The System of Make Believe

in #ishmael6 years ago

We live in a culture where people are more offended by "swear" words and middle finger gestures than they are by famine, warfare, and the destruction of our environment.

'Wouldn't it be nice if we could just be free and escape "the system"? Even just some small changes (good changes) would be a breath of fresh air. Now what would this create, escaping "the system"? I bet some think that would be a turn to a worse way of life, one that wouldn't work. No more of our modern toys and a host of other nightmares. I bet some feel this way and even more would if I delved into more detail. The lies of mother culture are whispering in your ear, filling you with doubt and anxiety. It whispers about how the "good times" and "nice life" would be over if you got out of this dominate culture we live in. No more partying, playing video games, internet, alcohol, security, etc. It tells you all this would be gone without "the system". That life would get more dangerous and hard and surely not fun at all.

There's so much I could say to contrast this but to keep this at a length that people will read, I will refrain for now. I will say that you can have change and keep everything and that if anything, things would get better (not worse). I will also say that the current system of the dominate world culture we live in is not stable and is on very wobbly legs that will soon collapse. I would say it's already started collapsing myself.

When you think about how things are, try to view past your life, past your neighborhood, even outside your town and state. Look nationwide and worldwide. Actually look, it's not hard to do. Don't just look at the nice things, look at it all and beneath the surface. Are these places where you would be willing to move to? Would you want your children living in some of these places and in some of these conditions? Do you find yourself protesting and/or complaining about things more then you did 20 years ago? These are example questions to ask yourself to help you get an understanding how you yourself actually see things.

Dewayne Boyd has this to say about making changes in our system. He makes a good point when he states that our basic view of life should be, "Question Everything, Believe Nothing, View Everything With An Open Mind".

He clarifies this with the following which makes a good ending to this writing.

Question everything: Always inquire, always seek to learn what anything is about. Never take something at face value. As a child asks, how, over and over or why, over and over to the point of parental madness, all people should question equally. Face value answers never being quite enough.

Believe nothing follows the question rule: if you find something that makes sense, question it again. Don't just believe it because it's presented in a sensible manner and seems to make sense. Religion for an obvious example. Or why the monetary system exists. Or why civilization is what it is.

And view everything with an open mind. We cannot discount the truth even in our disbelief. With continuous scrutiny, we will come to a truth that can be understood easily and by all because of common sense and understanding. Even with strange concepts of "supernatural" elements, we must be open and guarded at all times. But mainly with how the world CAN operate in relation to how it DOES operate. Just because this is how it is doesn't mean that's how it's supposed be. But our lack of open minds and our lack of questioning and our constant believing have put us where we currently are.

Infinite possibilities. But we all live and operate one way. We don't question, we believe easily and our minds are culturally/spiritually/socially closed to almost all possibilities.

Life is fantastic and it is made trivial.


"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age."

~ H.P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu

[A video Daniel Quinn snippet on our culture vs another culture.]

*I original posted this this over on my Facebook page in 2013, The Great Discussion, a page inspired by the wisdom shared from the late author Daniel Quinn. You can view that here:


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