Chemtrails in the Qur'an
In this video I outline my thoughts on chemtrails with regard to the Qur'an. At surah 44:10 the Qur'an speaks about 'obvious smoke' in the sky 'covering the people'. Look in the sky today: do you not see 'obvious smoke'?
Called chemtrails – and derided as a conspiracy theory (by the same interests which control our food, education, entertainment and economy) – it is clear to those with capacity for independent thought that something is going on above our heads.
THE QUR'AN: A COMPLETE REVELATION by Sam Gerrans on sale in hardback!
In the name of God: the Almighty, the Merciful.
ḥā mīm
By the clear law!
We sent it down on a blessed night
(We are warning)
Wherein every wise command is distinguished
By command from our presence.
We send
Mercy from thy lord.
He is the Hearing, the Knowing
Lord of the Heavens and the Earth and what is between them
If you be certain.
There is no god save he
(He gives life and he gives death)
Your lord
And lord of your fathers of old.
The truth is: they are in doubt, playing.
So wait thou for a day when the sky will produce obvious smoke
Covering the people.
This is a painful punishment!
Our lord: remove thou from us the punishment
We are believers!
(How will the reminder be for them when a clear messenger had come to them
Then turned they away from him and said: One taught, possessed?)
If we remove the punishment a little you will revert.
The day we strike with the greatest violence we will exact retribution.
And we subjected the people of Firʿawn before them to means of denial
And there came to them a noble messenger:
Deliver up to me the servants of God.
I am a trustworthy messenger to you.
And exalt not yourselves against God.
I bring you a clear warrant.
And I have sought refuge in my lord and your lord lest you stone me.
And if you believe me not
Then stay away from me.
And he called to his lord: These are an evildoing people.
Then travel thou by night with my servants for you will be followed.
And leave thou the sea tranquil.
They are a force to be drowned.
How many were the gardens and springs they left
And cornlands and noble station
And prosperity wherein they found gladness!
And we gave it as an inheritance to another people.
And the sky and the earth wept not for them
And they were not granted respite.
And we delivered the children of Isrā’īl from the humiliating punishment
From Firʿawn
(He was conspicuous among the committers of excess)
And we chose them according to knowledge above all mankind
And we gave them among proofs that wherein was a clear test.
These say:
There is only our former death
And we will not be raised
So bring back our fathers if you be truthful. (44:1-36)
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