Four sacred months and jizya in the Quran understood without hadith
This looks at 9:36-37 specifically – where the Traditionalist claims the Quran speaks about four sacred months (Dhu al Qa’dah, Dhu al Hijjah, Muharram, and Rajab).
It also addresses the question of jizya in Islam – or tax on non-Muslims – on the basis of the Quranic text, the value for which – according to analysis on a pan-textual basis – is the jubilee (forgiveness of all debts every 50 years) enjoined upon those who received previous revelation.
THE QUR'AN: A COMPLETE REVELATION by Sam Gerrans on sale in hardback!
Fight those who believe not in God or the Last Day
And make not unlawful what God and his messenger have made unlawful
And adhere not to the doctrine of truth
Among those in possession of the law
Until they make reparation under supervision when they are brought low.
And the Rabbinic Jews say: ʿUzayr is the son of God.
And the Nazarenes say: The anointed one is the son of God.
That is the speech of their mouths.
They imitate the speech of those who were indifferent to warning before.
God damns them!
How are they deluded?
They take their rabbis and their religious scholars as lords rather than God
And the anointed one, son of Maryam
(And they are not commanded save to serve one god.
There is no god save he.
Glory be unto him above that to which they ascribe a partnership!)
Wishing to extinguish the light of God with their mouths.
And God refuses save that he perfect his light
Though those who spurn guidance while claiming virtue be averse.
He it is who sent his messenger with the guidance and the doctrine of truth
That he might make it manifest over every doctrine
Though the idolaters be averse.
O you who heed warning:
Many among the rabbis and the religious scholars consume the wealth of men in vanity
And forsake the path of God.
And those who amass gold and silver and spend it not for the cause of God:
Give thou them tidings of a painful punishment.
The day it will be heated in the fire of Hell
Then therewith will be branded their foreheads and their sides and their backs:
This is what you amassed for your souls:
Taste what you amassed!
The count of the moons is with God.
Twelve moons were in the law of God
The day he created the heavens and the earth.
From it are four inviolable
That is the right doctrine
So wrong not your souls concerning them.
(And fight the idolaters altogether
As they fight you altogether
And know that God is with those of prudent fear.)
Postponement is but an increase in denial
Whereby those who are indifferent to warning are led astray.
They make it lawful one year
And make it unlawful another year
That the count might agree with what God made unlawful.
So they make lawful what God made unlawful.
Made fair to them is the evil of their deeds.
And God guides not the people who spurn guidance while claiming virtue. (9:29-37)
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