Your life is falling apart now you're serving God alone-
I get sincere and moving messages the essence of which is: "Since I decided to serve God alone my life has begun falling apart."
I don't want to be glib or to tell others what they should do. The best way I can contribute is to share something of my own experience; what the path serving God alone has been like for me; what changes I have undergone as an individual and in my married life.
Serving God alone is a decision which each person can only make alone. No-one can help. We have intelligence and reason; we are meant to use them.
The Christian scriptures talk about not being "unequally yoked with unbelievers". There is a lot to that. Often, also, family and friends don't or won't understand.
This is to be expected. It is the example of the prophets. Look at Moses or Abraham in the Quran. The life we are called to is tough. But the rewards are the best.
I can't and won't say what anyone else should do on this; each situation is different. But I can say that whom God guides, he is guided. So look to the Quran for that guidance.
God is the best of allies.
THE QUR'AN: A COMPLETE REVELATION by Sam Gerrans on sale in hardback!
Say thou: Shall we call rather than to God to what neither profits us nor harms us
And be turned back on our heels after God has guided us
Like one whom the shayṭāns seduce in the earth, lost in confusion?
He has companions inviting him to guidance: Come thou to us!
Say thou: The guidance of God, that is guidance
And we have been commanded to submit to the Lord of All Mankind
And to uphold the duty
And be in prudent fear of him.
And he it is to whom you will be gathered.
And he it is who created the heavens and the earth aright.
And the day he says: Be thou!
Then it is.
His speech is the truth.
And to him belongs the dominion the day the trumpet is blown
The knower of the unseen and the seen
And he is the Wise, the Aware.
And when Ibrāhīm said to his father Āzar: Hast thou taken things fashioned as gods?
I see thee and thy people in obvious error.
And thus we showed Ibrāhīm the kingdom of the heavens and the earth
And that he might be of those who are certain.
Then when the night covered him he saw a star.
He said: This is my lord.
Then when it passed he said: I love not those that pass.
Then when he saw the moon emerge he said: This is my lord.
Then when it passed he said: If my lord guide me not I will be of the people who stray.
Then when he saw the sun emerge he said: This is my lord, this is greater!
Then when it passed he said: O my people: I am innocent of that to which you ascribe a partnership.
I set my face towards him who made the heavens and the earth
Inclining to truth
And I am not of the idolaters.
And his people disputed with him.
He said: Dispute you with me concerning God?
But he has guided me
And I do not fear that to which you ascribe a partnership save that my lord should will anything.
My lord encompasses all things in knowledge.
Will you then not take heed!
And how could I fear that to which you ascribe a partnership
When you fear not that you ascribe a partnership with God to that for which he has not sent down upon you a warrant?
Then which of the two factions has more right to security, if you know?
Those who heed warning and have not clothed their faith in injustice:
They have security
And they are rightly guided.
And that is our argument.
We gave it to Ibrāhīm against his people.
We raise in degree whom we will.
Thy lord is wise, knowing.
And we gave him Isḥāq and Yaʿqūb.
Each we guided.
And Nūḥ did we guide before.
And of his progeny Dāwūd and Sulaymān and Ayyūb and Yūsuf and Mūsā and Hārūn
(And thus we reward the doers of good)
And Zakariyyā and Yaḥyā and ʿĪsā and Ilyās
(Each was of the righteous)
And Ismāʿīl and Al-Yasaʿ and Yūnus and Lūṭ.
And each did we prefer above all mankind
And among their fathers and their progeny and their brethren.
And we chose them and guided them to a straight path.
That is the guidance of God wherewith he guides whom he wills of his servants.
And had they ascribed a partnership, what they did would have been vain for them.
Those are they whom we gave the law and judgment and prophethood.
And if these deny them:
We have entrusted them to a people who did not deny them.
Those are they whom God guided
So follow thou their guidance.
Say thou: I ask of you no reward for it.
It is only a reminder to all mankind. (6:71-90)
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