It's greatly underreported that much of Northern Israel has been evacuated due to missile fire from Hezobollah from Lebanon.
Hamas isn't the only anti-Jew game in town.
In reality, Hezobollah is better funded and better equipped than Hamas.
This is a bigger problem than people are willing to acknowledge.
Here's what I think is gonna happen.
- Israel is gonna wipe out Hamas.
- Hezobollah will escalate aggression against Israel.
- Since Hezobollah is funded by Iran, and sheltered by Lebanon, Israel is eventually going to have to fire on Lebanon.
- Once that happens, Lebanon and Jordan are going to attack Israel.
- Egypt actually has a pretty good relationship with Israel; so, they'll hold back.
- Still, there are just south of 40 Muslim countries in the world to one Jewish.
- there will come a critical mass wherein Hezobollah, Lebanon, and Jordan are getting the shit kicked out of them by Israel.
- that will result in the majority of Islamic states attacking Israel.
- that will result in These United States stepping in to prevent another Holocaust.
- that will result in China and Russia stepping in on the side of the West Bank.
- That will result in the UK, France, and Germany stepping in on the side of Israel.
That's WWIII.