Trump laying case for killing Qasim Suleymani the Iranian commander: a step towards peace or World war III initiated in Middle East?
Iran commander killed by US airstrikes in Iraq was a piece of shocking news to many Middle-Easterners two on Jan 3rd.
While the American president lays out a case for killing the Iranian general according to Daily wire, let's look at this yet another US assassin from another perspective. Compared to what is being propagated by the majority of oppositional News Agencies and regardless of all things happened by the direct and indirect actions made by the US leading to a political void in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, so much killing and destruction, is this now going to happen to Iran as well?
Trump is dealing with the impeachment issue and its upcoming consequences in Nov 2019. Apart from him, any war-mongering machine would not mind war in the Middle East a reservoir of oil and history. Another unfinished war in this region would give Trump in person a carte blanche to be re-voted and remain in power, the other reservoirs will be open to be "stolen" like war tokens; on the other side, China, the other super-power does not mind a direct political conflict for the US first to hold its Hong Kong in control and economically flourish.
Even though Trump said "we took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war", the war he might have meant to stop is possibly the war in his own career under the excuse of protecting the Middle East, in fact, may be a direct step towards initiating the long-desired war (psychological, economical and now perhaps the real deal) by the republicans to prove "the US" as the top-dog in yet another Middle Eastern/North-African country for more free oil reservoirs and puppet governments.
Of course, since many powers have sent troops in this region and they have mutual benefits and losses in either one of the Middle-Eastern countries, this so-called act of "kindness" by Trump can actually lead to the spark needed for the World war III tank engine.
Now regardless of the criminal act of assassinating another country's "commander in chief", sugar-coating by the alleged accusation of Iran, a country with no equal political and economic power, as being depicted as a threat to the US is almost hilarious. Another example of the war-mongering politicians to create a "justified criminal situation" to drag Iran into a political mistake of vengefully reacting to this agenda.
Now, what is curious is that when in October 2019, the Iranian government shut off the internet upon its citizens raising against the mute its internal riots, and of course, almost it had no echo in any of the news published, while now the news agencies have already begun telling people lies to prepare people and especially the Americans for a potential "war" phase against Iran and Mr. Trump's re-election! Dirty politics.
Viva life, peace, and justice. It's time for leaders who want power for the people, the Earth, and life.
Not for more killing, destroying and lies...