Peace between Israel and the UAE, United Arab Emirates, the Abraham Accord and how the press doesn't even get President Trump's sense of humor. Their hate makes them miss his sheer Genius!
More history made. ..MSM doesn't even bat an eye!
Peace between the UAE and Israel. . .Iran's worst nightmare!
President Trump tries to unite people by using non-traditional approaches and common sense. Why we hired him!
Pulled out more than half the troops in Afghanistan than when he took office.
Made us No Longer dependent on gas oil in the Middle East, now America is Energy Independent. . .MSM and Dem leaders answer back
"Defund the police!" Do you suppose they. . .
A. don't understand the significance
B. don't really care
C. actually Care a LOT and need us dependent so elitists and those profiting like poor leadership can continue to pad their pockets or is it. . .
D. All of the Above (whose good at those multiple tests? common core anyone?)
I would ask if these people are from another planet, but that might just open up a whole New Can of Worms! Y symbolism anyone? Never ever forget whom they truly serve!
Perhaps the reality is something else the "Giants in the land" won't let all of us [as the mere masses] discuss!
Do you think the press even caught it when they were discussing how even though the Middle East was an unattainable goal for other presidents and administrations and President Trump with his team achieved what no one else could. . .it was said the ME is more reasonable than the Democrat leaders. Whoa! {I do believe voters understand that when they go to the polls and once the hidden scourge is eliminated!}
Since POTUS broke up what he called "that ridiculous Iran Nuclear Deal" he stated money isn't going to some horrible, horrible groups so you haven't seen the kind of terrorism you saw before. It's like grandpa trying to break it down in bite sized, chunks of difficult info for those faced with challenging content to understand! Likely to try to help MSM corporate owned media who fancy themselves as giving "news" a bit of help as they don't see clearly through the contrived agenda of their overlords and their greed to profit off of chaos, destruction and division. Sad.
He makes it Clear. . .there's nothing China, Iran and Russia would rather have than President Trump defeated so they can deal with Joe Biden.
Riddle me this. . .Why is that. . those Who were the Real Colluders {Joe Biden's son and John Kerry's stepson} were making profitable deals for the elitists in China and the Ukraine? What deals were Kerry and Biden working on with Iran? You know what deals!
The Middle East was a mess when President Trump took office. There was a caliphate, ISIS and it was destroyed. Completion with the take down of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
I have to tell you. . .if you watch this clip, I love how he goads the press because they are so hateful. . ."I wanted to call it the Donald J. Trump accord, but the press wouldn't understand!" Seems to harken back to Another very famous speech by a president that addressed The Press doesn't it? The press is so consumed with who they have been told to hate, they Don't Even get to enjoy his humor. As one of the team speaks, POTUS looks up in the corner at another and gently nods affirmation at all of the seemingly impossible goals (as no other administration was able to get it done) and it strikes me how through all the hate and evil President Donald J. Trump has had to endure, he still maintains his sense of humor and Just "Get 'er done attitude!" It's truly Classic and Historical!
Thank you President Trump. You have indeed Far Surpassed. . .Exceeded our Expectations and we Thank God for you every day! Now let's keep doing this! #CarryOn
The UAE is very powerful, has one of the strongest military's so he tries to remind them Why this is so Big!
More sources and information given in the comments of the Original Post. Access if seeing elsewhere by clicking on the time stamp underneath my name. Remain Vigilant Stay Strong, #HoldTheLine
#PeaceDealUAEandIsrael, #Peace, #TheMiddleEast, #UnitedArabEmirates, #ArabPeninsula, #TheEmirates
Hear this Historical meeting with President Trump and his team who got this done!
Facebook Frames the Presser that will Go Down in History President Trump Asked about Q movement and the theory of him secretly saving the world form a satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals!.