Chaim Kanievsky + Daniel ‘the Autistic Oracle’ + Roni Alsheikh = Jiziahu Ben David?
"Rabbi Yaakov Zisholtz told religious broadcaster Radio 2000 that Rabbi Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky recently told him that he (Kanievsky) is already in direct contact with the Messiah."
"Now you have to come to Israel for good, to come to Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel), even if you have to live in tents. Yes! Come with a strong desire, knowing that salvation is very near and that the Moshiach (messiah) is already here."
"Roni Alsheikh, the Israeli Commissioner of Police, announced last week that his department of law enforcement personnel is preparing for the arrival of the Messiah in a truly unique way"
"The head Rabbi´s are saying that they have crowned their Messiah, Ben David in private and will crown him soon in public. Jiziahu Ben David has been anointed and ordained FULFILLING KADURI´S AND SHOSHONNES´S PROHECIES TO THE DAY!"
"In the same interview with the Brasilian website Guiame, he stated that the characteristics of the Antichrist are the same as those of the Messiah they are waiting for.
Moreno says that this figure will not come from belief like Catholicism or Islam but from Judaism, “For them it is not the antichrist, for them it is the Messiah”, he says."
"And now it appears that the messiah has appeared. But is this particular messiah “the One”?"