The Lizard People Are Listening - Always
A friend posted on Facebook recently about how she was having a face to face conversation with a friend and was convinced that, within hours, she was receiving advertising based upon the content of her face to face conversation. She had her phone with her but wasn't talking on it, texting, etc., or otherwise using it but it seemed clear to her the phone was "listening" to her to facilitate target advertising.
It seemed a bit crazy even for me - owner of many tin foil hats. Until Thursday, that is. I had been thinking about getting a banner made for public music performances I have coming up. I had not discussed it with anyone, had not put the idea in any kind of written form - email/text/notes, etc. It had only been an "idea in my mind". I stopped in (with my iPhone in my pocket) to a local printer and discussed what the banner might look like, how much it would cost, etc.
30 minutes later I arrived home and there was an email from Fedex Office with the Subject "Banners and posters starting at $5.97".
Other than the Lizard People reading my mind the only explanation I can come up with is that my phone's microphone picked up the face-to-face conversation, an algorithm analyzed the content, and the data was sold to Fedex so they could advertise to me - all within thirty minutes.
This violation of privacy for targeted advertising is relatively benign, however, it would be naive to think this technology isn't being used for more sinister purposes.
The Lizard People have been capturing every phone conversation, email, text message, tweet, google search, Facebook interaction, etc., for many years. This information is sent to an NSA data center in Utah where sophisticated algorithms can build a profile on each of us more indepth and understanding than the perceptions of even our parents, spouses and best friends. To give a sense how pervasive this is I read recently one think tank/consultancy claimed 5,000 pieces of data on every man, woman and child in America on their company website .
The signs are everywhere how far The Lizard People have veered off track in doing immoral, unethical and illegal acts against us. Now they've apparently crossed the line into surveilling us 24x7 with smart technologies.
That's the bad news. The good news is more and more We The People are awakening and finding ways big and small to neutralize their nefarious ways and move the world in a positive direction.
You breath it in and it breeds inside you !!! see morgellons archons
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