USA vs. IRAN - History Repeats Itself.
USA has once again initiating a mini-war within the Middle East and that country is Iran near Iraq in which the US has conquered since 2000 after USA attacked Baghdad, Iraq due to the possession of nuclear weapons and after blaming that the Iraqi's are the one who are responsible for the attacked of 9/11 World Trade Center Bombing resulting to a global meltdown in the financial markets. The primary goal and target of USA in Iraq is not the confiscation/annihilation of nuclear weapons but the acquisition of its territory including oil reserves, precious metals and its land.
And now, the history is repeating itself once again thru the initiation of the first attack by the Americans by killing the Iranian Major General of Iran Qasem Soleimani, thus creating a problem-reaction-solution. I'm very sure that an unknown perpetrator will make an attack against the US in which the unknown perpetrator is not related to the Iranian government and its people resulting to another escalation that will trigger events that can lead to another war as it was just happened with the Iraqi government and its people.
The unknown perpetrator will be just like another Al-Qaeda or a group of terrorist that will add tension or fuel to the fire.
As I have observed, these events are just repeating itself with the old same tactics and manipulation. People must learn how to see that these things that are happening right now is already been planned many many years ago.
Many people will die and suffer for this nonsense war and violence resulting to oppression, hate and fear towards others.
David Icke is very correct regarding the Problem-Reaction-Solution and the Divide and Conquer Strategy. People need to wake up.
A mass awakening of consciousness is very important at this point in time.