Planned protests in France and London, what could go wrong?

in #investing6 years ago (edited)

 Good Wednesday Morning Folks,    

      Gold is taking a rest in the early morning trade with the current price at $1,242.90, lower than the close by $3.90 after dipping down to $1,238.70 with a near to the current price high at $1,244.80. Silver is at $14.56, 8 cents lower than Tuesday’s Comex close with the low at $14.49 and a high at $14.62, all this happening sometime way before 5am pst.  The US Dollar is weaker by 9.2 points with the trade at 96.81, close to the low of 96.77 with a high at 97.145. The Venezuelan experiment continues to prove why it is important to keep as much of your wealth in physical precious metals with Gold’s trade now at 307,650,000 Bolivar, losing 427,600 over the past 24 hours with Silver’s trade at 3,604,246 losing 19,885 Bolivar. This helps proves that even those that do not use the leverage in commodity trading can do quite well when the fiat collapses as the banks use the leverage to suppress and then profit off of it (the leverage), when the time comes.     

      December deliveries continue with the current count at 976 demands for delivery with a volume of 21 so far on the board, losing another 248 obligations either to Comex or London with London being the more probable in order to liquidate more of the “fake in trade” as the EFP’s may be proving this point more so than the idea of the traders (banks?) keeping the receipts for later after the currencies are devalued (it could be both as well). Comex Silver’s overall Open Interest is now at 180,016 as another 1,067 left the trade. Under a normal roll over, the OI would be climbing almost immediately after the monthly change. We’ll see what happens in the next few days, I, as well as many others, hope to see a continuance with sharply higher prices. Regardless, this manipulation will end, it’s only a matter of time. Also of note, we do have the Triple Witch Week in 2 weeks to deal with.    

      France is still churning in the news of late with the Yellow Vests turning up the heat as the attempt to stand against tyranny continues as Macron’s popularity falls below that of syphilis as the concession Macron thinks will appease the populace is completely ignored. The media is controlling the narrative once again saying the French are demanding the removal of only this tax hike, but it’s much much more than that, the people of France what their society and their real government back, without the EU in it or controlling it via debt. From a Q post here in the USA, a supposed Yellow Jackets plan of a full scale protest is going to happen this Sat (translated in English).     

      Now another protest is being brought up in London for this Sunday. This guy is apparently unafraid of being the poster child for the violence. If there is an uprising against the government, this kid will be the first to be black bagged Mr Creedy style (in the movie “V for Vendetta”). Nigel Farage, one of my freedom heroes has quit his position at Ukip claiming the party has lost its soul to the former EDL leader, who.. “brought "scuffles" and "violence" to the party, adding: "Many have criminal records, some pretty serious, and all of it has been dragging UKIP away from being an electoral party into a party of street activism."      

      The treasuries are closed today honoring a former president but the currencies and metals are open as we wait to see, as well as hope and pray, that the governments pushing their will upon their people doesn't turn to violence but that may be the only way to force these foreign controlled deciders out. However, the choice is not ours, it is theirs. Once again, we press the points that physical Silver and Gold in hand, is a hell of a lot safer then inside any third party. We still hold these beliefs as they are being proven now. So keep your metals in hand, stay away from the protests, because all it takes is one idiot, then you see dead people everywhere. Stay safe, keep a positive attitude no matter what, and as always  …   

Stay Strong! 

J. Johnson  

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