Israel vs Islam : islamic countries were mostly spared during ww1 and ww2... So I can't imagine the culture shock...

in #israel4 years ago

My idea, is that for the "palestinians" living in Israel before the returns of the exiled jews, it was really a terrible shock...

I guess they were enjoying their tea/coffee, narguilay and pasteries under the figs/wine/olive&orange trees, with camels cruising around date trees... when suddently coming from nowhere...

came the survivors of ww2... be it from the camps, the flees, the front lines...

I can't imagine how brutal it was, even worst than since the last crusades.

So as said, I am deeply biased... why? because in france there is a serious problem with children of immigrants... of course exploiting this climate of public insecurity benefits certainly some french rulers of the republic, but I find it particularly disturbing, annoying and revolting.

I found an interesting comparison with brazil... where I was told, that yes, there are bandits, they may take everything including your short and havaianas, but in no way will they conduct systematic rape campaigns.

so from immigrants to invaders...

so I understand that some love the cheaper low skilled work forces... others the fertile electoral soil... but who benefits in this story but those already on their yachts?

Personally, I am not interested in the gated community lifestyle. I find it create a way too big dependence on the local security guards, and as such a state of mercy, false sense of security and lack of liberty...

that leads me to my second belief...

I do believe that the streets of the gcc / ksa are very safe... I have heard stories of markets unattended during prayers time... while in the usa I heard of porch pirates...

I heard of "rape game" or tararoush in cairo and other places... not in ksa / gcc...

I heard of sex slaves in syria...

I heard what happened in the UK...

so what I mean :

is that like the korean tv show said : are you really ready for a losing battle? it's a torturous path... something along the line...

I don't believe in this living together happy mantra.

as said by the german central banker : multi kulti failed.

it's not a melting pot, it's a boiling pot, with the strongest smartest most lethal or deceiving frogs to thrive...

a good example is the american indians... it wasn't assimilation but extermination.

I believe that islamic ways in europe, will always seek to instaure their rule over the natives.

And as said, I would be super happy to live the KSA / GCC way... there are many, but from the most textual based to the most interpreted differently than some (as said, I don't read arabic, so, if you say so... if you do so, who I am to tell you how to live?), I would feel free, as by my chosing, and as a FOREIGNER.

and that's the same in france... but in reverse. (for example all those filths margrehbans or south sahareans, attacking too saudi tourists btw, I would pack them all in air dropeable containers, and exactly drop them back, with their stupid flags...

in short demographic is law... sooner or later... all social engineering project fail... you won't erase the quoran, the jews will still seek their temple as long as there are jews...

conclusion : muslims would have been better off to leave the jewish area (or france or england or germany or italy or spain for the matters)

that's MY opinion...

I am fundamentally against this one world customer concept... like the little birds observed by darwin, there are thousands of ways to live, I like that...

I am anti babelian... because what happen when the ruler of babel becomes mad?

for example if we had realistic combat robots (terminators), I would fit one as a girl, skirt and top and send it to walk in the street to paris... will need more than 1, as the energy requirement for all the combat phaze will be relentless...

I saw this nurse in madrid, who couldn't walk safely in the morning to her work place...

and meanwhile, there is a war on plants...

and I take again this example : but if a girl from Xinjang wants to take a bike and ride to shanghai, good luck and courage and perseverance and force to her, but her safety from "bandits" "rapists" and thieves won't be her problem... at least a 1.4 billion hope so, and do all the heavy lifting (swift killing) to try to achieve her bike dream.

final warning : the jews of eretz have no intention to be gazed again, and I see there is more than one beach in eretz !!! amazing !!! btw this is no war... at best intense practice sessions... mini skirmishes...

have you seen the real skirmish of Donestk and Luansk People Republic Independence Wars?

because if as arabs your shit your pants facing the semiths and the "evacuees of Soviet Union (fake jews leaving the Soviet Dream), don't even fear the ICE SIDE, you won't have the time anyway :D.

if the palestinians were smart, they would all leave eretz, and negotiate better conditions, realistic and compatible with a defensible democratic jewish state... (why not a jewish non hereditary monarchy?) for their return :), for some...

anyway... birth rate + democracy + quran... impossible on certain aspect...

anyway, losing my time... with no appropriate compensation, proving some inefficiencies in market structure, or a lack of realistic value perception on my side... who knows... on the fiat train... censorship bandwagon...

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