Eidul Azha or Eidul Azha Islam is one of the two biggest religious festivals of religion.

in #islamic6 years ago


Allah has been instructed about sacrifice, 'Surely (O Prophet!) I have given you the Kaawar (blessing), therefore, establish the prayer for the satisfaction of your Lord and sacrifice for him' (Surah Al-Kawsar-108 / 1-2). The Messenger (peace be upon himHe said, 'Whoever does not sacrifice without incapability, should not come near the Eidgah' (Ahmad and Ibn Majah). Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said, "The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that no good virtue of humanity is as dear to Allah as it is in the day of sacrifice. The horns, fur and pitchers of the sacrificial animals will be brought on the Day of Resurrection (good deeds of human beings). It has reached the court of Allah before the sacrifice of animal sacrifices on the ground. So sacrifice it with joy '(Tirmidhi).


Sacrifice means: In our society, the word karabani, which is used in Bengal, means to get closer or closer. Now we read in verse 27 of Surah Al-Maa'id al-Qur'an, 'Ij Qararaba-Kukurba-nan', when they offered sacrifices to both of them, or sacrificed animals, or slaughtered them. In Surah Al-Kawsar it has been said, 'Fachalli lirabbika wanihar', that is, therefore, (O Prophet!) Pray in your remembrance of 'Rob' and sacrifice for his satisfaction '. Here the 'Nahar' is meant to mean sacrifice. The word 'Nahar' literally means 'slaughter, slaughter, slaughter, slaughter, or killing of beloved objects by slaughter or sacrifice.'

A brief history of the sacrifice: The sacrifice of the sacrifice began in the world at the beginning of human settlement. The first man of the world is our original father and prophet Hazrat Adam (A)Its first child, Ka'bah, was disobedient to God ta'ala and parents and disbelievers. Habal, the second son of Hazrat Adam (AS) of Kabul, was a God-fearing and mumen. At that time, Allah's Tea A son and a daughter. The marriage of the daughter of the pair was valid with the son of the first pair like Allah Teayala's law. Cabbage did not agree to the rule of Allah Tayal. She wanted her pair of beautiful sisters to marry. Finally, both of them were ordered to offer sacrifices. It is said that whose sacrifice is accepted, he will first marry Zora's beautiful big sister. This is the announcement of Allaah, that (O Prophet!)Please tell the story of Adam's two children properly; The story was, when both of them presented the sacrifice in the name of Allah, then the sacrifice was accepted from one of them (Abel), and the sacrifice of one (Kabail) sacrifice was not accepted, (whose sacrifice was not accepted), he said, "I Of course you (ofI will kill him, he said (whose sacrifice was accepted), said that Allah Ta'ala is only accepting sacrifice from the people of the pious person '(Surah Al-Ma'ida-5-27).


Because of the disobedience of the law of God, the first murder in the history of the world causes the disobedient child to be the enemy of God's religion ", the world's first victim of the devil's disbelief 'Cabbage'. In the history of the world, the first thing to do is to disobey Allah's law, ordinance or religion, and the killing of people is the enemy of God's religion "Kafir". This is the work of atheists, disbelievers and satans, which are mentioned in Surah al-Maidah of the Qur'an and some other Surahs. The history and murder of the Korban in the world has started from here.

Today, the introduction of sacrifice in Muslim society is basically the way of the Muslim millat or the father of the nation, Hazrat Ibrahim (as), or the Sunnat. Even today, sacrifice is done by Allah ta'ala, the son he gave to Allah after the centenary of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS), as per the law of sacrifice of Hazrat Ismail (A) by him.
The beginning of the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim (A): The Muslim millatra or the father of the nation Hazrat Ibrahim (AIn the torture of Namrud and his Sango-Panga, Allah ordered his wife to accompany her husband Hazrat Sarama and emigrated to Sham. Unfortunately, the king of that city was a tyrant and a terrible person. The King's people are Hazrat Ibrahim (ra)And when the news of his beautiful wife Hazrat Sarah reached the king's court, the king asked them to take them. The King's guests presented Hazrat Ibrahim (as) and his wife Sarah in the king's court. King Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) wants to know who is his wife? Ibrahim (A)He thought that if the wife said he might kill him, he said, he is my sister sister. The king captures Hazrat Ibrahim (A), and keeps Hazrat Sarai for the king's evil purpose. The King threatened to kill the king if he did not want to kill him. Then, when the king asked permission to pray for two rak'ahs, he would allow him to arrange the prayer. At the end of the whole prayer, Allah prays in the court that Allah ta'ala preserve his chastity. In the meantime, the king became very sick and weak. Hazrat Sara prayed for the recovery of the king, thinking that the situation would be worse and his people would blame Hazrat Sarai for the death of the king. When the same event happened three times in a row, King Hagar asked for forgiveness from Sarah. Seeing the chastity of Hazrat Sarah, another loyal woman Hazrat Hagar was sent away by her as her maid.


Hazrat Sara and Hazrat Ibrahim (A) were released and started living in the country. Hazrat Sara gave his maid Hazrat Hajrarah to marriage with Hazrat Ibrahim (AS). Because Hazrat Sarah was 90 years old and Hazrat Ibrahim (A) was 100 years old. Although they had long been married, Hazrat Sarah could not be a mother. He thought that if Allah ta'ala blessed him at the last age, he would give a son to her husband, Hazrat Ibrahim (AS). Hazrat Ismail (AS) was born on the basis of Allah's grace.

Hazrat Ibrahim (A) after the birth of Hazrat Ismail (A)His wife Hazrat Hajera and Kalijara pieces son, under the direction of Allah, near the Ka'ba house, near the place of Safa and Marwah left the deserted place with a few dates and one spice drink. Hazrat Ibrahim (A)When they were leaving the place, Hazrat Hagar asked, are you going to leave us in this lonely place? Hazrat Ibrahim (A) replied in a low voice, yes, yes. Again Hazrat Hagar asked, Is this the order of Allah ta'ala? Hazrat Ibrahim (A) again replied, yes. Hazrat Hagar relied on Allah Teela and stayed with her child.
At that time there was no such sign in the house of Ka'ba. The house of the Ka'bah was very high from the texture. Four sides broke down in the rain caused by rain water. When Hazrat Hazara and her child's food and drink were finished, Hagar started running in Saifah and Marwa Hills in search of food and water. When you were returning to despair, you heard a voice. Hagar said, "Who are you, I hear your voice, if possible, you can help me a lot in the way of Allah." Suddenly, he saw a man (angel) near his son Ismail (AS). When he hit the ground with an ankle or a wing of his feet, or the froth of water from the bottom of the ankle of ankle toe of Hazrat Ismail (A), the water springs flows. This is the fountain or well known to Jamjam, which is now known to the world Muslim. The Muslims are satisfied with drinking as a beverage. It was created by the grace of Hazrat Ismail (AS) in the mercy of Allah Ta'ala in the center of Ka'ba.
Hagar filled his Mosque and drank water with satisfaction. Hajrat Hajarah's hunger was prevented and arrangements for milk for his child's son were also arranged. Hazrat Hajrara has been running for seven times in Safa and Marwah hills because of the fact that he has issued a provision for running for seven times in the Safa Marwah hills for the observance of Hajj and Umrah, who performed the observance of Hajj and Umrah. Allah Ta'ala said, 'Of course, Safa and Marwa' mountains are one of the symbols of God Allaah, therefore, if any of you refuses to offer Hajj or Omar, there is no scope for them to circumambulate or run between these mountains, because if any If a person does something good with devotion in the heart, then they shoulKnowing that Allah Ta'ala is grateful and possessive of knowledge "(Surah Baqarah-2-158).When Hazrat Ismail (AS) was of age to walk and play, Hazrat Ibrahim (A) was ordered to dream that you sacrifice your favorite things in the name of Allah. Ibrahim (peace be upon him) said in a dream to sacrifice 10 camels. He again saw the same dream again. Then Ibrahim (peace be upon him) again sacrificed 100 camels. Again, he thought of the same dream, I have no other favorite objects except my beloved son Ismail (AS) at this moment. Allah Ta'ala said, 'Then I gave him the glad tidings of a steadfast son (Hazrat Ibrahim A). When he was fit to walk with his father, he (Ibrahim) said, "O my son! I dreamed that I was sacrificing you. So what is your opinion? He (Israt) said, "O my father! Do what you are commanded to do. You will find me one of the patriots of God's kindness. Then when they both agreed and Allah surrendered to the will of Teyla and buried Ibrahim (as) to slaughter Ishmael (AS); Then I called Abraham and said, 'O Abraham, you made your dream come true. Surely this was a test for Ibrahim and Ismail. Then We bestowed upon Ibrahim a great sacrifice. Continuing this (sacrifice) for the non-people, I continued to remember him. Peace be upon Ibrahim. I thus reward the righteous people. "(Surah As Saffat-101-109).
The significance and significance of the sacrifice: Hazrat Zaid bin Arqam (R) narrated that he said to some companions, "O Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him), what is sacrifice?" The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, the Sunnat of the Korbani Muslim Millat or father of Ibrahim (A) They asked again, what's in it for us? The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, there is a lot of money for each wool of the sacrifice. They said, there are many feathers. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, one wallet will be given for every wool of sheep, if it is sacrificed in the Khalis ('Ibn Majah). A hadith of Abu Daud has stated that the Prophet (peace be upon himSaid that the most honorable day of Allah is the day of sacrifice.
Culinary Education: Sacrifice is not a matter of pressure or compulsion. People create the mentality of abandoning the most beloved objects in hopes of achieving the satisfaction of their Lord. Such as Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)Just dreamed in your dream, sacrifice your favorite things in Allah's Cause. And he was fully prepared for the sacrifice of his only son, Hazrat Ismail (AS). One of the most interesting objects in the world is money or money and the child is one of the most important things. The purpose of this sacrifice is to create the mentality of the sacrifice. Sacrifice increases our faith and piety and creates interest in the Hereafter. The Prophet (peace be upon him) has said, "O people, sacrifice a tired and good animal, because these animals will be transported to your garden" (Baihaqi).

The sacrifice is wageful on all Muslims. There is a right to relatives, neighbors, poor people, and masafirs on the sacrifice of the sacrifice. It should be noted that no single person in the society is deprived of sacrificial meat. But the skin of the sacrifice is just right for zakat's rights.
Attention to the sacrifice: In our society, camels, cows and buffaloes are sacrificed in 7 parts. In this case, the people of equal and equitable financial means should be sacrificed together. Many people keep one or two parts of the animal in the sacrifice. Akika will not be a liar. If a boy has two sheep or goats and a girl, then a sheep or goat should be set. And remember there is no relation with the sacrifice of sacrifice. It is joy for the Elephant Ezl Azhar, the important element and the rich, and the relief for the poor. (Internet)

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