In The Beginning God Did Not Create Corporate Churches

in #irs6 months ago

The I.R.S. and The Church
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  1. Now the I.R.S. was more subtil than any organization which the Lord God allowed to be established by man, And it said unto the Church, "Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not receive subsidies from every thing which God allowed to be established."

  2. And the Church said unto the I.R.S., "Yea' We may receive the tithes and offerings of every member of the Church to Meet our needs:

  3. But of the 501(c)3 tax exempt status which is from the I.R.S., God hath said, Ye shall not receive subsidies from it, neither shall ye incorporate, lest ye die:"

  4. And the I.R.S. said unto the Church, "Ye shall not surely die:

  5. For God doth know that in the day ye receive your Corporate status, that artificial life shall be breathed into your Church by the State, and your Pastors shall be as smart as God knowing “Public Policy” better than the Word of God."

  6. And when the Church saw that the I.R.S. was able to subsidize it’s pet projects, and that it was the politically correct thing to do, and that it gained a certain amount of respectability from the world, the Church took the subsidies, and gave the benefits also to her Pastor with her; and he did compromise.

  7. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they realized that they were powerless spiritually, and they made excuses, and covered up their sin:

  8. And they heard the Word of the Lord God convicting them in a free Church: And they tried to hide themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the real Churches and men of God in the world.

  9. And the Lord God called unto the Pastor, and said unto him, Where art thou?

  10. And he said, I heard your Word preached in a real Church, and I was afraid, because I was powerless spiritually; and I hid myself.

  11. And he said, Who told thee that thou was powerless spiritually? Hast thou received subsidies from the I.R.S., whereof I commanded they that thou shouldest not receive?

  12. And the Pastor said, The Church whom thou gavest me to Pastor, she gave me benefits, and I did take them.

  13. And the Lord God said unto the Church, What is this that thou hast done? And the Church said, The I.R.S. tempted us, and we voted to receive subsidies and exemptions.

  14. And the Lord God said unto the I.R.S., "Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all institutions, and above every organization in the world; you are lower than a snakes belly, and shall be cursed every day of your existence.

  15. And I will put division between thee and the true Church, and between your Corporate Churches and the True Churches : they shall be victorious in the end though persecuted

  16. Unto the Corporate Church he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy future ministries, and thy desire shall be to the Chairman of the Trustee board, and he or she shall rule your Corporate Church with a Constitution given to it by the State.

  17. Any unto the Pastor he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of the Corporate Church, and have received your Tax Exempt Status from the I.R.S., of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not receive subsidies of the I.R.S.: cursed is your Corporate Church because of you; in sorrow shalt thou receive of it’s subsidies all the days of thy life;

  18. Divisions also and stife shall Corporate Status bring to thee; and you shall submit to the I.R.S. because of the subsidies you receive from it:

  19. In the days preceding your business meetings shall thou study thy Constitution, till thou return unto the true Church; for out of it did you come: for it is a Christian you claim to be, and unto my Church only should you return.

  20. And the pastor called his Corporation, “First Baptist Church, Inc.” because it was the founder of all future Corporate Churches.

  21. Unto the pastor also and to his Corporate Church did the Lord God allow to be established the Christian Law Association, to convince Churches that it is better to obey the “Public Policy” that it is to obey the Word of God.

  22. And the Lord God said, Behold, the Pastor thinks he is smarter than us, to know what is good for him and what is not: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take over an unregistered Church, and compromise it, and it remains a Corporation forever:

  23. And God Changed the Pastor into a CEO sent him forth from the true Churches, to preside over his non for profit corporations which he established.

  24. So God drove out the CEO and his corporate Government creation; and He established Christ Centered Churches over which Christ Alone was the Head ,and set Born again men of God at their pulpits, with a King James Bible, to keep Jesus Christ as the Head of His Church.

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