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in #j5 years ago

Pewdiepie left Twitter. Reddit Star Wars Rise of Soy Walker Leaks. Pewdiepie can be found on other websites. Why not follow Felix to these other networks? Why not join Pew? What are you waiting for? Why are you still here on Twitter? | My Reddit | 3D Printed Guns Are The Future Of Firearms!🤠😊😘👌🏻 | Alternative to Free Markets? | Weekly Photos | Mirror | 658 Photos | I ate two slices of pizza. That was too many lol. My eyes are bigger than my stomach. I bit off more than I could chew haha. That is also like an analogy. The trash dodgeball game was fun. Cherry tree trimming.

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TROS Sucks Get Over It Geeky Candi Screenshot at 2019-12-17 02:00:26.png

2019-12-16 - Monday

Created & Published Daily

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in December of 2019

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.

Bright Side

04:29 AM - What If There Was 1 Woman for 7 Billion Men

How can you have boys without a mother?

Imagine a century with no women.

Then Aurora is born.


04:42 AM - The New Burning Times, Now Available! (Link in Description!)

Red Letter Media

04:45 AM - Best of the Worst: A Very Scary Christmas

We Are Blind

05:29 AM - Steemit

All people are blind all of the time. I am blind. You are blind. When I say blind, I mean you don't know everything. You are not omniscient. You can't see all the colors. Our eyes are limited. Our brains are limited. Blind means the inability to see something. If you are not seeing everything, all the time, everywhere, at all times, in all ways, you are therefore not seeing some things like a blind person does not see anything at all.


3D Printed Guns Are The Future Of Firearms!🤠😊😘👌🏻

Taxation is Moral?

05:51 AM - Steemit

Theft is bad, even if you are starving to death. If you steal bread because you are hungry, you are still stealing. Taxation is theft. It has nothing to do with how laws might be enforced. Morality is not legality under the laws of man. What is right is defined differently objectively than it can be subjectively. Same thing with all of these words. Either you own something or you don't. And you don't have to share. That is a lie. You can share. Maybe you should share. But you don't have to. Bottom line, you don't have to. Yes, you probably should. But you don't have to. There is a difference between must and should.

Bad Taxes

05:55 AM - Steemit

I hate taxes. And taxes are bad to the extent that government can be corrupt. If government was perfect and good, completely, then taxes would be fine. But that is a fantasy. It is fiction in the same way that socialism and communism looks good in theory but not in reality.


05:58 AM - Steemit

@zyx066 has more stuff than me. But he says that we should steal from people who have more. By his logic alone, he should delegate some of his SP to me as he has a higher REP than me on Steemit. I could say he has too much and that I have too little.

I love free markets. But you are going to steal from me and say that I have too much. But who gave you the right to say that I have too much?

You do not believe in ownership. I believe in ownership.

Leave Fiat

06:10 AM - Steemit

That's why people have to stop relying too much on fiat money. People need to always invest in different things outside of the centralization of fiat.

Vietnamese Food

06:19 AM - Steemit

Toi yeu banh mi thit. I love this beef sandwich. I used to eat this in Vietnam.

Fuller House

2019-12-16 - Monday - 06:23 AM - 06:54 AM - Fuller House 503
2019-12-16 - Monday - 06:54 AM - 07:21 AM - Fuller House 504

Is Fuller House promoting incest?

At least two houses are living together.

Step kids.

Kids from different parents.

Living together.




Everybody knows your name.

But too full to say it cafe.


Three guys buy a sandwish shop.

The three women get mad.

They wanted them to consult them.

I don't think they had to.

Maybe should have.

But they should have the freedom to make their own choices.

No dancing allowed.

But DJ stamped a napkin to noterize it at that club.

Good dance number.

Adopted dad tried to talk his step daughter.

She had other step dads.

This was the first stepdad that tried to talk to her.

That was special.

Timmy The Turtle

09:30 AM - It's a Hack Fraud Life

Red Letter Media

Mark Dice

09:42 AM - NOT AGAIN! Star Wars Rise of Soy Walker - Gay Characters

Rey said that all Trump Supporters are insane.

Star Wars not has gay representation in the films.

Representation is idealogy.

It is an extension from the belief in no ownership.

If there is no ownership, then things must be shared.

If things must be shared, then we must always see that.

We must always see how it is shared by all people.

Therefore, we must see representation.

Because representation shows you that even the stories are owned by everybody.

Because if nobody owns anything.

That means everybody owns everything.

Therefore, all owners must be seen at all times.

Representation is a diagram map that shows and represents all the main owners.

You get to see it.

And you can imagine that you were there.

Some people believe in ownership.

Like me.

I believe in ownership.

Some people do not believe in ownership.

If you don't believe in ownership.

Then you do in fact believe in representation.

Stars of Objectivity

09:55 AM - Steemit

That is a good question. Now, if objectivity didn't exist, then how could we even be aware that objectivity shine like stars in space? The answer is that we would probably not even know if they were not shinning on us.

Defending Cannibalists

09:59 AM - Steemit

In a village where the common ground is cannibalism, for example, then is that not dangerous? Do you want to argue how that is perhaps not dangerous? You could defend the cannibalists if you want.

Tech Debate

10:01 AM - Steemit

Technology can be like tools that can be used to help and to hurt.

Hurt vs Help

10:18 AM - Steemit

Technology is like a tool that can help and hurt.

Aligning Forever

As we align with eternal principles, then things can improve within the realm of application, to an extent.

Slavery vs Freedom

Many people prefer slavery disguised as security over freedom which is disguised as anarchy and chaos and headaches and war and many things.

No Ownership?

Some people don't believe in ownership. In other words, they believe that humans cannot own land, property, cars, computers, products, things, etc.


They believe that everybody owns everything. I disagree. I believe in ownership. But we live in a world where different people believe in different things.

Common Ground

So, common ground or eternal principles are fundamental in establishing like playing rules. I believe in free markets.

Better & Worse

Long story short, some things are better and some things are worse. It is a very long story. It is very complex and very simple at the same time. It depends on which modern things we are talking about. It also depends on which medieval things we are talking about. It also depends on how certain things might be used. It depends on many variables.

World Domination

For example, globalists and others are using geoengineering, 5G, bad vaccines, smart cities, Big Pharma, the tech cartels, monopolism, crony capitalism, Agenda 2030, brain phones, plutocracy, Hollywood, main stream media, educational systems, sciences, incomplete history promotion, Monsanto, Bill Gates, Soros, Rothschild, central bankers, war, fiat, etc, etc, etc, towards the goal of ruling the world, controlling the earth, in reducing the population of all the humans on this planet to less than 500 million people by like 2030, that in about ten years as one of their goals, etc, etc, etc, for example, etc, etc. Like I said before, it is a very long story. Very complex and yet very simple at the same time.

Promoting Values

So, I promote family first values. I promote free markets. I promote decentralization of technology, etc.

Vietnamese Food

10:27 AM - Steemit

What I prefer over this beef sandwich is banh mi op la, which is an egg sandwich, that is egg instead of the beef. Both are delicious if eaten while hot. So, you got that. Yeah, they're popular. Like in Saigon, you pull up to the side of the street to a food cart. Generally, you find forty year old women cooking them. The average price in like 2017 was about 15.000 VND in Ho Chi Minh City. That is a little bit under a dollar. At that time, a dollar was worth about 22,000 Vietnamese Dong (VND). A few years before that, about 20K VND. So, I think that is a pretty good price.

Value of Free Markets

10:30 AM - Steemit

Is the value of the free market system not an eternal principle, for example, worth preserving for as long as we can?

Bunny Ears

10:38 AM - How Do They Make A Red Letter Media Show? ft Macaulay Culkin

The backstory haha. You should make a Home Alone 3. But make it without Hollywood, Mack. You don't need them. It could be a comedy. You make fun of Home Alone movies in Home Alone 3. Try to get some of the original actors to join you. But perhaps, some of them will not want to. But it could be funny like Scream or other silly movies. Well, it doesn't have to be silly. Yeah, you did that Google commercial that shows a grown up Kevin. But there are tons of people dying for a real sequel to Home Alone as opposed to a reboot. But you would have to be awful creative to make it work. And you are creative. What? Too old to get lost? Maybe you lose your kids. Maybe you get lost in your brain. Maybe lost in space. Who knows. Maybe lost in love. Lost in Africa. Lost at home even while everybody is there. Well, the list is endless. But I know, limited budget perhaps. But that doesn't mean you can't do it or at least try. It would be legendary. And millions of people would see it.

Blind to Slavery

11:07 AM - Steemit

Depends on your definition of money. It seems you don't believe in ownership. I believe in ownership. So, in your world, there is no such thing as theft if nobody owns anything or if nobody can. Poor people pay taxes in many cases. You seem to be denying reality where many poor people suffer when taxes go up. It seems you do not know history. You are probably too blind to care as you only see what you want to see.

Alternative to Free Markets?

11:11 AM - Steemit

You do not believe in free markets? So, what do you believe in? What is an alternative to free markets?

Promoting Open Borders?

11:15 AM - Steemit

Are you promoting open borders like Soros does? So, in other words, you are best friends with an ultra rich man. You agree with Rothschild, another very wealthy guy. You promote what they promote. They say what you say. So, you should marry them. Go, down the aisle with them.

Fair Share

11:17 AM - Steemit

You are ultra rich compared to me. So, give me my fair share, right now. You have to give me my fair share. Because your REP is too high. Too high. You have too much. I have too little. You know that you have too much.

Merrimour The Red

11:25 AM - Who Really Was Adolf Hitler And What Were His Real Ties To The Occult World Of Freemasonry?

Did Hitler have the Spear of Destiny which pierced the side of Christ's body?

I say, maybe.

Was Hitler ever trying to helpe some people?


But Hitler did bad things.

There were child sacrifices, etc.

How bad are some of the freemasons?

Did Wall Street fund Hitler?

Generally, when people say Israel in the 1900's in a bad light, they are talking about the bad evil Zionists who are globalists and not Messianic Jews.

I helped Shawn prune the cherry tree in our front yard in the wet rain for several hours from like 11:30 AM to like 03:00 PM. He was up on the ladder cutting. I was holding the ladder at times. I was picking up the branches and throwing them on the branches pile.

Got the mail. Did the dishes. Eating pie around 03:30 PM.

Some people are like ninjas.

Reminds me of that ninja from Metal Gear Rising.

Rothschild has a lot of money.

Catholicism perverted Christianity.

Niced to have peacemakers.

Fresh off the Boat is like Waltons of the 1990's or after or something maybe in some ways in having historical references to help date when certain events occurred.

Did Bush fund Hitler?


Did Roosevelt know about the attack on Pearl Harbor a week prior?


Why did he tell Hawaii?

To have an excuse to get the U.S. to join WWII.

To trick Americans into going for it.

Like 9/11.

It was like a false flag.

So, America bombed Japan.

After that, Japanese came to America to lower wages.

How bad are the Jesuits?

Faction wars.

Were the Pharisees bad?

Like the Illuminati and Freemasons?

ADL is bad.

Who are the fake Jews?

Skull & Bones

Was Trump in one of these groups?

A secret society group?

Could Trump be bad then?

Or how bad?

UNESCO is bad.

FEMA is bad.

World Council of Churches (WCC) is bad.

CFR is bad.

Pilgrim Society is bad.

The Round Table is bad.

Could Hitler be an alien or a different race or species that can live longer than normal humans or what?

Is Hitler in hollow earth?

Is the earth even hollow?

What is Vril?

Robert Sepehr.

Was Hitler scared by grey alien Lam?

Could the reptile creatures infect people like as if they were zombies?

Like Vrill parasites?

If they did that, do the bodies they steal no longer hold human souls within those bodies or what?

Are grey aliens like the Star Trek Borg?

Like clones, copies?

Why were people afraid of cats? Are cats clones? WHy did people worship cats?

What are human animal hybrids?

Press For Truth

04:20 PM - Pewdiepie DELETES Twitter Account Calling It A “CESSPOOL of Opinion” - The Exodus BEGINS!!!


04:29 PM - The Alex Jones Show Mon 12/16/19 Full Show

Why are vaccines given liability protection?

Why do they say it can kill you?

Why is the fine print so small?

Pewdiepie can be on found other websites. Why not follow Felix to these other networks? Why not join Pew?

My Twitter:

Felix Pewdiepie is Alive on Other Websites

Pewdiepie can be on found other websites. Why not follow Felix to these other networks? Why not join Pew? I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. Find us on other websites.

White Elephant

Whoopee Cushion

Geeks & Gamers

07:55 PM - Rise of Skywalker LEAKS Are True! | George Lucas Not Invited To Premiere

Reminds me of the ooze in Power Rangers The Movie from 1995.

The Rise of Skywalker


The dead speak! The galaxy has heard a mysterious broadcast, a threat of REVENGE in the sinister voice of the late EMPEROR PALPATINE.

GENERAL LEIA ORGANA dispatches secret agents to gather intelligence, while REY, the last hope of the Jedi, trains for battle against the diabolical FIRST ORDER.

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader KYLO REN rages in search of the phantom Emperor, determined to destroy any threat to his power....

Would Han Solo go back to his old smuggling life?


Possible for some people to go back.

But probably not Han.

But in Force Awakens, Solo did go back.

That probably violated his character.

Why is Leia a general?

That is also unlikely.

She would have been like a senator or something.

In the government.

In politics.

09:50 PM - 01:20 AM - Sleep.

Rise of Skywalker Leaks

02:15 AM - Facebook

Rey kills Palpy & rocks fall her. Kylo kisses the Disney princess who then identifies as a sky walker. Palpy even said he is the sith. She says she is the jedi. Like I said, she reflects force lightning to toast Palpy. Kylo dies as he does a Luke Skywalker to save this Mary Sue. Near the end, she says to a stranger, "I'm Rey.... Rey Skywalker." But she is the granddaughter of Palpatine. All the Jedi appear as force ghosts, including Han Solo. Space Horseys. Thousands of Mini Death Stars. Rise of Soy Walker premieres on the 20th of December of 2019, that is this Friday. You can find more leaks on Reddit, etc. Well, they have banning people on different websites who share the leaks. So, they may delete this and ban me from Facebook. I'm Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold Rasp, Joeyarnoldvn. I will include more leaks on my blog on Steemit. Remember that Facebook may terminate my account here very soon because of this. So, therefore, bye bye Facebook, I will miss you. Live long and prosper. Na-Noo, Na-Noo. To Infinity & Beyond. & The Rey-Lo Kiss lol. Not James, James Bond, but Rey, Rey Skywalker. I mean, Rey Palpatine lol.

Random Yoko

04:19 AM - 未来解説 #未来解説 #夫婦時事解説

Japanese Yeah





The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


They believe that everybody owns everything. I disagree. I believe in ownership.

That's not what "socialism" means.

That's not even what "communism" means.

I strongly disagree with you on that. You can use word salad to tell me what it means. But you would be saying what I already said but in different words.

#1) there are many different types of socialism and communism.

#2) there are no flavors of socialism or communism that eliminate personal-property.

Of course, there are different kinds of socialism and communism. However, for the most part, they're simply covers for governmental authoritarianism under the guise of these systems that appear to be fair on the outside. Bad people can lie and say you have private property. For example, in America, if the U.S. government can take land from people, then is it really their private property? Well, it probably should be. I guess it depends on what the laws of the land might say, specifically. But it does appear that the United States government have been violating personal private property rights. For example, people have been arrested for collecting rain water in Oregon. That should be legal. In other words, the government needs to stay out of our business. Let us do whatever we want to do to an extent. Yes, to an extent, perhaps. 1984 Government is way too involved. I hate the evil government in the United States of America (USA). We have to fight to make it smaller and smaller.

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