IONCOIN: From triggering the dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ BUY Alert, IOCOIN has seen a growth of no less than x 26.07 to the current price of $2.08. Remains BULLISH.
dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ Screen
IOCOIN triggered a dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ BUY Alert Signal on 19th March 2016 at $0.07977.
From triggering the BUY Alert, IOCOIN has seen a growth of no less than x 26.07 to the current price of $2.08.
With a current Market Capital of approx. $33m and Ranked No.94 in the Crypto Currency Market, IOCOIN has seen an explosive rise these last 16 months.
Currently we have a BULLISH recommendation on IOCOIN and will continue to monitor the technicals over the next few weeks.
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#promo-uk Team
I would like to once again say a MASSIVE thank you to all the hard work to everyone on the #promo-uk Team who have been giving up their time for FREE to help promote STEEMIT.
Matt @Starkerz, Dylan @Anarcotech, Curtis @Crypto-Curt, Steve @TecAV, Karl @McKenzie259, Kiran @TheMeanBean, Zoltan @Coinkingz, Jonathan @JonathanYoung, Adam @Adamm and @Rea
Contact Us
As the #promo-uk Team slowly builds up I am now looking for more to join.
If it something that you are interest in please call/txt/leave a voicemail and I look forward to having a chat with you.
Thanks again for reading.
Thanks for sharing. How do I follow these alerts when they first come out?
Thanks for share your useful information
If 10% of steem users have been involved in promoting steemit as you do, the results will be amazing
So many cryptos it makes my head spin!
Thanks for updating about ioncoin