"Islamic" Crazies – Why I Am Not Afraid
I'm often asked about my own personal safety: aren't I afraid to stand up and say what I do?
In this video I address some of those concerns and outline how I see things: the only safety is in the communication of God and his messages.
THE QUR'AN: A COMPLETE REVELATION by Sam Gerrans on sale in hardback!
Those who said of their brethren when they stayed back: Had they obeyed us they would not have been killed.
Say thou: Then avert from yourselves death if you be truthful.
And think not of those who are killed for the cause of God as dead.
The truth is: they are living, with their lord receiving provision
Exultant at what God has bestowed upon them of his bounty
And rejoicing for those behind them who are yet to join them
That they need not fear
Nor will they regret.
They rejoice in favour and bounty from God
And that God suffers not to be lost the reward of the believers
Those who respond to God and the messenger after injury befalls them
(For those of them as do good and are in prudent fear there is tremendous reward)
Those to whom men say: The people have gathered against you
So be afraid of them
But it increases them in faith and they say: Sufficient for us is God.
And excellent is the guardian.
Then they return with favour and bounty from God.
Evil touches them not when they seek the good pleasure of God.
And God is one possessing tremendous bounty.
But that: the shayṭān puts his allies in dread of it.
But fear them not.
And fear me if you be believers.
And let not grieve thee those who compete in denial.
They harm God not at all.
God wills not to make for them any portion in the hereafter.
And they have a tremendous punishment.
Those who sell faith for denial, they harm not God at all.
And they have a painful punishment.
And let not those who are indifferent to warning think that we but reprieve them good for their souls.
We but reprieve them that they might increase in falsehood.
And they have a humiliating punishment.
God will not leave the believers to that to which you incline until he distinguishes the bad from the good.
And God will not apprise you of the unseen.
But God chooses of his messengers whom he wills
So believe in God and his messengers.
And if you believe and are in prudent fear:
For you is a tremendous reward.
And let not those who are miserly with what God gives them of his bounty think it good for them.
The truth is: it is evil for them.
Hung around their necks will be that with which they were miserly on the Day of Resurrection.
And to God belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth.
And God is aware of what you do. (5:168-180)
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Thank you for this wonderful post @samgerrans (>‿◠)✌