I also lost my other job as an after-school assistant at the Daniel Grout Elementary School in PDX. I'm not entirely clear to why I was fired apart from not being professional enough and fast enough and everything. I was an assistant youth pastor for Blake Webb, unofficially, 2009-2010. I worked at summer Bible camps mostly as a counselor and sometimes as kitchen & maintenance staff, 2004-2010. Was a Salvation Army Bell Ringer, 2007-2011, off and on around that time.


In 2012, the next year, I went to teach English in Vietnam for five years, 2012-2017. Long story short, I say all of that to say that I've experienced tough times. The moral of the story is to stay active and to try new things. Be as flexible when you can. Take opportunities as they come. Go with your gut to the extent your gut is right.

Trying to Fly With Hawks

11:06 PM - Steemit

I was on a mission trip in Hawaii, 2007-2008, with The Salvation Army's Revolution Hawaii. So, I was on a team of seven young adults between the ages of 18-30. So, early to mid twenties, I think, mostly. So, we were involved in different ministries, outreaches. Lincoln Hawk met me at a camp retreat called WYI in 2007. He encouraged me to apply for Revolution Hawaii. I ended up making the team that same year. On the phone, Lincoln would sometimes suggest that I consider moving to Long Beach, California, for the fall of 2008.

Long Beach

Lincoln said that his then wife helped in playing matchmaker in trying to hook me up with a date. Lincoln encouraged me to talk to a girl over the phone while I was in Hawaii. Long story short, I said a few things to her (Ugly Natalie Portman Video) eventually that led her to breaking up with me or so I was told. I generally mean well but, like Disney with Star Wars, I would mess things up upon delivery and everything. Again, long story in regards to that and Lincoln said he would try to help me find work in Long Beach, CA, USA. Now, Lincoln talked about that before I damaged my relationship with Jeannette or Jeanette Whitaker or something like that. Long story, again. More on some of these things later.

My Autobiography

1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
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2020-01-12 - Sunday

My Day in Review

Trump vs Pelosi EOIRtRvXkAQDCif.jpeg

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020

My rights are not predicated on whether someone feels offended.
Was Looking For Work

Contact Me

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See More

2011-02-16 - Wednesday - 08:19 PM - 16th of February of 2011 - Professional Resume Email Accounts Department Oatmeal Joey Arnold JSA Screenshot at 2020-01-12 14:29:26.png

Red Letter Media

01:20 AM - Best of the Worst: Wicked World

The Expanse

2020-01-12 - Sunday - 01:34 AM - 02:19 AM - The Expanse 208

Asian woman comforts an Asian father who lost his daughter. SHe wants him to go to Mars with her to start over. He is like a farmer scientist man. I think agriculture related. They threw her out in space.

Guy is mad because of socialism. So, he did something.

Naomi & Jim are the main stars.

Jim or James like in Star Trek.


Red Letter Media

08:08 AM - Best of the Worst: Wicked World


Making choices out of fear or desire.

Fear vs Desire


11:00 AM - 12:50 PM

Real Dollar vs Rothschild Dollar

Understanding the actual value of a gold-backed dollar is difficult as the Federal Reserve inflated the dollar. Now, of course some inflation happens to the extent of supply and demand. In other words, inflation and deflation happens theoretically within free markets. Now, we don't have absolute free market. Instead, we have cronyism, fascism, corporatism, plutocracy, etc, which was expanding, accelerating in the 1930's. Some of these things were happening before the 1930's but there was a uniquely larger spike in some of these things in the 1930's and since then, globally.

One of the problems that the dollar faces is not merely inflation but rather who decides when to inflate and when to inflate. In other words, a big problem is that of centralization and not because centralization has to be bad but that centralization has generally been bad as absolute power corrupts absolutely as seen with the desire to be the Lord of the Rings.

Sunday School Next Week

2020-01-19 - Sunday - 09:30 AM - 10:30 AM

In The Dust of the Rabbi

Book we are going through for Sunday School

Page 52
Session Two - When The Rabbi Says Go
Day One - How do you Follow God?

Matthew 6:7-13
Our Father who art in Heaven, hollow be thy name...

Zealots followed God and was founded in Gamla
They wanted God to come down and be King and kill the other kings and rulers. They wanted God to rule by force and right now and not wait.


Pharisees tried to apply God's Word to daily life, to everything. Some of them and some of that may or may not have been legalistic. It was a combination of good and bad things. One of the problems was in losing the idea of grace and fellowship. Trust the process as we talked about today, the twelve of January 2012, Sunday, during the sermon. Trust the process and be transformed by Christ. Grace is a starting point in that it gets you into salvation. We should not conflate that with fellowship which is all about becoming more like Christ. Salvation is one thing and fellowship is another thing that is built on top of grace, on top of fellowship. When I say fellowship, I'm talking about a growing discipleship and relationship in Christ that grows more and more.

Pharisees acted like police when they were questioning Jesus to trap him like a detective does when they are trying to pin a murder, a crime, to suspects and sometimes the suspects are innocent and yet what the suspects says in the interviews and interrogation is then used agains t them like I said yesterday on this blog. I shared a video on Saturday, the 11th of January of 2020 which talked about how we should talk to police or as little as possible as it is used against many people who rot in jail who were innocent and were falsely charged and the Pharisees were falsely trying charge Jesus politically and religiously. They were going to get Christ to say the wrong thing or anything that they could take to religious or political leaders in order to impeach remove Christ like people try to remove Christ and they eventually pinned Christ with saying He was the King of the Jews which they used to crucify Him which was exactly what Christ and God wanted and God knew they would and it was the plan meaning a win-win situation as even Satan wanted it as a way to defeat Christ as described in the Dogma movie in the idea that if God sins then everything ends or something. Satan wanted and still wants to end everything, life as you know it.

Sunday School Questions

Five main questions for next week:

  1. What kind of kingdom? Ex 8:19; 193-8
  2. Post-Egypt Reaction - Ex.14:29-15:18
  3. Bringing God's Kingdom to Earth - De.6:4-12
  4. Understanding Reference - De.6:4-5; Mk.12:28-34 | Revealing Power - Lk.11:20 | Acclamation - Mt.7:21-23 | Alligience - Mt.7:21
  5. Value of Obedience - Hebrews 11 -Hall of Faith Fame | Mt.21:28-32 | Kingdom of Heaven vs Kingdom of God = Heaven was a subsittution word for describing God as some people tried not to say the name of God and therefore would find other words like Father and other things. | Lord's Prayer - Mt.6:9-13; Lk.11:2-4 | Does doing God's Will bring God back to earth sooner or how do we bring God's Kingdom to earth sooner or at all?

Sunday School Notes

2020-01-12 - Sunday - 09:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Christ watched his disciples, some which were fishermen, fish. He was on a hill praising and praying to God while watching them fish. On the 4th night, Christ decided to walk by them on the water. Christ was going to walk right by them. Peter wanted to be like his Rabbi, Christ, his master, his Lord, so badly that he was willing to get out of his comfort zone to follow Christ in the water. Like Christ was going to walk on by and that was like Rabbi Humor. He lost faith in himself. Peter lost faith in Peter. Not just in Christ. Disney makes movies about believing in yourself and that is step two. The problem is that Disney skip step one and some churches can skip step two. You need to understand both and seek both but first step first.

Tax. Tribute.

Give to Caesar what is his.

Gove to God what is God.

Caesar said he was God.

Jesus was saying Caesar is not God.

That was a big thing to say.

Jim. Mark.

The Gideon's give out Bibles to people all around the world for over a century now.

Following the Rabbi like the younger guy follows the older guy in apprenticeships or seen with Mormons and Witnesses who travel like there is a flood where animals went two by two into the Ark. The younger learns from the older in how the older or elder interacts with good people and bad people along the road, strangers, enemies, etc.

Regions Beyond.

This church is a net.

Like fishing.

It has value.

But we also need other nets as well.

Make sure you go all the way under the water. LM.

Some try to do this.

Your whole body. Every hair.


Describing complete surrender, death, rebirth.

Jeremiah predicted that Christ would use fishermen to be fishers of men.

Poetic like George Lucas says because it rhymes haha.

The Fish Finder





Different Nets

Communication works best as the hen says.

Gideons print Bibles in China and then distribute them in China.

Afghanistan churches are currently the second most expansive as of like 2019 according to like a documentary but it is totally underground as it is forbidden and they pray and get to know each individual before talking about Christ with them and before inviting them to join churches that have to remain secret.

Causes vs Symptoms

Trust the Process

Engage in the Process

Life is that Process

Denarius of Tiberius

"The Worshipped Son of a Worshipped God"

2020-01-26 - Sunday
Session Two - When The Rabbi Says Go
Day One - Follow The Rabbi to be Like The Rabbi
Like Star Wars Jedi

Watch Mojo

02:00 PM - The Evolution of The Simpsons

SCG Youtube, Trump was talking about running in 2000 which is when that Simpsons episode aired meaning it was mostly a silly insult towards Trump, like a threat to tell people not to vote for Trump who will bankrupt America like FDR did in 1933

I love the Simpsons, even the newer seasons.

I binge-watched all the then seasons in 2017 and it only took about a month or so to do so.

UncountedWall 90's for me as i was born in 1985..... but it also kind of peaked in the 2000's in some ways but i still like it and it got better in some ways still depending on how you look at it


02:11 PM - YouTube

​A Damn Fiddle, RINOS are not conservatives.... the RINOS are leftists pretending to be REPUBLICANS in name only (RINO)

Was Looking For Work

03:18 PM - Steemit

2011 job hunt article.

Strange Oatmeal

03:35 PM - Steemit

Special. Me? Haha yes. Very special. Reminds me of the Grinch who stole Christmas. He was a strange one lol. The bigger cities in America, including places in California, tend to be more blue, meaning democrats, leftists, communists, etc. Of course, there are different kinds of Americans just like there are different kinds of Asians. But I'm just trying to make very broad generalizations to simplify these complex issues.

Garlic in Food

03:39 PM - Steemit

I love me anything with garlic in it. So, is it good? Hell yeah.

Mom said Gabe. I thought Sartori. Mom said Bush and I thought George. Fighting with Larry. No. Other people on television. A family in like the wilderness in Alaska or whatever. Funny.



Snow may come this week.

Seattle Sea Hawks football game today.

Good to drive home. Not too late. Not too early.

Soup and potatoes.


06:16 PM - The Alex Jones Show Sun 01/12/20 Full Show

Serving The Whole Church

07:39 PM -Others - Salvation Army Australia | Steemit

Danielle Strickland is right that The Salvation Army is everywhere. They're inspiring children to live for Christ. I've worked with The Salvation Army for years. Now, currently, I'm not working them right now. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold - Joeyarnoldvn - Ojawall - of 1985 Oregon.

I don't want to say I will never return to work at their camps again. I was in their Revolution Hawaii ministry for a year, 2007-2008. I was involved in their local church ministries as well in Oregon. I treasure the people. In honor of Blake Webb, I even became a soldier.

Long story short, I have a lot to say.

I share in what Danielle says in being led to serve the whole church or at least try different things. So, I've been involved with other camps, churches, etc. I'm currently undecided in some ways. I'm currently in a transition in my life. I was teaching English in Vietnam for five years, 2012-2017. I was a camp counselor for five additional years before that.

I say all of that to say that I've had my foot in the door of different churches, organizations, clubs, camps, etc. I've seen the best of both worlds. So, my allegiance is split in some ways. I have mixed feelings. I think a lot about doing the most good, pun intended. A heart to God and a hand to man is a great motto to live by. William Booth started an army of servants and life is for service indeed. So, I truly love Salvationists. I love what Amy Reardon does. I love what so many different people do. I don't have to get into all of it right now. Like I say all the time, all of this is a long story but I think

I know how Danielle Strickland feels and everything.

Because I think about maximizing my reach, my opportunities, my ability, my efficiency, effectiveness, in utilizing my gifts, talents, skills, in serving Christ, in helping people the best that I can. As the body of Christ, each one of us may have different roles like different body parts. So, if you are an ear, then what are you doing in the eye section? Danielle might be in the wrong section as well. Also, I might be in the wrong section as well.

I'm oversimplifying all of this. I say all of this to say that it is all complex and everything. But regardless of the details, all Christians are part of the family of God and it is very valuable and fundamental when we interact and communicate with each other and help each other out and talk about things.


When we talk about things.

It's amazing.

It's delicious like original green oatmeal.

Even when talking about things like this.

More on some of these things later.

Until next time.

Eat some oatmeal haha.

Overlord DVD

07:54 PM - The Inquisition! Star Trek Picard! Doctor Who!

Get REY-bies.



Trying to Fly With Hawks

11:06 PM - Steemit

Article on my 2008 rough draft resume.


11:47 PM - Steemit

Is it not too hot in Arizona when compared to the heat in New Mexico? I was living in Portland for almost four years, 2008-2011, but have never heard of Shanghai Tunnel or I forget. I think I've heard of Dantes. I did have some fun times still. I generally like large cities.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography

Friends from 2009-2011

Salvation Army Moore Street Related

Brian Orr

vietnam oatmeal joey arnold joeyarnold joeyarnoldvn shelton was usa oregon WA washington america vietnam ojawall morehead rasp pdx fgor97116 fgor163 my blog joseph scott donald marilyn mitchell cool kid
I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam

Click here to watch Alex Jones & Other Infowars Shows
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Three Year Old Oatmeal - Do Not Eat This

She Abandoned Her Son 38 Years Ago to Work in Bollywood. He’s Now Suing Her for Rs 1.5 Crore - News18

Coffee and Philosophy Ep. 95 Announcement and Details

I will not censor myself to appease, but will continue to speak freely and robustly about the importance of philosophy and property rights!

The real cause of the fires in Australia may not be what people think; with a lot of Arson started fires showing up!

Stoned Ape Theory: Could Magic Mushrooms Be Responsible For Human Evolution?

Shadow Commander

Queen AOC Puts The SMACK DOWN on Nancy Pelosi & Corporate Democrats! | Above It All #8

Cop Lies About Identity - VA Hospital Spokane - Beginning Of VA Arrest Follow Up Getting Names


This is extremely serious stuff people. We have to understand that little wolf girls are a dog whistle!

The Real 'Aid' is Criminal Not Humitarian

NATO Ambassadors Are Still in the Colonial Era

The British Constitution Deception - Part 2

Was Looking For Work

Trying to Fly With Hawks


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happy day yea and thanks

In regards to Edward Snowden, you can look at the specifics to debate the details or you can look at the bigger picture.

@merica#8334 I would love to know the ancient history to modern history chronology and timeline of Los Angeles in order to map out and figure out and archive what happened specifically. I should put that on my to-do list in order to better confirm or debunk alleged claims in regards to what may or may not be in the ground, underneath the depths of L.A., be it demonic, alien, military, other dimensions, and/or etc, which reminds me of the series finale of Buffy The Vampire Slayer which was all about a girl and her city just so happened to be on top of a gateway, like an underground volcano, tunnel, cave, or mouth, to Hell itself. I'm going to try to look up David Wilcock and some of the other things as well.

Elon Musk said that robots are taking over our jobs and that we will probably have universal basic income (UBI) which means authoritarianism under the guise of communism, socialism, neo-distributism, Obamaism, of sharing. Should we let the powers that be tell us how much money, how much income, we may or may not have or should we simply compete for them via free markets? Do you trust government to make these decisions on your behalf without falling to corruption excessively? If you are hesitant, then why not fight to limit the powers of governments, corporations, organizations, tech cartels, etc?

Blockchain is countering AI. Globalists encourages people to overshare personal information in order to use all of that against humanity. Now, some of what we share with the world can help.

What is critical is in regards to who has control over the information, the mechanisms, the infrastructure, the free market systems, educational libraries, archives, communication, governments, etc, etc; a war between centralization and decentralization.

Does sperm attract women? Can they smell it or something? I would imagine that when a man does not masturbate, he builds up the sperm, the semen, the swimmers, the seeds of mankind. Are women attracted to whichever men have more of that? So, the more a man masturbates, then the more soy boy and the more depleted the guy becomes perhaps. Like Pokemon but with Sperm, gotta catch them all. If any of this was even partly true or indirectly true to an extent, I would imagine that this kind of information would revolutionize manhood and families to restart civilization just as Stefan Molyneux demands that we do ASAP before it is too late.

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