It's ok to be white was trending on Twitter. I hopped on and started dancing like a white Vanilla Ice, too sexy for my shirt. It's ok to be a white cat. It's ok to be a white polar bear. But whites are a minority. Teachers tell children that white people are Hitler. So, we have been taught to demonize whitey. So, even white people are beating themselves up. But we should be focused on the content of one's character rather than the color of our skin. There is a war on black people and white people and different races. It's complex. It's a long story. But Christianity teaches people to love their neighbors and enemies. Western civilization produced America which went on to reduce slavery which continues to this day. America promoted equality and not diversity. But diversity is a trick. Diversity is a code word that globalists weaponized to trick us into seeing the world differently. Would you rather have racial diversity or intellectual diversity? I would prefer the latter. America has been a leader in innovating the world. Oatmeal-hating control freaks have been infiltrating America. People are feeding us lies about reality. It's important to get back to eternal principles that help us see character over color. | Weekly Photos | Mirror | 733 Photos | There are elements of democracy when we vote. But I agree with how mob-ruling democracy is dangerous. It has been dangerous. So, a republic is better. There may be some voting involved in a republic as well. So, it comes down to who gets to vote. It should be limited. I like propertarianism. Perhaps, only fathers who own land should be allowed to vote. Also, they should be voting for representatives who then go on to vote to turn bills into laws. Perhaps, some mothers should be allowed to vote as well. But beyond that, governments should be limited as much as possible, meaning we should always try to limit the laws, regulations, taxes, policies, organizations, the committees, the foreign wars, the waste of money in government, etc, etc.
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2019-12-30 - Monday
Created & Published Daily
@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN Facebook | Gab | Minds | Steemit | Twitter | YouTube | And More All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted. 09:46 PM - 01:40 AM - Sleep. About a week or more ago, started to sometimes hear a weird noise at night, especially the past three or so nights. It could be coming from the airport like around 4 AM. It almost like a computer noise. It could be from a car or from a power generator. I'm not sure what it is. I hope it is not coming from my head. 02:19 AM - Steemit | Telegram | Dissenter | Free Square | Minds | YouTube | Linkedin | Facebook | Discord | Gab | Twitter | Banned dot video Depends on what might mean when one says The Internet. Yes, we have ISP, GSP, DNS, etc. We have the backbone, the biggest highways of the Internet which may be owned by different companies and not owned by the UN. Some countries may only be connected to the Internet via just one cable line. Some of the lines might be fiber optics. On top of that, some people are building decentralized networks which attempts to compete against centralized systems. So, we live split between the different Internets. We should always try to invest in both worlds. We have IPFS, Bit Torrent, P2P, etc. Blockchain is competing against centralized systems. Internet 3.0 will therefore accelerate in the 2020's, this new decade, these next ten years, well, as long as people stay active. Because it's tough work. There is a Red Letter Media meme from a video where they say that they have to keep on smiling. They were pretending to love Disney's Star Wars. If they say bad things, their social credit score would drop. So, they showed their score improve as they complimented the Rise of Soy Walker or the Resurrection of the Old White Grandpa Dude. China has a credit score system that prevents many Chinese from boarding planes, trains, buses. Specifically, the UN is handing over AI systems to China. It's why Google, Facebook, etc, moved over to China. It's vital that people understand the problems with centralized systems that attempts regulate many different things globally, more and more each day. It's like rising water. We have to try to stop the rising water. We always have to try to drain the swamp, I mean the water haha. At the same time, we have to always move to higher ground (AKA alternative tech) to avoid drowning, and that is why we should always try to promote Naomi Brockwell and others who are pioneers, AKA ambassadors of the 2020's, this coming decade of the Rise of Sky Net haha, I mean Rise of Alternative Tech. But we live in Real Star Wars. This coming decade represents the Empire Strikes Back. So, you are Luke Skywalker. But watch out, Darth Vader is coming after you. Look for your Yoda and his Bacon Stick. Added people on Linkedin. I have like 6000 friends or whatever. I'm not sure if the 6K connections includes the 3K contacts or if it is really 9K plus several pages that I liked. 2019-12-30 - Monday - 04:07 AM - 04:58 AM - Ray Donovan 707 Flashbacks to when Ray was like ten years old. We see how Mick was set up and put int jail during a robbery of a bank vehicle gone wrong. The other guys got away and he gets thrown in prison. Well, eventually, Mick was in jail a different time for like 20 years. After that, he came out a different man. Also, the world was different when he got out. His daughter committed suicide. Her mother was dead. Ray hated Mick, his father. This whole show is mostly a Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker Star Wars dynamic gone raw and unfiltered. 05:00 AM - 10:10 AM - Sleep. Around one million kids are kidnapped each year in America. The official numbers are smaller than this. But off the record, officials have told Mrs. L about this, that the real numbers are much higher. Trafficking is a big problem. 11:07 AM - Eternal Truth, New Art - Answers News 12/30/2019 Relevance of Genesis is a room at the Creation Museum that looks like a reclaimed and recovered old 20th century apartment or some kind of building with bricks. It tells a story of a scientist with his journal entries and art on the wall to describe his struggle with the debate between evolution and creation. Genesis 1:1-2 may have said that the earth became formless, in the original language, to support the gap theory. @Yophi Smith, I would study the context, the meaning to the original words, as it describes creation in Exodus and other places as well. Yeah, that is what some say, that formless means chaos, etc. How long have people been experimenting with human animal hybrids? @Manibus Potens, naturally, a kind reproduces after its own kind. @R. Lara-Moore agreed. @Man0vtrvth, many scientists believe there was an original man, even if they do not call that original man Adam. Some say there are records that state the reign of these ancient kings lasting thousands of years each. One of them to have reign for like 36,000 years. God probably hates it when we mix the kinds. @Yophi Smith, I agree with the differences between evolution and mutation (micro-evolution). Ken Ham was my teacher at the New York Bible Institute around 2004-2006. @Steven Jefferies, if God has a design, and if you go against that design, that might be a problem. @Steven Jefferies, they cross breed animals and humans on a genetic level like they do with GMO food. They have pig people, etc. Did other planets have water? @Jimmy Dean, not your style. I like it. Alan T, yes but there is some truth behind it because birds are killed by windmills 11:40 AM - The Alex Jones Show Mon 12/30/19 1st Hour They are trying to obtain total control over what is allowed to be uploaded to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Deep Fake is running around. They make deep fake videos in order to confuse you so you will not know when the boy cries wolf. When you see children murdered, you will have a hard time knowing if it is real or not. There are real videos coming out. There is an acceleration of these videos that come out that are real. Globalists try their best to confuse people from knowing the differences between reality and virtuality. There are elements of democracy when we vote. But I agree with how mob-ruling democracy is dangerous. It has been dangerous. So, a republic is better. There may be some voting involved in a republic as well. So, it comes down to who gets to vote. It should be limited. I like propertarianism. Perhaps, only fathers who own land should be allowed to vote. Also, they should be voting for representatives who then go on to vote to turn bills into laws. Perhaps, some mothers should be allowed to vote as well. But beyond that, governments should be limited as much as possible, meaning we should always try to limit the laws, regulations, taxes, policies, organizations, the committees, the foreign wars, the waste of money in government, etc, etc. 90% of the waste dumped into the ocean comes from China. The 2020's will see a boom in this. We have Dtube, Dlive, Bitchute, Brighteon, and other video platforms that compete against YouTube. So, things will continue to accelerate, as long as people commit. 12:06 PM - Click here to see more | Facebook 90% of ocean waste comes from _______________ A. USA Let there be light. God is light. Sometimes, things can be upside down. Three eggs dancing. Instead of three blind mice. I enjoyed watching Pewdiepie. It is good to exercise your arms. Hold something up for a while in your arms. Are they trying to move the head of America to Denver, Colorado? Ae they trying to clear out the patriots in that state? What are lawmakers doing? Will the different states of the USA base their decision making process off what is happening in Virginia and even in New Zealand? The beauty and the beta talked about New Zealand yesterday. They say 5% of those people donated their guns to government. But that is assuming government even knows what the real numbers are. Greta is used to attack freedom. Other countries are doing whatever they want. America is cleaner than other countries. How dare you. Photosensitive, the light thing was. Two cover things. One is transparent. One is black. It was in the bag. Stuff came in the mail. It was fast or others were slow. Good to be effective, efficient. Good to get stuff for Christmas. Good powder stuff to put in water and stir. Like energy powder. I was reading the ingredients. Try your best to remember where things go. You can fit in sometimes. Pick your battles. Don't use too much soap. Things are better understood in context. I was watching Answers in Genesis this morning. Ken Ham was my teacher at WOLBI NY 04-06. He interviewed guys. I debated over the gap theory in the chat there. Most people prefer _________ To vlog more. stupid trump not stopping tech cartels hahahahahaaa i hate trump for not stopping bad vaccines i hate trump for not stopping evil 5G I should try that in front of a mirror while saying Bloody Mary at the same time. 02:18 PM - Twitter Trending Hashtag 04:15 PM - Star Trek PICARD - NFL NEW Teaser I am optimistic and also skeptical. Data's HD was put in B4 before he died in Nemesis. Dishes again. Shower. Nap. My dad got arrested in his life. Sometimes, got arrested for drunk while driving. Dad was born in 1950. Nit sure when he first got arrested. But off and on in his life, including the 1980's. At one time, he decided to stop driving. Then he would ride his bike and told my mom cops would not stop him but then they did as he was drunk and riding and not just drunk and driving but drunk and biking. But the point is that he had a problem and he changed things up and went from driving to cycling. 06:26 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Monday - 12/30/19 When they started teaching kids how to kill themselves in schools, then children and teens begin taking their own lives at a higher rate. Sam, yes, probably. Mark's voice sounded emotionally charged. Most people can become too misguided by feelings which is an absence of spiritual passion which resonates from you, Alex Jones, others. I don't know Mark but I do know people can hide behind deceptive words. People an also redefine words. If I were to call in, I may just say that I was Bob or something because I may not want people to get distracted by That Crazy Oatmeal Dude. I'm saying that mostly because I'm still a pretty unknown of a person. Also, I wonder if anybody would recognize my voice and notice. I'm still undecided about what I would do at the moment. Rated B For Banned 09:37 PM - The War Room With Owen Shroyer Mon 12/30/19 Full Show Eat some toast. Don't burn down the house. Check the burners. Looking at foreign coins. Larry Bird Said Jared Holt, a White Guy Who Hates Himself I'm a good guy, I know. I'm like a Christmas Present. But I just kind of feel like I'm missing pretty wrapping paper and a nice bow on top. I know, perhaps not important. But like Alex Jones says, I think about the optics of things. So, I'm optimistic and skeptical at the same time. 11:50 PM - Rise of Skywalker Review | Disney Star Wars is Not Star Wars Micah Rose, does it matter? who said he can't kill himself and then hop into her body? Day six of coin sorting. Started on Christmas Day 2019. Some notes as follows: 2019-12-29 - Sunday - 02:28 PM - 2007 Costa Rica 100 Colonies - $3 or $2 | More Search Results 2012 Grover Cleveland 22nd President Dollar Coin - $1.99 | $6 | $75 mint 2019-12-30 - Monday - 06:36 PM - Chuck E. Cheese's 1992 Coin - $3 1952 Italiana R 10 Lire - $20 1957 L.100 R Repvbblica Italiana - $350 | $3.94 1964 Canada 25 Cent - $40 | $18 1963 Canada 10 Cent - $5 1984 Canada 25 Cent - $2.98 1960 1 Franc - $1 | $200 The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat 2019-12-29 - day My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography Education | Entertainment | Health | History
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Published in December of 2019
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Rise of Naomi 2020
Matt Christiansen
Ray Donovan
Answers in Genesis
Founding Fathers
2020's Boom
90% of Ocean Waste
B. China
Freedom vs Protection
A. Freedom
B. ProtectionWhat are your New Year Resolutions?
2020 Will Be Known For
Trek Central
It's Ok To Be White
Angelina Jolie
The Rock
Hulk Hogan
Mister Rogers
No DOubt Gwen Stefani
Home Alone
Hillary Clinton
Justin Timberlake
Michael Jordan: "Stop it, get some help."
Rey Palpatine
It's Me Mario
Adam & Eve
Bill & Ted
Alex Jones: "I'm kind of retarded."
Austin Powers: "Yeah Baby, Yeah!"
Brady Bunch
Greta: "How Dare You!"
Billy Blue Ranger
does it matter what color your skin is?
Content of Character vs Color
Awesome. Exactly. You know it. I grew up with the Power Rangers. I identified as a woman. Just kidding, As Billy Breaker actually. And then Tommy Oliver.
I first heard this Black or White Michael Jackson song when I was six in Oregon in 1991. Loved it ever since. Ohhhhhhhhhh, I didn't know I was racist haha.
Our Savior, Ice T Skywalker, saving us from anonymous inactivity.
Brad Pitt
Trump is still your President. Mic drop.
Vanilla Ice
It's ok to be a white white elephant.
It's ok to be a white cat.
It's ok to be a white cow.
It's ok to be a White Ranger.
It's ok to be a White Kung Fu Panda.
It's ok to be a White Nintendo.
It's ok to be a White Milk.
It's ok to be a White Cracker.
It's ok to be a white as long as you are hot with big boobs.
It's ok to be a Mary Sue as long as Disney is giving you plenty of white dough.
It's ok to be a white car.
It's ok to be fat.
It's ok to be Joey.
It's ok to be white friends.
It's ok to be white bread.
It's ok to be South Park's Carman: "Respect my authoritah."
It's ok to be a white dancing baby.
It's ok to be a Bruno Mars.
It's ok to be a Kanye West.
It's ok to be a white ice-cream.
It's ok to be mindless hahahahhaaaaa.
It's ok to be nerdy and hot.
It's ok to be a white snow trooper.
It's ok to be too sexy for your shirt.
It's ok to be too Hank Hill.
It's ok to be too white Natalie Portman.
It's ok to be too white Nicki Minaj.
It's ok to be too white The Mask.
#ItsOkayToBeWhiteOverlord DVD
Coin Sorting Notes
Money Study
One Cent Canada 1981
Dollar Coin
1986 Un Sucre Republica Del Ecuador - $1.19 | $1
1958 Max Planck Bundes Republik Deutschland Deutschemark 2 1858-1947 - $15 | $5.94
1953 Italiana R 10 Lire - $3
1954 Italiana R 10 - $2.98
1956 Italiana R 10 Lire - $12.49
1962 Lira 1 Turkeye Cumhuriyeti - $0.67 | $1.85
1968 Canada 25 Cent - $4.99
1979 Canada 25 Cent - $5.99
1980 Canada 25 Cent - $1.99
1980 Canada 05 Cent - $2.49
1981 Canada 05 Cent - $1.99
1982 Canada 05 Cent - $12 | $20
1968 Canada 10 Cent - $11.60
1965 Canada 10 Cent - $2.75
1979 Canada 10 Cent - $1.10
1982 Canada 10 Cent - $1.10
Missouri Sales Tax Receipt 1 - $2 | $6.33
1962 Seattle World Fair Official Medal Monorail - $5.21
1863-1963 Greece Five Greek Kings 30 Drachmai .835 Silver Coin - $9.99 | $49.99
Matt Christiansen
Answers in Genesis
Trek Central
2019-12-30 - Monday
2019-12-31 - Tuesday
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