
I don't choose sides. I just believe facts. Proof is everywhere I've traveled but a good documentary for you to watch would be before the flood it's pretty simple you should be able to understand it. Why would the world have a climate summit if it's false?

It's called having power and control over everyone and everything. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely".

What politician wouldn't take the chance to fill his pockets by the easiest means necessary? Money is the ROOT of all evil. They would step over their own mother for a buck. Governments attract the very people who shouldn't be in them in the first place.

As I said before academia is nothing more than a factory to pump out more "useful idiots" for government crime and corrupt.

Money and material items is the ego side of humanity. I trust nobody who is drunk with power. The same people who run all the other scams, are now pushing for more wealth and power still, because they are filled greed and power hungry.

Paying more for "living" will NOT fix the climate. Period. It will line the criminals pockets with more money and give them control over every aspect of your life. The same people who lie about everything are now telling you truth about this issue? NOT.

Once a liar, always a liar and I don't trust them as far as I can throw them. And real science is never an absolute, it's always looking to discredit itself. Pseudoscience consists of statements, beliefs, or practices that are claimed to be scientific and factual in the absence of evidence gathered and constrained by appropriate scientific methods.

As what happened with the "global warming" scam. It's not called that anymore because it was already exposed in leaked emails showing how they wanted to "doctor" up the figures and facts. But yet these same people are pushing this and the public want feed into? Nonsense.

I support changing the world for the better and hopefully people will see it before the Earth is beyond healing.

Changing to renewable resources and energy is cheaper for life on earth but one of the toughest problems is the beef industry because we use three times as much land to grow the feed for the cows than the amount of land it would take to feed everyone on Earth. You will someday realize the government you are talking so bad about is exactly the corrupt government you are defending by allowing them to ignore the bigger picture! I have faith you can change and learn from your mistakes.

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