Talk Good or Remain Silent

in #islam7 years ago


How lucky the silent person is
Speech is counted as staple food
Not everything we say is the answer
An unwelcome answer is silence
It is a wonder that people do a lot of persecution
While believing that he will die ..

Ali bin Abi Talib radhiyallahu 'anhu said,
"Someone died because of tripping his tongue
And someone did not die because of tripping over his legs
Tripping his mouth will add (dizz) his head
Falling over his leg will heal slowly.

Narrated by Al-Bukhari in his Sahih (hadith No. 6474) from Sahl bin Sa'id that the Messenger of Allaah sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

من يضمن لي مابين لحييه وما بين رجليه أضمن له الجنة

"Whoever can give me a guarantee (to keep) something between his two beards and two legs, I give him a guarantee of entering heaven."

What is meant by "something between his two beards" is the mouth, while "something between the two legs" is the genitals.

From Abu Hurairah that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فليقل خيرا أو ليصمت
"Whosoever believeth in Allah and the Last Day shall let him speak good or let him be silent." (Muttafaq al-alaih: Al-Bukhari, No. 6018, Muslim, 47).

Ibn Hajar explains, "This is a concise utterance; all words can be either goodness, vice, or one of them. Good words (may be) belong to a compulsory or sunnah word to say. Therefore, the words may be disclosed in accordance with their contents. All words oriented to him (to the obligatory or sunna) are included in the category of good speech. (Words) that do not fall into that category are either bad words or that lead to ugliness. Therefore, the person who is dragged into his hole (bad word or that leads to ugliness) should be silent. "(See Al-Fath, 10: 446).

Imam An-Nawawi rahimahullah mentions in Syarah Arbain, that Imam Syafi'i rahimahullah said, "If a person wants to speak then let him think first. If he feels that the remark does not harm him, please say it. If he feels the sentence is mudharatnya or he hesitated, then arrested (do not talk). "

Some Ulama says, "If you were the one who bought the paper for the angels who recorded your deeds, you would have been more silent than talking."

Imam Abu Hatim Ibn Hibban Al-Busti said in his book, Raudhah Al-'Uqala wa Nazhah Al-Fudhala, p. 45, " One who is intelligent is more silent than speech, for how many people are sorry for talking and little regret for silence. The most wretched and the greatest part of the calamity is the person who speaks always spoken, while his mind does not want to go ".

He also said in p. 47, " An intelligent person should use more of his ears than his mouth. He needs to realize that he is given two ears, while given only one mouth, so that he hears more than speaks. Often people regret later in the day because of what they say, while silence will never bring regret. Withdrawing from the unspoken words is easier than drawing words that have already been spoken. That's because usually when a person is speaking then his words will overwhelm him. On the other hand, if not speaking then he will be able to control his words. "

He added in p. 49, " The verbal of a reasonable person is under the control of his heart. When he was about to speak, he would ask his heart first. If the words are beneficial to him then he will talk, but if not useful then he will be silent. While a fool, his heart is under his oral control. He will speak whatever he wants to say. Someone who can not take care of his tongue means not understanding his religion. "

Narrated by Bukhari in his Sahih, hadith no.10; from Abdullah ibn Umar radhiyallahu 'anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,

المسلم من سلم المسلمون من لسانه ويده
" A Muslim is someone who other Muslims survive the oral grip and his hand. "

The above hadith is also narrated by Muslim, no. 64, with pronunciation,

إن رجلا سأل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أي المسلمين خير قال من سلم المسلمون من لسانه ويده

" There is a man who asks the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,' Who is the best Muslim man? 'He replied,' Somebody other Muslims has survived the oral and hand disorder. "

The hadith is also narrated by Muslims from Jabir, hadith no. 65, with the pronunciation narrated by Bukhari from Abdullah ibn Umar.

Al-Hafiz (Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani) explains the hadith. He said, " This hadeeth is common when attributed to oral. That's because oral lets talk about something that has passed, which is happening now, and also that will happen in the future. Different from hand; the influence of the hand is not as wide as an oral influence. However, the hand can also have a vast, verbal effect, through writing. And the influence of writing is also not less great with oral influences. "

Therefore, in a poem mentioned,
" I write and I'm sure when I write it
My hands are gone, but my handwriting is eternal
If my hand writes goodness, it's rewarded
If my hand writes badness, just wait for a reply.

Of the hadith (which means), " Whosoever believeth in Allah and the Last Day shall he speak well or let him be silent," Imam Ibn Daqiqil 'Id rahimahullah said in Syarah Hadith Arbain, "' Whoever believes in Allah and Day End ', meaning: anyone who believes in perfect faith, who saves from Allah's punishment and delivers to the pleasure of Allah then let him say good or he should be silent. Whoever believes in Allah with true faith, he fears His threat, hopes for His reward, tries to do what He commands, and forsakes everything He forbids. Then take care of all the members of his body that be his pastor, and he is responsible to him, as his word,

إن السمع والبصر والفؤاد كل أولئك كان عنه مسئوولا

' Verily hearing, sight, and heart are all to be held accountable ' (Surat al-Isra ': 36)

ما يلفظ من قول إلا لديه رقيب عتيد

' Not a single sentence is spoken but there is a nearby watchful angel who is always present. ' (Surah Qaf: 18)

That is always watching him and watching things ihwalnya, as mentioned in his word,

وإن عليكم لحافظين () كراما كاتبين () يعلمون ما تفعلون

' But verily for you there are (the angels) who watch over your (work), the glorious ones (with Allah), and those who record (your works). They know what you are doing. '(Surah Al-Infithar: 10-12) "

Likewise, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, " Nothing throws the human neck in hell but their verbal results. " (Raised by Al-Albani in Saheeh al-Jami', 5136)

"Whoever knows it and believes it with true faith then he fears God with regard to his tongue, so he does not speak except good or silent." (Tafsir As-Sa'di)

May God always guard our tongues from useless things, so as not to reap regret in the last day by not bringing any charity from the work of our charity in the world.

عن أبي هريرة: أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قال أتدرون ما المفلس قالواالمفلس فينا يا رسو ل الله من لا درهم له ولا متاع قال رسو ل الله عليه وسلم المفلس من أميي من يأتي يوم القيامة بصلاته وصيامه وزكاته ويأتي قد شتم هذا وقذف هذا واكلا مال هذا وسفك دم هذا وضرب هذا فيعطى هذا من حيناته وهذا من حسناته فإن فنيت حسناته قبل أن يقضى ما عليه أحذ من خطا ياهم فطرحت عليه ثم طرح في النار

From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu; that the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Do you know who the bankrupt?"

The Sahabahs replied, "A bankrupt person is a person who does not have money on dirhams or possessions."

He said, "Verily the bankrupt among my people is the one who comes on the Day of Resurrection with the reward of fasting, fasting, and charity, but he also comes with sin in the form of reproach, accusing, consuming treasure, shedding blood, and beating others . Later his goodness will be given to the unrighteous. If the good deeds have been given, while not yet finished the vengeance of the act of injustice, then taken the sins of the tyrannical person, then given to him. Then he was thrown into hell. "(Muslim in his Sahih, No. 2581)

Wallahul Musta'an.

O Rabb, forgive the sins of the servant, guide me to always obey You and enter us into the people of whom You give Grace.

Bandung, 18 Dzulhijjah 1434 H (1 November 2013 M).

Maraji ':

  • Taisir Karimir Rahman, by Shaykh Abdurrahman bin Nasir As-Sa'di.
  • Syarah Arbain An-Nawawi, by Sayyid bin Ibrahim Al-Huwaithi.
  • Ad-Daa'wa Ad-Dawaa ', by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah.
  • Tazkiyatun Nafs, works: Ibn Rajab Al-Hambali, Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah, and Imam Al-Ghazali.
  • Personal note of scientific islam study "Waspada Dangers of Oral" submitted by Al-Ustadz Muhammad Nuzul Dzikri, Lc. Hafidzahullah; Habiburrahman Mosque PT. In Bandung; Sunday, October 27, 2013; organized by Yayasan Ihya'us Sunnah Bandung in collaboration with DKM Masjid Habiburrahman PT. IN.

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