You should date on your path towards real marriage. You can use online dating apps like Tagged.com and Bumble.com and other websites. You should sometimes make friends on the world wide web and in real life (IRL) as well via courting. It is clearly fundamental to network. Some friends end up marrying each other. Also, you never know when you may need new employers, employees, customers, suppliers, distributors, providers, aid, help, assistance, advice, insight, feedback, encouragement, admonishment, push back, best friends, baby sitters, cooks, nannies, doctors, gardeners, builders, architects, drivers, scientists, historians, artists, producers, actors, inventors, long lost family members, idea people, writers, famous people, smart people, funny people, cool people, loyal people, orphans, lonely people, homeless, rich people, all kinds of people, animals, aliens, demons, oatmeal lovers, basketball ballers, video gamers, people you can talk to, people you can hang out with, people you can help, people who can help you, people you can eat up haha, etc, etc, etc, etc. Keep an open mind. Try to maybe get married, even if you don't want to, because you actually do want to and don't know it yet. Try to have children. Try to have kids. Try to start families. Focus on family first and community first. Start local groups and churches and meetings and parties and things. Bring people together for karaoke, games, social events, activism, etc. Don't wait for other people to do it. You can do it, like a guy said to Happy Gilmore, played by Adam Sandler. | Cambodia Mystery | Jordan said I'm hateful for stating facts. Well, he denied actual reality of what has been happening to millions people who are censored, banned, terminated, etc. Imagine saying that the sky is blue when sky is blue and then imagine me screaming at you. Oh my God, you are so sexist, racist, angry, stupid. Please clam down, I mean calm down, you deplorable. The sky is not blue, even if the sky is blue. Just kidding. See, that would be insane to insult the truth of the matter.
YouTube Rewind 2019
02:10 PM - YouTube Rewind 2019: For the Record | #YouTubeRewind | Facebook | Twitter | Minds | YouTube Comment | Gab | Free Square | Dissenter
YouTube, why did you terminate over three of my YouTube channels which had my home videos of when I was a ten year old boy in Oregon? Are you racist against children, against kids?
I have made at least 35 channels on YouTube. A total of like thousands of videos going back to 2006. I wrote a Steemit article about it. So, I counted 3 channels that I have seen terminated, Ojawall, JoeyArnoldVN, and JoeyArnoldTV. Well, number four would be JSADogDog in the sense that I lost the videos on that one. There may be others that I have forgotten about or perhaps more will be terminated next week thanks to COPPA or COPA or whatever it is. Things like this happens to millions of people during the 2010's online especially. That is why we build networks like Gab, Minds, Steemit, Bitchute, etc, to counter and compete with tech cartels, etc. @BrianBoro
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2019-12-05 - Thursday
Created & Published Daily
@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN Facebook | Gab | Minds | Steemit | Twitter | YouTube | And More 2012-01 - January - Month in Review I was hanging out with Matt Kurtz and his friends a lot from 2010 to 2012. So, I learned a lot from him: things about life, philosophy, movies, television shows, video games, board games, hiking, thinking, logic, Metal Gear, patience, character development, enjoying a good story without taking too many shortcuts, etc. In January of 2012, I was watching through the 4th season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, most likely. Obama & Romney had the same banker campaign contributors? Infowars Nightly News videos with Alex Jones. My Facebook was JoeyArnold FbSeven | Facebook eventually terminated some of my accounts. This makes it tougher for me to review my life. I joined Facebook in like 2006 and always felt like it would never censor. Boy was I wrong. Here is a rough draft outline of January 2012. Some of it relates to me and some of it does not. For example, I was not actually watching Alex Jones or Lionel Nation until like 2016. I probably made some videos. I was playing video games. Part of the time, I was living in Forest Grove, Oregon, USA, with my father, from 2011-2012. I was working for my father in the family business, landscaping. All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted. I was living in Vietnam, 2012-2017. I've visited Cambodia twice during visa runs. I was teaching English. I had my own apartment a few times in Saigon. Other times, stayed at hotels and hostels. One time, my students got me drunk. I was throwing up in a hostel and some European guys didn't like it and got me kicked out. That was around November of 2015. After that, I was unable to extend my visa in December. Then, would sleep at coffee shops over night for two years until I was able to make a visa extension. After that, went back to America. So, I say that to say that I know it can be tough. I spend a lot of time writing too. Yeah, so, I agree, a bit of compensation helps. I joined Steemit in 2017 and started making some money then. A few bucks here and there. I used some of my Bitcoin to buy a plane ticket for my trip back to the United States in 2017. Is there an online version of that newspaper? You could link to it if you want more people to know about what you care about. You care about Steemit, Bitcoin, etc. There is a lot value in promoting values. Oh what, is it summer time already? Is that a hot tub? Have you thought about natural births, assuming you haven't already? Wishing you the best in your motherhood. Yo, homies, for y'all that know that Greta is a puppet to some extent, it is important to gravitate towards countering the deception. Keep in mind that there are different ways to do that. The fastest way to counter a lie is to simply say it is a lie. Now, this type of red pilling can work. But keep in mind that it may not be the most potent forms of waking people up. In some cases, it may be more harmful be too direct. It depends on the person and on the situation. Now, generally speaking, if you are talking to many people at the same time, a direct approach might be better, usually. But you may want to be more indirect when you are talking to just one person or to less people. But I am not saying you cannot be direct to a person. But I am saying that you should do some probing before throwing too much information at people. It can be an art. Keep in mind that you cannot always win people over. And you can also use what they already believe to your advantage in some situations. For example, if they believe in climate change, in global warming, in global cooling, etc, here is what you can say: Yes. Climate change is bad. That is why we need to stop those airplanes. How many hours have those white lines been up in the sky? What are they spraying from the jets? Doesn't con-trails only last a few minutes? What are chem-trails? What is geoengineering? They are messing up the sky. Trees are dying from the top-down. We have Californian fires. We should stop geoengineering. How do we stop man-made global warming that is caused by geoengineering? Can we organize protests? Can we march? Can we raise awareness? Instead of saying that man-made global warming is less than 1% of whatever the sun does to our planet, you can choose to agree and say that geoengineering is causing the crisis that will, as Greta and AOC may say, end the world in about 12 years or by like 2030 or so. Yeah, writing is therapy. When I first came to Vietnam, on the 6th day, I was fired from a school and then slept on the floor of a restaurant for two months. That was near Hanoi. So, I washed dishes there. I went on to find teaching jobs. Your contribution benefits Steemit and the world. But the tough part is branding, that is in finding followers, readers who will upvote. A lot of people can struggle on Steem. As Steemit grows, that struggle may decrease in some ways. In some ways, you may be more experienced than me in that you've been in Asia longer and in that you may have done more in relating to cryptocurrency investments as well. A lot of people do tend to write about crypto. I mean, not everybody. And you may find people who like to talk about Asia as well. I think there is at least one other guy on Steemit who lives in Cambodia. 2019-12-05 - Thursday - 03:56 AM - 05:26 AM - FTWD 309 Just remember that death is not the end song. Probably a song about the afterlife in Heaven, reincarnation, Nirvana, or whatever. But putting that song on this show turns it into a song about turning into a zombie, a walker. Gun prohibition does not work. But the Indian tries to take away the weapons from the people to ensure fake safety and security. Last free gun on the ranch. Troy was sent to exile. Stadium Well Socialism They make capitalism appear to be bad. Eye Tattoos Two virtual sisters on different sides. They were together in season 1. We're alive. Are we? Yes. But are we really? We are surviving. Are we really? Taco's not a talker. Goliath didn't have any AKs. That is why people must have guns. Because you don't bring a knife to a gun fight. Digging. Making deals. Sleep. 10:20 AM - Lucasfilm and Disney Failed Baby Yoda! But Daisy is cute as a person. The character, Rey, is lacking of course. 10:30 AM - Alex Jones Infowars was supporting Trump in 2016 even while Fox was not. Many were going against Trump. Alex Jones was promoting America First. Alex Jones talks to Ezra Levant. 2020-01-01 - On the first of January of 2020 They are set to enact decryption systems on the general population in China. Backdoor systems. Where they can get into anything and everything on personal computers, phones, etc, of anybody and everybody in China. Also, you have to have facial recognition. Which is a centralization scheme. It is a central gate into the Internet. Facebook Blocks Vitamin D Facebook redirects links Hong Kong Face Projection is where they project other faces onto their faces to mess with photo recognition which China employs to identify protestors who are standing up to the global tyranny of China in 2019 and beyond. Be sceptical Be curious That is at the root of science and journalism We have been lied to by the children of the lie. IQ down over 27 percent since the 1970's. 02:10 PM - YouTube Rewind 2019: For the Record | #YouTubeRewind | Facebook | Twitter | Minds | YouTube Comment | Gab | Free Square | Dissenter YouTube, why did you terminate over three of my YouTube channels which had my home videos of when I was a ten year old boy in Oregon? Are you racist against children, against kids? I have made at least 35 channels on YouTube. A total of like thousands of videos going back to 2006. I wrote a Steemit article about it. So, I counted 3 channels that I have seen terminated, Ojawall, JoeyArnoldVN, and JoeyArnoldTV. Well, number four would be JSADogDog in the sense that I lost the videos on that one. There may be others that I have forgotten about or perhaps more will be terminated next week thanks to COPPA or COPA or whatever it is. Things like this happens to millions of people during the 2010's online especially. That is why we build networks like Gab, Minds, Steemit, Bitchute, etc, to counter and compete with tech cartels, etc. @BrianBoro Dishes. Mail. Book shed. Big garage. Organizing. Books. Things. Toys. Electronics. an old doctor natural remedies reference pocket book thing from 1899. 06:07 PM - Disney's Mulan | Official Trailer Sexist but inspirational. Peas on salmon. 06:19 PM - Friday Night Frolics: Special Thursday Edition! If Susan is already public about it, then it doesn't matter. Google Natural Remedies Pre-COPPA is already scary enough. The frogs on the bus says racist racist racist, racist racist racist, just kidding. 99 bottles of frogs on the wall, 99 bottles of frogs. Bionic Belly Button is the only Belly Button I know. Baby Yoda Saboo Sabu Yoda Baby Yoda Gremlin Hi, I'm Rey.... Rey Palpatine. Hi, I'm Rey.... Rey Nobody I'm Rey.... Rey Bestest Everrrrrrr. Hello, my name is Rey and I'm an alcoholic. Hello, my name is Rey and my mother was Baby Yoda. Misses Rey Bond, Mission Possible, because she is the bestest ever and can do anything you can do, she can do better, she can do anything better than James. 06:46 PM - The War Room With Owen Shroyer Thu 12/05/19 Full Show Which was first, Gab, Minds, or Steemit? Well, I guess Steemit launched as an actual blockchain. Gab begun as a normal website. Minds was probably built on Ethereum. Joe Biden calls his voter a fat ass. The kids in the background notice and reacted. In the video. But they are trying to steal the 2020 election from Trump and they will steal it from Trump if Trump does not stop them before it is too late. 07:39 PM - You are right that Trump needs to stop tech cartels, geoengineering, Big Pharma, etc. Nap for two hours. They will remove Trump if Trump does not stop them from voter fraud in 2020 and other things as well. @mmpadellan is right that Trump should stop the tech cartels, geoengineering, Big Pharma, the bad vaccines, etc. Will Mr. Clinton Killepstein come to the counter? He asked her. So, she asked on the loud speaker at Walmart. Like when Bart Simpson would call Moe at his tavern bar. Now, do that with your shirt on. The Christmas lights are a lot like Epstein, they don't hang themselves shirt. I am on Bumble.com The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat 2019-12-04 - Wednesday My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography 11:28 AM - TRUMP MEETS UN SECURITY COUNCIL, Lets Them Know Who is The BOSS 02:10 PM - YouTube Rewind 2019: For the Record | #YouTubeRewind Education | Entertainment | Health | History
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Published in December of 2019
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2019-12-05 - Thursday
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So This Is Freedom - Theft is Over If You Want It - Enjoy with Troy!
Amazon Ring Doorbell Camera to Build Watchlist of “Suspicious” Neighbors for Police
I love Israel over Palestine.
My work has improved and saved lives. YouTube has censored that work for years, and is about to delete it.
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Do you Know The Grinch Who Steals Children?- Dr. Seuss Does! - Enjoy with Troy!