2012, February
I was told to tear down my 2011 shed. So, I tore it down early in 2012, probably in February. Also, on the 20th or near the end of this month, Matt created the Metal Gear Joey: Special Edition which was a video we made the previous year, in 2011. Around the 15th of January, I was like watching Dexter Morgan. I was binge watching Dexter that month. Around February and March, if I didn't already in previous months, I was probably binge watching through Battlestar Galactica. After I finished those two shows, Battlestar and Dexter, I went on to binge watch all seven seasons of Buffy The Vampire Slayer in and around April and May of 2012. On my birthday, on Saturday, the 11th of February of 2012, we went off to Chopsticks for karaoke and I sang I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston in honor of her death. I may have sang some like Disney songs, etc. | Blueprint to Defeat the New World Order, Speech in Dallas | Train - Drive By | The Walking Dead - Season 02 | The saddest thing that happened this may have been the destruction of my 2011 shed thing. My favorite memory may have been the karaoke moment on my birthday.
My Life in Vietnam
2012 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2013 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2014 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2015 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2016 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2017 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
My Autobiography
1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
Had to tear down our 90's Add-on Shed in and around February of 2012.
February of 2012
Created on 2019-11-30 - Saturday - 11:00 AM
Published on 2019-12-13 - Friday - 09:02 PM
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in November of 2019
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Metal Gear Joey
2012-02-20 - Monday - apx date - Special Edition by Matt Kurtz
All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted. I was living in Vietnam (2012-11-2017-11) where the local time is Indochina Time (ICT) which is 15 hours ahead of PST and 14 hours ahead of PDT.
Shed Demolition
Had to tear down our 90's Add-on Shed in and around February of 2012.
2012-02-01 - Wednesday - Bill Gates is involved in murdering people | Free Market Wars - FinancialNewsOnline - What's In The News - Barnes & Nobles vs Tyrannical Amazon | Late Night With David Letterman - Dave's 30th Year Staffers Top Ten on Late Show, February 1, 2012 | NBA Portland Trail Blazers: BlazerDancers: February 1, 2012 Dance Routine | KeLsEy14159 | Boston Celtics Minute - February 1, 2012 With Molly | Humber News, February 1, 2012, Part 1 | Sky Business News- The Perrett Report | Frank Harker - Emmerdale
Rising Radiation
2012-02-02 - Thursday - 04:02 PM - 1992 Family Pic | Zoe Thomson on Channel 5 TV news | Emmerdale | James Cameron buys land in New Zealand but why?
World Tax
2012-02-03 - Friday - The UN Demand World Tax to Help Poor People Hahahahahahaaa | Native News - IndianCountryTV Promotes Global Warming Deception | KBVR TV - Bombshell Music News | Emmerdale
2012-02-04 - Saturday - WORLD WAR IS COMING | City 7TV - 7 National News- Feature Report- 04 February 2012- Dubai Metro Emirati Driver
2012-02-05 - Sunday - U.S. AND ISRAEL SET STAGE FOR FALSE FLAG AND IRAN ATTACK | Cotton Eye Joe - Kid Drew and the Kids Cover - Juliana, Lindsay and Kristina Carver's Grand Performance (Feb 5 2012) - John Carver | SVGTV News February 5 2019 | Hawthorne Community Television
2012-02-06 - Monday - BILL GATES POURS MILLIONS INTO GEOENGINEERING | Andy Sigle - Reston Association | A grant from the U.S. Tennis Association will give young children the chance to play on courts just their size. Some grants can be stolen from tax payers by government. The problem is the lack of transparency in big brother gov. Some grants can be a form of enslaving welfare. So, for decades, the establishment would hook people on grants. This goes back centuries in some cases and especially back to the early 1900's when Oxford was granting grants to Americans. Why? Because then they could be fed lies about the need to dissolve American soverignty in a ploy towards global governments. So, students would study in England and come back tothe United States to infiltrate educational systems, etc. | Emmerdale
Evil Super Bowl
2012-02-07 - Tuesday - ANALYZING MADONNA’S ILLUMINATI WORSHIP RITUAL | Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy | Healing Digestive Disorders & Anxiety with Crystals | CVMTV - Midday News | ITV Frank Harker - Learn English Episode | Ron Paul @ Maple Grove, Minnesota Caucus - CNN
Attacking Free Speech
2012-02-08 - Wednesday - CNN suspends commentator Roland S. Martin after he posted homophobic messages on his Twitter and Facebook pages the night of the Super Bowl. | Frank Harker | Ron Paul Phone Interview /w Neil Cavuto - Fox Business | 09:30 AM - in 2322 Rayburn House Office Building - Energy and Commerce Committee - Communications & Technology Subcommittee Hearing on "Cybersecurity" | U.S. Department of State - Daily Press Briefing | Video.State.Gov | Vanessa Hudgens on "LIVE! With Kelly"
Pot TV
2012-02-09 - Thursday - The Jodie Emery Show | Frank Harker - Emmerdale | Diane Ginete Mejilla
2012-02-10 - Friday - Alex Jones Show | 700 Club - Conservatives Kick off CPAC with Eye on White House, Catholic Broadcaster Files Lawsuit Against Obama Administration over Health Care Law Mandate | Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace 3D - I didn't see it. | Frank Harker
Happy Birthday Joey
2012-02-11 - Saturday - 09:53 AM | Terry Masango | 01:49 PM | Bill Hathorn - "Happy Birthday Jill. I hope you are having a great day!" | 02:00 PM | Sarah Cordero
Forty Four
2012-02-11 - Saturday - Forty Four Tapes - 11th of February of 2012
Whitney Houston Died
2012-02-11 - Saturday - In the evening, for my birthday, Matt & Mike Kurtz took me out for karaoke at a bar called Chop Sticks in like Portland, Oregon. I sang I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston in honor of her passing. I may have sang other songs. I sang poorly but passionately. We went out for karaoke a few times in the 2010's. Fun times.
2012-02-12 - Sunday - Prayers of the People | The Walking Dead 208 - Nebraska
Eric Frendo-Cumbo
2012-02-13 - Monday - 11:48 AM | 11:49 AM | Whitney Houston Talk - CBC News Toronto at 5 | Frank Harker
DC Eric
The DCeric Show How To: Watching Divx Movies on Dreamcast | In this video i show you how to watch Divx movies on the Sega Dreamcast. The quality might not be that great but anybody that needs that second resort for video needs the Dreamcast will offer.
@ojawall, Right on pal i know you do and thanks for enjoying them.
Planned March
2012-02-14 - Tuesday - ACTIVE DUTY TROOPS TO MARCH ON WHITE HOUSE | Frank Harker
Internet Kill Switch
2012-02-15 - Wednesday - Obama White House Threatens to Terminate Free Speech | Train - Drive By | Frank Harker
2012-02-16 - Thursday - BILL GATES FAVORS DEATH PANEL AND VACCINES TO DECREASE WORLD’S POPULATION | 700 Club - Is a Covert War against Iran Already Underway?
2012-02-17 - Friday - SURVIVING THE COMING COLLAPSE WITH SURVIVALIST JAMES WESLEY RAWLES | Paul Joseph Watson - FEMA Tyranny Plans & James Wesley Rawles | Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance - I probably saw this eventually. | The Observer, Greg Palast. He is the author of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, Vultures' Picnic
2012-02-18 - Saturday - Infowars Article | SNL 717 - Maya Rudolph | On This Day
2012-02-19 - Sunday - UN GUIDELINES: RECRUITING RELIGIOUS LEADERS AS “AGENTS OF CHANGE” FOR ONE WORLD RELIGION | The Walking Dead 209 - Trigger Finger | Alex Jones | Alex Jones - Blueprint to Defeat the New World Order, Speech in Dallas | Bad governments pay farms and farmers millions of dollars each year to not make food even as millions of children starve to death and die. That is bad. That is evil.
Metal Gear Joey Video
2012-02-20 - Monday - estimated date - 2011 Matt Kurtz Productions - 2012 Special Edition - Extended Cut - We made this video originally in 2011 around like February. Matt edited the video in 2011 and made an even better version around February of 2012 | Emmerdale | THAI MUSLIM LEADER: MOSSAD’S MEK RESPONSIBLE FOR DIPLOMAT ATTACK
2011-02-25 apx - Metal Gear Joey Video
2012-02-20 apx - Special Edition
While America Sleeps: A Wake-Up Call for the Post-9/11 Era
2012-02-21 - Tuesday - The Daily Show: Season 17: Episode 61 - Jon Stewart, Russ Feingold | Frank Harker - Emmerdale
U.S. Canada Drug War
2012-02-22 - Wednesday - Working Together at the borders to crack down on drugs? | Frank Harker
Fluoride Hell
2012-02-23 - Thursday - WHO ADMITS OMITTING FLUORIDE’S DAMAGING HEALTH EFFECTS TO “PREVENT CONTROVERSY” | KBVR TV Beaver News - With Anchors Brenda Ivey and Brittany Mangold | Frank Harker - Part 1/2 | Part 2/2
GMP Hell
2012-02-24 - Friday - APOCALYPTIC VISIONS OF A GMO FUTURE: ENGINEERED FOOD DESTROYING GUT FLORA, DNA & CELLS | 700 Club - Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN): Seven States Join Fight against Birth Control Mandate | News Bulletin: The Christian Institute
False Flags
Arrested For Thought Crime
2012-02-26 - Sunday - His daughter drew a picture of a toy gun - So they threw him in prison | The Walking Dead 210 - 18 Miles Out
Raw Milk
2012-02-27 - Monday - Jonathan Emord - Global Censorship of Health Information | Friend Requests - 03:36 PM | Matthew Kurtz | Mike Adams holds down the Infowars command post as Alex travels back from his gig in Florida. Mike talks with raw milk activist Liz Reitzig of the Raw Milk Freedom Riders. Other guests include constitutional lawyer Jonathan Emord, author of several books, including Global Censorship of Health Information and The Rise of Tyranny, and San Marcos, Texas, ventriloquist Ian Varalla | Frank Harker
Justifying Murder
2012-02-28 - Tuesday - 08:21 PM - Eating Friends Song | Ads@6 TV3 News | ESAT : ዜና - Ethiopia | ETHICISTS ARGUE KILLING NEWBORN BABIES SHOULD BE ALLOWED
New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen
2012-02-29 - Wednesday - Agenda 2030 - Globalists are seeking to exterminate billions of humans off the planet | Episode 60 - Energy Matters Video News | Energy Matters - Virginia reports on Mars Rover Opportunity's solar panels covered in dust but still delivering power, Lucy Lawless; the actress who played Xena in Xena: Warrior Princess, arrested after participating in Greenpeace action, BP bails on Moree Solar Farm and a new solar farm for Mars Chocolate North America.
2019-11-30 - Saturday - 11:00 AM - February of 2012
2010's Outline
David Icke
I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam
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Blood Thrill
Reviewing My Life
Metal Gear Joey
Tore Down My 2011 Shed
Was Still Watching Clone Wars
Blueprint to Defeat the New World Order, Speech in Dallas
Where Are You?
2012-02-13 - Monday - 06:59 PM - The 13th of February of 2012 - where r u
2012-02-09 - Thursday - 06:33 PM | Pinterest
Happy Birthday
2012-02-10 - Friday - 10:22 PM
Red Letter Media
2012-02-11 - Saturday - 03:08 AM - @redlettermedia, Review New Hope
Click Here to See More
Metal Gear Joey Special Edition
2012-02-20 - Monday - 12:57 AM | This might be an rough draft version of the 2012 special edition that Matt Kurtz created. | Random Recognition
Tillamook Trip
2012-02-12 - Sunday - 08:13 PM - Facebook - 12th of February of 2012 - We went to the Tillamook Cheese Factory, the Octopus Tree, Fred Meyers to see an old camp friend, Trader Joe's, people with weed, and the beach. We left like in the morning, the four of us, me, Matt, Danny, and I think Jeff.
2012-02-02 - Thursday - 11:43 AM - The second of February of 2012 | Marilyn Morehead Arnold Mitchell wrote:
Joey ArnoldTv was in the 2007-2008 Revolution Hawaii team
My Facebook
At that time, and for a while, my Facebook display name was Joey ArnoldTv. Now, I've had different accounts over the years, different usernames, URL web addresses, profiles, pages, groups, etc. Facebook terminated some of my accounts, etc, at times. So, I've been unable to find some of my older accounts from 2006-2014. Well, my current Facebook is still active as of 2014-2020, these past seven years and the previous eight or nine years not so much or not at all in some cases or most cases.