Are you triggered by the price drops?

in #investment7 years ago

I will be the first to admit it, I get a little triggered.  I define triggered as an over reaction.  When a person (in this case.. me),  let's their emotions over rule their intellect.  

Fortunately having an emotion doesn't change anything, so I let myself have the emotional reaction.   Emotions only cause problems when you act on them.

"Oh No", my mind says, "this is going down, what if it goes down more... Oh no."  <------ Emotional Reaction.

The important part comes next where I separate my emotion by reminding myself of things I already know. I begin to control my "feelings" with my intellect and so I remind myself of some important things.   I have only invested what I can afford to lose.  Potential for high reward tends to come with high risk.  Nothing goes straight up.  This is just part of the process of growth.

There is a lot of market space and uses for crypto, including some that most of us haven't even thought of yet.  I feel certain we haven't seen the highest prices in Bitcoin and other currencies yet.  <----- Me talking myself down from being triggered.  

Feeling triggered is fine as long as I don't act on it.  I didn't sell, quit, or harm anyone.  

I'm @whatsup and I admit, I get triggered.


I agree there is a lot of real world uses for crypto. However 90% of Alts don't address these issues and are purely for speculation. If there is a serious sell off in crypto (50% or so) or a prolonged bear market ( bitcoin has been through year long bears before) I expect many Alts to fail, many people will lose their shirt and people will complain crypto is dead. But the key coins, those that actually offer something, will go from stength to stength

its a dip its a dip .. best time for ppl to buy . soo look this way real business man knows buy things when they are in deep. i feel next round of bitcoin with 6k pretty soon . till then buy at the dip and dnt sell just hold. you everything which goes up will come down , but will go up again for sure .

Yes, there will be a lot of room to weed out some shit coins, but over all it is an untapped market. I can't wait to see how it develops.

Agreed. I don't mean to sound negative as I think crypto has massive potential but coins that are only popular because they go up or because they produce 700% interest per year based on POS don't have any part in that future. They have to actually solve a problem or add real value rather than just be a mechanism for speculation. Iam really positive on crypto and once all those shit coins die, we will be one step closer to mass adoption.

I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time during the tech bubble and specifically through the Healthcare Tech sector. We were selling Internet applications to hospitals and physicians that didn't even have internet connections.

Once the idea started to catch on it was wild with all the start-ups, mergers, acquisitions, etc. I also saw many companies fizzle out. I think we will see much of the same activities as the value of the Blockchain is recognized.

I don't know I am new here but at the moment I think that this platform doesn't have much future.
There is too much spam and people are earning from that.
There is a Forest in front of you and you need to find a tree... not very possible

"Fear is the mindkiller." ~ Herbert
"Don't Panic" ~ Adams

Emotions provide us with important information. But how we act on that information needs the assistance of reason.

I'm triggered by Poloniex not giving me the money that I paid for. I have a small amount of steem on there but I've had this yellow window up that says steem withdrawals are disabled for over 2 months now. I sent out a support ticket and they told me to verify my name over again so I did that 2 weeks ago and I still haven't heard back. I would really like for them to give me my money.

Yeah, me to, very similar story. Glad I only had a token amount for test purposes snared.
I'll never use poloniex again.

I bet! That is frustrating.

Breathe in, breathe out...

Perfect. lol. I am still breathing through being triggered.

Hahah, have you ever seen the movie Anger Management? Goosefraba!

Haha, that is hysterical. CALM DOWN

One of my favorite Sandler comedies.

I'm triggered by you being triggered by price drops! How dare you!

I'm so immature! You would think I would outgrow it at some point.

Good reminder. Be calm and patient all the while moving forward.

I see it as an opportunity to buy some! Had a yard sale today and I'm stashing away some BTC with the profit.

Don't check the current price too often, it can drive you crazy!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 66975.17
ETH 2594.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67