Expect no saviours – because there are none
There are no external saviours, not in the original Jewish scriptures nor in the Quran.
God does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.
There is only one way to head off what's coming, and that is do to what the Quran tells us to do: to warn the elite in order to make them eligible for the punishments of God.
That is the Quranic model.
THE QUR'AN: A COMPLETE REVELATION by Sam Gerrans on sale in hardback!
In the name of God: the Almighty, the Merciful.
By the Glorious Qur’an!
The truth is: they marvel that a warner has come to them from among them.
Then those who spurn guidance while claiming virtue say: This is an amazing thing:
When we are dead and are become dust[...]?
That would be an unlikely return.
We know what the earth diminishes of them.
And with us is a preserving decree.
The truth is: they repudiate the truth when it comes to them
So they are in a confused state.
Have they not then looked at the sky above them
How we constructed it and made it fair?
And there are no gaps therein.
And the earth we spread out
And cast therein firm mountains
And we caused to grow therein every sort of delightful kind
As an insight and a reminder for every repentant servant.
And we sent down from the sky blessed water then caused to grow thereby gardens and the reaped grain
And tall date-palms with spathes in clusters
As a provision for the servants
And therewith gave we life to a dead land.
Thus will be the Emergence.
There rejected before them the people of Nūḥ
And the companions of the commencement
And Thamūd
And ʿĀd
And Firʿawn
And the brethren of Lūṭ
And the companions of the woods
And the people of Tubbaʿ.
Every one rejected the messengers
So my warnings became binding.
Were we then wearied by the first creation?
Yet they are in doubt about a new creation.
And we have created man
And we know what his soul whispers to him
And we are nearer to him than the jugular vein.
When the two learners learn seated on the right hand and on the left
He utters no word save with him is a watcher ready.
And the intoxication of death will bring the truth
(That is what thou wast avoiding!)
And the trumpet will be blown
(That is the Day of Warning!)
And every soul will come
With it a driver and a witness
(Thou wast in heedlessness of this!
And we have removed from thee thy veil
And keen is thy sight this day!)
And his intimate companion will say: This is what is with me prepared.
Cast into Hell each obstinate ingrate!
Hinderer of good!
Sceptical transgressor
Who set up with God another god!
Cast him into the severe punishment.
His intimate companion will say: Our lord: I did not cause him to transgress
But he was in profound error.
He will say: Contend not in my presence
When I had sent my warnings ahead to you.
The word before me does not change.
And I am not unjust to my servants
The day we say to Hell: Art thou full?
And it will say: Is there more?
And the garden will be brought nigh:
(For those of prudent fear not far)
This is what you were promised
For every one turning in repentance, guarding
Who feared the Almighty in the unseen
And came with a repentant heart:
Enter it in peace.
That is the Day of Eternity.
They have what they desire therein
And there is more with us.
And how many generations did we destroy before them!
They were stronger than them in might
And they penetrated into the land.
Had they any place of refuge?
In that is a reminder for him who has a heart or gives ear with a conscious mind.
And we created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days
And there touched us no weariness.
Then be thou patient over what they say
And give thou glory with the praise of thy lord before the appearance of the sun
And before its departure.
And some of the night:
Glorify thou him
And at the ends of the Submission.
And listen thou for the day the crier will cry from a place nearby
The day they will hear the blast aright.
That is the Day of Emergence
(We give life and we give death
And to us is the journey’s end.)
The day the earth is rent asunder from about them rapidly.
That gathering is easy for us.
We know best what they say.
And thou art not a tyrant over them:
Remind thou with the Qur’an him who fears my warnings. (surah 50)
▶️ DTube
You are an amazing. I love your post @samgerrans (>‿◠)✌