[PROTOTYPE] Rawbot + IoT
The Rawbot project's source code can be found over Github.
- Firefox/Google chrome with MetaMask extension
- Basic knowledge on how to use Remix IDE
1st. Open Remix IDE using Firefox or Chrome
Click on the Open folder icon, and choose the necessary Rawbot files to use for deployment.
2nd. Deploy Rawbot ERC-20 token
Once you deploy the contract, it has to be confirmed on the blockchain network.
4th. We have to add a device and it's action in order to perform it and receive it's event object later on.
5th. Once both action and device are submitted and confirmed, we have to copy the Rawbot ABI to be able to use it on the IoT device.
6th. Copy and paste the ABI and contract address in the node-rawbot -> index.js file
7th. This is an example of the Rawbot implementation with Raspberry PI 3 device, snippet.
Demo: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lkGG3poI5rMiSr4FrQz15M3o3J8Sr-uR
Thanks for the contribution and sharing, interesting for web3 and eth based dapps development