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in #j6 years ago


Metal Gear Joey

- Sunday, I uploaded 5 videos which were previously terminated by YouTube alongside thousands of other videos. For of the videos were made in Vietnam, where I lived for 5 years teaching English until 2017. The other one is called Metal Gear Joey, which is from 2011. The Metal Gear Solid video games have amazing stories to them.

Mama Potato Head

- 12:11 AM - Biblical Christianity is the truth and agnostic/atheism is satanic - Beautifully Chaotic wrote to Mama Potato, "@MamaPotato please don’t quote me as apart of your vendetta. I’d appreciate that tremendously. Also, how are ya’ll doing the quote thing. I haven’t figured that out yet." I responded, "Why are you attacking Potato Head?"

Child Protection Services (CPS)

- 12:38 AM - Day of Mourning & Homeschooling - Alibaba wrote, "wheres is LAW ENFORCEMENT and CPS in regard to little Awesome Desmond ??" I responded, "CPS almost took me and my siblings from our mom." Thelsz replied to me, "CPS is a weapon to ensure your child is being well indoctrinated against you, and should you as a parent get uppity and balk the system, CPS is a weapon to be used against you (by ripping kids from their parents) as weapons to keep them in line. All they have to do is bust the worst parent they can find, push the story nationally, and bam. CPS is a justified weapon to be wielded as they see fit, because they manipulated your emotions through the nationalized story giving the impression “it’s for the children” every time they black mail parents. because every parent they black mail they group with their nationalized story. This is OLD news." Texas_T added, "CPS is GAY and liberal." keyrobinfo18 added, "Can we all stop projecting our good will on the leftists. There is no way that we can assume leftists will play fair, according to any rules and give us a fair deal. Just like Charlie Brown and Lucy with the football. And they want to take our 1st Amendment, Free Speech away by Lying in the MSM and take our 2nd Amendment, right to bear arms away so leftists can Kill us like EVERY OTHER COUNTRY on the PLANET EARTH. Please Wake Up America !!! Read the Constitution, give it to your kids, Carry and take out any false flags you see acting."

Taking Out Trump

- 12:45 AM - Emergency - Bricked-Off wrote, "They may have intended to take out Trump before and failed, but it’s too late for them to do that now." I replied, "Yes. No. It depends. There are different factions of the globalists, some which may be smart enough not to turn Trump, Alex Jones, Tommy Robinson, others, into martyrs, by killing them, and yet other groups, other factions, will continue to kill, to destabilize, etc, etc. So, in other words, some people will continue to try to kill Trump, Alex, others. It is a Game of Thrones with the globalists. They are not on the same page when it comes to taking over the world with Pinky & the Oatmeal Brain." He responded, "Agree completely. I was referring more specifically to anti-Trump groups within the current government. I think the threat is greater now from fringe leftist activists."

Paladin F Ya Thread 3d85db9f77cd221a783f4ff9985468413da1a431.png

I'm The Laura Loomer of Infocoms

- 08:27 AM - The Oatmeal Joey Arnold Must Be Banned Thread - HXTR wrote, "What happened to the original title?" The original title was "THe Joey Arnold GO FUCK YOURSELF Thread." I replied, "I’m the Laura Loomer of the Infocoms." Texas_T responded, "Calling for someone you disagree with to be banned?!?!??!?!?! What r u a fucking gay ass LIBERAL?!?!?!?!?!" Broadwayjoe412 wrote, "Rogan doesn’t have the sack to bust a grape in a food fight, let alone invite Laura Loomer on his show. And quite frankly, even if he did, it wouldn’t shock me if she told him to go fuck himself- as many times as he likes. He’s a hoebag." Paladin said this about me, "Are you new here? You obviously don’t know how much of a fucking troll he is. Starting to wonder about you though, with your constant use of the word “gay” to describe everything." Troy wrote, "Might you add yourself to the list to be banned. Asking other to be banned when you do the same crap is hypocrisy."

Taking People Out Of Context

- 04:28 PM - The stupid infighting needs to stop - Paladin wrote, "He’s gotten banned from other websites also, he’s admitted it, for doing the same thing." @Paladin might be taking @JoeyArnoldVN out of context. Long story short, it’s a long story.

Paranoid Theft

- 04:42 PM - Bible Thread - @Bingozee to @KJV, “I know the book you steal from.” Actually, Bingozee’s favorite word might be “Steal.” He loves to accuse everybody of stealing. He does the same things that they do, but when he does it, it’s call contributing. But when they do it, it’s called stealing. Talk about the hypocrisy. Paladin wrote to Potato, "I would never begrudge you your right to believe in what you wish." But he did. Paladin added, "but I would argue as vigorously if this forum were full of Muslims." But there's a difference.

The God Kingdom of Troy Thread

- 05:45 PM - Introduction Thread - The purpose of this thread is to digest, debate, discuss, anything Troy, all the things that Troy writes, which is mostly related to his church, his beliefs, his religion, or whatever that he wants to call it. He might be a bit Pentecostal, charismatic, and some other things. @Troy has a website with the things he teaches. We can learn from him, regardless of whether we agree with him or not. His website is called The God Kingdom of Troy and I’ve been reading it. Feel free to debate all things Troy in this thread. You may also find some of the threads he started in this forum. You can look at some of his threads. Here are some of my notes as follows: Troy wrote, "Exhale the air out of your lungs and hold it until you begin to feel the fear of death. It only takes a few seconds to do this. The emotion is the experience of a belief. Fear, because it is a disturbing/painful emotion, is false beliefs. False beliefs is what satan is." True. There is a lot of truth there. I could write a book about this. I agree. That is what @Troy said to @Paladin who promotes believing in not believing. "Convert the belief into truth and it becomes pleasurable and through truth you can connect to your own god body, which is the part of your consciousness that that creates images in your imagination with your will, and the result is immortality where the energy experienced in that, which feels much like an orgasm, is the waters of everlasting life that makes one live forever, physically." Sounds like you are a bit charismatic. When you say God Body, do you mean spirit, AKA soul, AKA heart? "I teach how to resolve mortality." Is Troy promoting immortality through transhumanism? @KJV wrote, "the biggest trick of the devil is making people follow him without believing in him or anything supernatural." Exactly. Troy: "John 3:16, the son of god is not Jesus just because a book says so, for if you believe in the son of god, according to that verse, which is not Jesus but the universe’s creation where the truth of life and god’s will (instructions to walk the path) exist, you’ll have everlasting life and not perish. This demonstrates that the bible not explaining verses is complete for that lack of completeness." @Troy is making some good points but there are Theology books that talk about this. Should we open up a Bible Study Group to break these things down? "Christianity desperately tries to seek validation by prophecy." @Troy, are you talking about Catholicism or certain denominations? "Might you add yourself to the list to be banned. Asking other to be banned when you do the same crap is hypocrisy." @Troy is right. "Christianity slanders it by making it about moral decisions, which is a lie." Troy, when you say Christianiy, it sounds like you are speaking to certain religions, certain denominations. It seems you are being too general. Beyond that, how is it not also a moral decision and what is wrong with that? Mongoose added, "I just want to know the dues/fees. Do I have to sell my soul? Do I have to pray facing a certain point in space? Do I just have faith? How much does it cost and what are the benefits?"


- 07:17 PM - Time for the invisible to become visible! - I’m a big fan of Lecrae - 07:29 PM - Bible Thread - @Bingozee, do you mean too stupid? Why do write TO Stupid? - 07:44 PM - I wrote to Bingozee, "Why do you put your commas on the outside of quotation marks? You could write, for example, “Who are you?” Instead, you would write, “how are you”? Why do you do that?"

The Bingozee Thread

- 07:47 PM - Too Stupid - Bingozee wrote, "we are TO Stupid." You mean, “Too stupid?” Bingozee, "you are not only arrogant but also ignorant but I OFFER you the opportunity to Provide something that may have me think or even belief Otherwise." Why does @Bingozee spell words incorrectly? This is what @Bingozee said to @Troy. Hey, if Troy is too (or “TO” as Boingozee says it) ignorant and arrogant, then how could he provide anything at all? And do you mean believe otherwise as opposed to belief otherwise? Why do you write like that? "I can assure you, @JoeyArnoldVN will never be a mod of anything, including his own commitments." In the voice of Donald Trump, “Wrong.” I’ve been an admin, like an owner, of Facebook pages, groups, some websites. I’ve been a camp counselor for 5 years, a moderator of kids, like a manager. I’m on top of my commitments. Funny, @Bingozee makes up stuff and throws our false accusations, hearsay, based off no evidence. Very progressive, he is. "Stupidity is a lack of “intelligence”," Why do you put your commas on the outside of quotation marks? You could write, for example, “Who are you?” Instead, you would write, “how are you”? Why do you do that? "All Religions are in fact a form of “Satanism” or better Blasphemy unto Humanity." Humanism is not a religion? "Truth is already known and Understood when we Acknowledge it." Generally to some extent. "I have not watched TV for over a life time." Good. "“Humanity” is passed on now by Education, where before it was genetically embedded by experience." I don’t doubt that. "Humanity has only ONE Law. “do on to one’s self before doing or having done onto others”." Does that mean @Bingozee is Christian? "PS: why are you Trolling this Thread, why not the “Bingozee” thread you created for that specifically, It’s sad really." Who said I aint? Haha, you spoke too soon, son. "create a thread with such a title and not offer discussion." That didn’t happen. "What is a Prophet and Profit." Good question. "How many Times has the Bible and other scripture been manipulated." @Bingozee is spreading a lie. There are books written about these things. Wanna discuss the books that talk about these things? @Bingozee to @KJV, “You offer nothing in return.” Translation: "You are not contributing. Bingozee says this same thing to @MamaPotato, @JoeyArnoldVN, etc, etc. "Telepathy is very much the expression of an emotion." That’s a new idea for me. I’ll be thinking about this one for a while. Thanks. "Also I did suggest the title be changed for @JoeyArnoldVN sake and the record." Why? "Please take ANY argument of the The Joey Arnold GO FUCK YOURSELF Thread TO that thread Please…" Don’t all speak at once, y’all. "Meaning we should have Absolute Control over it, or we can be controlled by it." True. "Open-mindedness is receptiveness to new ideas." Awesome. "didn’t see the RETARDED ONLY sign on the door." Is Bingozee insulting the mentally ill, AKA Leftist Progressive Liberals? "It’s the room for the retarded, bingozee says as he walks by its open door and obnoxious sounds. :slight_smile:." Don’t forget your empathy and sympathy, as you leave. "Can I ask why you keep spamming this while we have already moved on from it…?" HXTR: "You here that… everyone has moved on. hahahaha." Texas T: "NO Because your a gay peace of shit for even trying to have someone else banned via acting like your on a fucking pedestal of moral/civil superiority. And more over it shows how much of a fucking Machiavellian calculated manipulative little shit you are… hypocrite." Bingozee, "It’s great that you copy and pasted words not your own." Silly rabbit, Trixs are for kids. "It’s a general question… and copy pasting words not our own is not believe, it’s agreement." Nope. "why you keep spamming." Is that what you guys ask yourselves each morning, @Bingozee, @Paladin? "Genetic memory." Transhumanism which David Knight speaks against? Bingozee on me, "Lol…this is comedy…this kinda funny I can enjoy, go on speak to us your entitlement and why we should vote for you…" @Bingozee might be trying to bait me. This might be a trap question. now, for the record, I didn’t say it was or wasn’t. That was a loaded statement by Bingoee. He used the word “Entitlement.” It does seem he is a progressive liberal as he is playing from their book, their playbook, their cards. Regardless, of what Bingozee may think, he is playing into their hands. It does seem that Bingozee is promoting transhumanism, Neo Paganism, the new age movement, which all derives from Luciferianism, whether he knows it or not, read your history, learn your history, look at where your doctrines, your beliefs, came from - 10:16 PM - Bible Thread - @Bingozee, why are you always lying to people?

Linking Time

- 10:28 PM - Connection Time - Holding Hands - Mama Potato: "I link more threads together more than anybody..." Oh, except for me. But I know what you mean. The kind of things I’m linking are more Pew Die Pie Eccentric. I’m the comics section of the newspaper. You’re more the front page. I’m on the newspaper, too, but more in the back. Thread Whoring shouldn’t be any more a problem than free markets. Many news outlets report on the same stories, the same breaking news. Is that thread whoring news? People compete on the same threads on television, on the Internet, and regardless of what we want to call that, be it free market journalism, or be it news whoring, it is what it is. Some people may have a problem with it. But I love the competition. May the better threads win. If two people post the same thread, then let the free market decide. Simply reply to the thread you like the most. Like all my retarded threads. I can only reply three times in a row to my own threads. People could let my threads die. The mods could disable my ability to create new threads. And like I said, people can decide which threads and comments to ignore. You’ve said that. Some people may have claimed that they can’t ignore things. That’s too bad for them. It’s call prioritizing. It’s a critical skill for kids to develop. Multi-tasking is another fundamental skill that should be cultivated .

Sunday the 10th of February of 2019

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