Truth About the Iran Protests From An Iranian

in #iran7 years ago (edited)

*I have declined payout on this post as the author does not want to be named. I am sharing this unedited information from a friend in Iran who wants their truth to be heard, yet is also afraid of being arrested, so will remain anonymous.

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"What is really happening in Iran, everyone see this from their perspective, but reality is what people see it from the streets of Iran!!

Iran had a revolution, people did that revolution to have political freedoms! and as Khomeini the old leader said to people : I came to make Oil free for people! electric power will be free!! and everything will be for people!!

many years passed from that time!! the wealth in Iran is only in hands of a small percent of population! the wealth is in hands of Government of Iran, some Leaders! they tell their people we spend these moneys for poor countries as Imam Khomeini also wanted to do this too! they do it!

but when people ask for the free oil! free electricity! jobs! their lost money which banks stole money of people!! and after people went to street and said : leaders! president!! please give us our money back!! they didn't answered them!!

and after all the pressures that we (Iranian) had and all the sanctions that USA + Israel did against us!! even our Government did Sanctions against people!!

there are workers who didn't payed about 22 months!! there are poor people in many cities like Baloochestan and Kurdestan and many other cities!! in Kurdestan people have no job so they pass the borders to take things over the borders and sell or take things inside to sell inside, to make some money for their family, some of them dying in these ways. some are dying while they pass the cold waters and passing the mountains!! to bring a smile on their children's face to give them some foods!!

and what are our government do? they just show us lies in our TV like what the World TV shows to the people of the world!! lies are everywhere!! never believe in any politicians!!

before the first revolution people had freedom to wear anything they like to wear, but now they force people to wear more, cover their body! because it's government rule!! I myself born as a muslim child but I never accept government which works with Religion!! these things must be apart!! religion must be a thing for someone in their room, not in public!! it doesn't have to be a force!!

after the First revolution of Iran women voice became Haram!! means they can't sing!! if they sing alone and try to send out their mp3 music or video they will take them to prison!! they will punish them!!

Alchohol became Haram! they will slash anyone who drunk alchohol!!

they will slash anyone who were with a girl who is not his wife! they will take them to police stations to teach them to become good( good in government's thought!! )

Their stupid rules became much hard that they even force forgeiners who travel to Iran should wear Hijab on their hair and wear their bodies!! this is insane!! this is not what Iranian want!

Anyone who talk against government and specially saying anything against or bad to the Leader they will arrest him as a political prisoner, there is a man who spent 40 years in prison because he talked against leader!

And in the new years they took some girls and men who also said bad words to leader and they are still in prison, only because our leader do crimes and never listen to people! and he just love to make everyone silent!

Rock music is Haram!! Rap is Haram!! (Haram is an Islamic rule which means its not allowed and the person who did that work will be punished) but only in new years they accept it because some people who started working for government and sing what government love to hear! so they let these musics be allowed!!

most of Iranian artists and musicians and singers left Iran after The 1978 revolution! because those who took control after that revolution stopped musicians and singers and actors, and also they changed the programs of TV!!
from my childhood till now! TV is filled with Islamic thoughts and programs and mullah (a Muslim learned in Islamic theology and sacred law.)

those women who work in Iran TV must wear full Hijab even harder than what people wear in streets!

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A brave young girl stand and put her hijab away to stand against the rules

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it's only some years that women could fight back and wear what they like to wear but still they can't take their hairs out!! if they take their head hairs out! cops will take them so fast!!

with all these forces!! USA Sanctions came!! and all the presidents of USA always said lies!! they said we have problem with Iran's government but they never had!! they always did bad to Iran's people!! what will happen to a powerful government? nothing!! only the people in that country will become more and more poor!! things become high price!! our money price will go downer and downer (Rial and Toman) : 1 dollar = 45000 Rial!! which our country factor the Rial and now we must say Toman : 1 dollar = 4500 Toman!

our Government pay much money to those who have great jobs in government and their salary is high, but for the lower jobs, like a teacher or even an army worker with high degree the salary is so low!! or any other job which is in the low part!

Babak Morteza Zanjani became billionaire with the oil business and the works he did for our government and now they take him and its been years and years they just take him to judgement but they do nothing to him!! they stole much money!! and nobody do anything with him!!

even if they do anything to him it wont solve the criminal system!! as they also did executed another one of thieves ...

but I say they kill small ones but they dont kill or take or anything they want to do to the boss of them!! big leaders! who has much money in their hands!!

after all the things I said up there I want to talk about the things which are happening in these days in Iran! yes people did Protest against our criminal government!! people did it for freedom! for sanctions! for poverty for no jobs and much educated people!! for much professors who leave Iran to have a good job in other countries!! for our civilization and culture which our government destroyed must of it!!

people went to streets and scream against them!! people said down with dictator!! down with thieves!! Lairs!! and people said we will take back Iran!! and people died with bullets which police forces shoot at them!! the numbers that they said in videos was 22! I know it must be more than this! there was many protests in most of Iran's cities!! big cities!! in Mashhad they arressted more than 1000 people, a soldier from there told me that prisons is full and there is no space!!

and at the end they slowed down the internet so people can connect each other with an app called Telegram so nobody can hear anything from the other people ...

and in the next days they forced students and teachers and those who works in the government jobs, to go out and walk in streets and say down with those who protested days before!!

what are they doing!! people of the world!! what are they doing to us? and they just smile back at us!! is this what they said? is this freedom?

and you know what they do in the prisons? they give the young innocent girls and boys in hands of wolves to rape them!! to do many shameful things to them which I dont wanna name those acts here!!! :(((((
they beat people in streets and bring many armmed soldiers and cops to streets and closed all the places to stop any protests and arrested as much as they could and right now they smile in our TV and they say : it was an action from outside of Iran, it wasn't people!!

but I only believe that this must be fixed from inside!! when Trump started talking he ruined people's works!! he put a bad name on protesters!! and now government can call them people's who payed from USA!! with one stupid word from Trump! I wish he never talked!! then people could continue!! we could change it!! we could make this place free!! and I know what politicians of the world wants!! they want to choose another dictator on us!! they just wants someone to be their puppets and this is why I hate of them!!

I wrote all of these to show you the reality and truth of my country!!
we love all the people of the world! we are not bad ones!! we are friendly people!! our problem is our government like everywhere!! but I believe that our government is more criminal than all when I see what they did in all of these years!!

I also have seen poverty in USA and you can see that Trump don't give a fuck about those cities which are in poverty and he just look around other countries and sit to see when he can attack like Iraq and ... and today he talks about human rights in Iran!

evils are everywhere!

this is videos of people who were in streets and protesting against government and leader in Iran

Thanks for reading about our life in Iran


Just goes to show you that deep down all control mechanisms are exactly the same.....corrupt!
It doesn't matter what the 'rulers' tell you, whether they rule through democratic process or through religious dictatorship, the average folks at the bottom get shafted and the ruling elite get rich...same everywhere.
The US have been trying to take Iran down covertly and openly for 40 years now without success, perhaps it's time to try something new, like talking to each other.
Who has Iran ever hurt/attacked?
If they didn't have oil/gas the west wouldn't give a shit about them, that's a fact!
Human rights only matter to the US/UK when the country in question has something our government wants, it pathetic.

Government is a small gang of criminals using the color of artificial law to intimidate and enslave people. Only natural law has righteousness.

For a time people get confused because some few political gangs operate less criminally (Sweden, Norway for example), but they all have the seed of corruption planted within them. It is always just a matter of time before that corrupt seed takes root and ruins everyone else.

Fortunately technology exists that will provide an exit from the power of national fiat. Most people have yet to learn the importance of money and who controls it, but a crash course is coming by the early 2020's. Technical disintermediation is on its way. Those of us who understand, need to educate the public about decentralization and its importance to restoring balance in nature.

You can't be more right @zoidsoft!, you hit the nail by the head. The best way to get off this people is by Decentralisation and reducing our need for their FIAT. We are not there yet though, but I believe we will. Thanks Mate.

Iran is Israel's best friend, what we see on mainstream news is all spoonfeeding to people who refuse to do simple research of what actually goes on. There was a huge majority of Jewish Persians before the revolution, and most moved after the revolution to Israel and the United States, but there is still a significant population of Persian Jews in Iran until this day.

Over 100,000 Persian Jews live in Israel today (The Law of Return), this is a strong bond "under the table" between both countries, all what (Action / Thriller) you see on mainstream media is to keep us misinformed. I will not go much in detail, with a simple research it will show many factors that both governments are just left and right pairs of the same socks, they will never separate.

Sanctions put by Israel on Iran eventually hurt the people and not the government, that makes citizens weaker which gives the government more control over their crooked agendas, hence the pictures provided in this post, just like the other 98% of the governments of the world.

P.S: I have Jewish friends in Canada, I do not have anything against anyone or belief in this world, I am just stating facts above. Supporters of the Zionist movement come from all religions around the world, and actually the minority are Jewish. May Peace be with you :)

Although it is true, excluding Israel and Turkey, that Iran is the Middle Eastern country with the most Jews;

"According to the latest Iranian census, the remaining Jewish population of Iran was 8,756 in 2012, while the number of crypto-Jews, [Jews who feel they need to hide their identity] is unknown."

According to "Encyclopedia Iranica," the total Jewish population in Iran is 25,000.

The following excludes the 500-700,000 Arabs who mostly fled Israel and then began calling themselves Palestinians. Today they are between 4-7 million, depending on whose numbers you believe. Apparently, the most accurate records indicate about 4.5 million. The 1.8 million Arabs referred to below are Israeli citizens.

Thank you for sharing this, will share too! Yeah, Trump saying Iran should respect the protesters was the height of hypocrisy. They beat and arrest protesters here ...Occupy, J20, Standing Rock... and they try and prosecute people for disrespecting our "leaders" - see charges being filed against that woman for LAUGHING during the confirmation hearings of Sessions, I think it was. The US is the biggest hypocrite in the world. Peace to the people!

What a good publication, you are the voice of that friend, what a good report, you know ... Here in Venezuela there is already a law that condemns people who speak ill of government or publish something bad about the government, like in Iran the profits of oil is only for a group of people, the protests in the streets for lack of food are more frequent every day, thanks for being that window and for the voice of the people who are violated all their rights

Aw man, and here I am complaining about our country's traffic problems when Iran appears to have it so much worse. In fact, its beyond. Those actions (banks stealing the people's money, young children are like sheep given to wolves in prisons, people crossing the border to get items to be sold and may even die in the process, etc...) are just inhumane. No human must experience and suffer like that :'(

First of all i am feeling really sad and bad for the condition you people facing there in Iran. Iran is considered among the minnows with self respect country in the Sub-Continent. Clash among Iran and USA is before everyone.
I am against the extreme form of any religion, Yes i mean any. Suppression always causes hidden crime.
Like if they(Govt) are opposing the girlfriend boy friend relations then Govt. is actually provoking the sexual needs of both genders. So, all in vein.

Secondly here i am putting the quote of great Sociologist Karl Marx once he said

Religion is an opium of mass

People follow the religion blindly and do not pay attention to make any attestation about religious sayings.
Look Bad and good peoples are everywhere in the world but brutality and greed have no religion.

My prayers are with you My Iranian Brothers and Sisters
Stay Brave and Composed!

Thanks @lyndsaybowes for making us aware about the inner condition of Iran.

Stay Blessed Everyone

Thank you, greatly, for the inside look into the current state of affairs in Iran! It was my pleasure to have worked in Tehran in the late seventies; leaving a few months before the revolution. My hope is that your charming people can find your own way to liberation without US and Isreali interference. ✌💛

The leaders do not live what they preach so why do they enforce these rules on the people? Why are they turning their citizens into zombies? This is so terrible. Thank you for sharing this

History will look back on the USA as fondly as we recall Hitler. Thanks for sharing, resteemed.

these are the corrupt leader in the history of Iran, , these are cutting the right of poor , innocent people of Iran.

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