Today’s Silver and Gold Activity, Is Brought To You By “Q” as in "Quality"

in #investing5 years ago (edited)

   Great and Wonderful Monday Morning Folks,    

       We Q the starting point of the day with Gold trading higher with the February contract at $1,468.80 up $3.70 with the high close by at $1,469.10 and the low still inside a very tight hi/low trading range of $5.80 at $1,463.00. Silver seems to be leading with its trade at $16.705 (March) up 10.9 cents with the high at $16.71 and the low at $16.565. The December US Dollar, which comes off the board next Monday inside the Triple Witch Week, is now trading at 97.530, down 13.1 points and at the low of 97.525 with the high at 97.700. All of this happened before 5 am pst, the Comex open, and the London close.    

      Our Emerging Markets Currency Watch is proving the Christmas Sales period, is the time to buy. In Venezuela, Gold is now priced at 14,669.64 Bolivar giving those wanting to own a 120.85 Bolivar discount with Silver at 166.841 Bolivar, offering a 3.046 discount from Friday’s early morning quote. In Argentina, the Peso has Gold valued at 87,940.89 Peso’s giving the buyer a 743.73 A-Peso discount with Silver at 1,000.60 discounting the trade by 18.24 Peso’s. The Turkish Lira now has Gold valued at 8,518.86 showing a loss of 10.47 in T-Liras with Silver at 96.8672 dropping 1.1029 in value as the physical buyers are given the chance to buy before the new high.    

      Our December Silver Delivery watch now shows a request count of 913 fully paid for contracts waiting to day trade, get physicals, or sending paper to London, and with a Volume of 120 up on the board so far with a trading range between $16.47 and $16.56. Sunday nights ICE openings showed someone buying 12 Red Contracts within the first 40 minutes of trade and within another ½ penny trading range between $16.470 and $16.475. No One outside an Algo has the ability to trade and profit off a ½ penny swing as explained earlier. Also, of note is the drop-in demand count from Friday to today proving a 1 contract drop in all of Friday’s trading activity inside the delivery month which may be either day trading algos, or the buy orders are keeping up with the physical demands being removed with over 135 contracts trading on Friday. As of right now, the physical demand count for Silver now stands at 4,565,000 ounces waiting to get delivered.     

      The evidence is mounting in regards to the CFTC’s inability to smell a rat inside its own rat infested trading nest, with that revolving door into the companies it’s supposed to be policing, as the Open Interest in Comex Silver proves the shorts are still stuck with the total count gaining from Friday’s price hit, proving an additional 1,712 more short papers had to be added in order to supply “liquidity” to KEEP Silver down all day Friday. 

      Have you noticed the way Silver “stays” in place after these paper shorts get supplied? The price hits are all being done and watched by the CFTC, who are now being accused of guiding and helping the entire time. This brings this morning’s total count in Silver’s Open Interest to 206,679 Overnighters stuck in the trade since the Open Interest was forcefully elevated in order to keep prices steady for the past 4+ years. Can we say inflationary demand is being applied to the paper in order to control the price instead of allowing the price to find its natural value? We think so, and when the inflated paper is forcefully removed, we will see sharply higher prices and most likely way beyond the fair price, simply because of this intrusion of paper.    

      Q has posted a release date or Justice Marker (Q post 3643) for today and at a specific time of 1:28:04 (EST/UTC/PST?). The idea being portrayed is that the FISA Docs may be released today. Here’s the issue many have: every time Q posts a date, many become frustrated because Q “mislead” those who are looking for immediate gratification. Imo, the words used up to the point of the dates and times, are meant to mislead those under investigation. Consider how the Deep State Actors act out before the releases? For instance, Kamala Harris has bowed out, as well as others inside the arena of voting. Nancy has also lashed out again as well as Creepy Joe. It may be that Q is “Rope A Doping” the left and causing them to react one way, as Q exposes something else, they were not prepared for. Muhahahahaha!    

      So, today's report on Silver and Gold’s trade, is brought to you by Q. My “Q” stands for Quality of Product, 99.99% pure and unadulterated physical Silver and Gold. On sale because of the continued papering as the Resolute Buyer keeps the orders coming. Taking more and more real out of the fake leaving only the paper to trade. What can go wrong? Nothing! If you are the holder of the real and physical. So, keep them close and outside the paper system due to change. Keep that smile on your face and a positive attitude in your head no matter what, and as always …   

Stay Strong! 

J. Johnson   

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