Why Study Religion? Why should we investigate about religion and study about God? What provokes us to consider religion? There are three reasons: (A) LOVE OF KNOWLEDGE: We all want to know the truth about the world in which we live: Did the heaven with its beautiful stars, the earth with its glorious landscapes, the beautiful birds, the colourful fish, the blue oceans and the high mountains—did all these come into being by themselves or are they the product of an All-Knowing and Powerful Creator? Besides all this, the first question that comes to mind for all of us is the origin of ourselves: Where did we come from? Why are we in this world? Where are we heading to? The love of knowledge and the searching spirit within us dictates that we must not rest until we find the answers to these questions. Thus the first reason that compels us to inquire into religion is our thirst and love for knowledge. -IslamicBooks