
in #j6 years ago

Artist Mother Girl - Yang Is False Alternative For Vexed Trump Supporters - I wonder if I'm the only one here using my real name and real everything or not. - @Benoaks has great advice on how we must call up Trump. @WickedMagaMaster is right on how we must hold Trump's feet to the fire in regards to the 2nd amendment - 08:22 PM - What If I Told You Over Half Of The Members Here On INFOCOMMS Were Less Than Three Accounts? - 08:35 PM - IWA - Actually just one person, me. Every single person in and on Infocomms, including @Leviticus, is me, are me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold - 11:41 PM - IWA - Captain Leviticus, you're our hero, gonna reduce pollution down to zero.

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June - July

Kaitlin Bennett Screenshot at 2019-06-07 23:04:29.png
Kaitlin Bennett

Some highlights from Friday the 7th of June of 2019, as follows:

Post values here.

12:58 AM - You can post principles here, things you believe in, the foundation that you live upon. If you believe in the value of the second amendment, the right to bear arms, for example, talk about that. Talk about common sense. Talk about shared values that people may have that brings people together.

Values may include

New Second Amendment

Girl Power

09:41 AM - Steemit - I love watching Kaitlin Bennett videos.


09:54 AM - Steemit - @nasyabonny - Artist Mother Girl

Yang v Trump

10:06 AM - YouTube - Millie Weaver - Yang Is False Alternative For Vexed Trump Supporters

Post debates here.

10:16 AM - Post questions, debates, problems, presidential candidates, issues, in this thread.

For example: Millie Weaver had a debate with a guy about Yang v Trump.

Debates may include

Crossing The Line - Gun Debate - Trump v Yang - Good Vaccines v Bad Vaccines


Chicago Guns

10:21 AM - IWA - Chicago Guns -Can Be Got But Slippery Slope Towards Hitler World - One of the problems may be in the slippery slope found in regulations, in the red tape, in restricting law-abiding citizens from purchasing firearm which makes it tougher for those who may need the guns more so than criminals may need them.

Real Name

10:27 AM - IWA - I wonder if I'm the only one here using my real name and real everything or not.

Privacy Debate

10:45 AM - IWA - Privacy would be great had we had it - @Benoaks, you can do what you want. But for me, personally, I've debated these types of things all of my life. Presently, I've decided to make my account names public because it helps you and it helps other people. When you hide things, then you begin to slide down a slippery slope towards becoming anonymous like Qanon Q. Technically, hypothetically, that might be good, assuming that you can keep things private. However, technocracy have been violating the 4th amendment, that is our privacy, which means that private things are not always private or totally private as some people have it or can get it. I've also debated with myself concerning whether I should dox myself. Well, actually, I've already doxed myself many times in my life. I already shared my address online, many times. So, people can get it. People can find me. This is a debate and I can see both sides of the argument. I guess it depends on the person and the role a person might play in the world. I'm writing this not just for you but for anybody reading this. I just want people to realize how complex all these things are. You can try to be private. You can try to keep certain things private. In some cases, that might not be possible, if China can sneak into your YouTube account any time they want if Google cooperates with Chinese government in order to comply with black contracts.

If you remain too private, you run the risk of being alone or having no reference of what is going on in a public setting. Theoretically, it can happen. For example, if you have a problem with YouTube, and if you keep your name there a secret, and everything about it a secret, then it can make it tougher to get help, to raise awareness. Well, technically, it might not be a big deal if you are not very famous, if you have a small channel, perhaps. So, what you are doing may be fine. But my argument is simply that you never know in life, especially as there are so many things we don't know in life, especially as we are not private to governments, groups, the big tech, globalists, pirates, etc. We live in a scary world and our privacy is declining and that is problematic and we don't live in a fantasy world any longer. If it were possible to remain totally private, that might be a great thing to keep and protect. Property rights are very valuable. Privacy is very fundamental and important. But if privacy has already been breached, then that makes it a whole different game or ball park of the kind of world we live in.

Dox Joey

08:03 PM - IWA - Leviticus wondered who might have accused him of doxing me - He wrote: "I can’t remember who it was that accused me of doxxing Joey…All that comes to mind is shit, corn and nuts!!!" That was around 2 PM. Bad people already have your private stuff, in many cases. So many different bad people. Privacy has been violated by tyranny, globalism, technocracy, pirates, etc.

Trump Sucks

08:19 PM - IWA - @Benoaks has great advice on how we must call up Trump. @WickedMagaMaster is right on how we must hold Trump's feet to the fire in regards to the 2nd amendment.

Fake Infocomms

08:22 PM - IWA - What If I Told You Over Half Of The Members Here On INFOCOMMS Were Less Than Three Accounts? - Leviticus wrote: "You folks have no clue how infested this forum is. Even I don’t have the full picture. I feel fairly confident this post will not be taken down because I know the admin’s schedule. Members here could not possibly know how infiltrated this site is!!!

Even to this day I am shocked at how this resource was commissioned and abandoned all at the same time. I am not special but I am real. There are sick degenerates here, some of the sickest I have seen in 30 years of frequenting bulletin board systems and the like. What will it take for you to understand what is being done to you here???

It is sick…It is the only word that washes!!!

I will most likely leave for awhile and leave you to the wolves because not one of you understands what is really happening here!!!

So for now…I will take a backseat and watch to see what they do while everyone laps up the shit of the bad actors that have come here to eat your substance!!!

I will check PM’s from time-to-time but…for now, you feeble minded fucks are on your own!!!



08:32 PM - IWA - @AtypicalRift, in other words, what's the point of being private as the technocrats can find anybody, like you said. Well, it depends on a few factors. Depends on your role. If you are a public figure, then that's one thing. But if you are not a public figure, then privacy should be held even closer, but to what extent and where is the blurry grey invisible line between being a public figure and being a private figure?

I would argue that if you really want privacy, never go online. Never use the Internet. Never go outside. Never do this. Never do that. Live out in the forest away from people. Don't make videos. Don't talk about things that matter. Because the more you do things, the more you become a threat to the elites who may seek to dox you or hurt you by getting zombies to go after you.

Infocomms is All Joey

08:35 PM - IWA - Actually just one person, me. Every single person in and on Infocomms, including @Leviticus, is me, are me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold


Recuperatates.exe - crossroad.exe - e event manager. Maybe Print Workshop. Trying Ccleaner Free. Trying Spybot. All day today, we were working on getting the scanner to scan and Microsoft Word 2007 to open faster. HP Scan works now. Took like hours to find that scanning program. Tried other scanning programs and looked around and I finally concluded that HP Scan was the better fit. But then Microsoft Office stopped working or was struggling. So, I tried downloading things and tried finding ways to install a new Office or Word or something. Now, like twelve hours later, we went to Safe Mode. We went around trying to uninstall and delete viruses or problems. We are trying scan through the computer in order to find viruses and whatever else. All day, it has been a battle. Also, my VCR ate a tape. Took it apart and spent like an hour throughout the day trying to fix and then tried another VCR and that VCR didn't play tapes. I went into the bookshed to gather remotes that might control the VCRs. I may continue on this venture tomorrow. Also got over a dozen Facebook friend requests today, more than normal due to me using that other Facebook avatar profile picture of me and my AAA Spa student from Vietnam from like 2016.

One Eye Party

11:21 PM -

Captain Leviticus

11:41 PM - IWA - Captain Leviticus, you're our hero, gonna reduce pollution down to zero.

Top Alex Jones Videos

11:55 PM - IWA - Post Your Favorite Alex Jones Videos Here

Top videos may include

The Chicom Takeover

Contact Me - My Social Networks

About Me - Oatmeal Joey Arnold - you can contact/ befriend (add)/ follow/ subscribe/ watch/ like/ share me via: Bitchute - BearShares - Brighteon - Busy - Chess - Discord - Facebook - Freezoxee - Gab - IWA - @joeyarnoldvn - Minds - RSS - Serey - Smoke - Steemit - Tagged - Trump Town - Tumblr - Twitter - Weku - YouTube - Other Social Networks

Timeline Outline

2019-02-01 - Friday - 10:24 AM LMS - Reviewing the Month of January of 2019
2019-02-15 - Friday - 05:41 PM LMS - Gotham 506
2019-02-17 - Sunday - 10:08 PM LMS - Can America Learn From Athens?
2019-02-18 - Monday - 12:31 PM LMS - The Walking Dead 909
2019-02-18 - Monday - 06:07 PM LMS - Snow Day 1992
2019-02-20 - Wednesday - 09:36 AM LMS - Draft Dodging vs Loving War Debate
2019-02-27 - Wednesday - 11:38 PM LMS - Joe Rogan Alex Jones Experience 1255
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 09:17 AM LMS - Gun Debate - Part 0001
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 10:19 AM LMS - Dalat 2013 Trip
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 11:36 PM LMS - How-To Know If Your Computer Has Spy Hardware Chips
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 02:49 PM LMS - Stopping Climate Change
2019-03-04 - Monday - 08:51 PM LMS - Envisioning 2030
2019-06-06 - Thursday - 12:00 AM - Thursday the 6th of June of 2019
2019-06-07 - Friday - 12:00 AM - Friday the 7th of June of 2019
2019-06-08 - Saturday - 12:00 AM - Saturday the 8th of June of 2019
Published at 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 09:43 AM