Fund Description: AltcoinIndex Fund
Fund Description: AltcoinIndex Fund
Volume Weighted Top Alt-Coin Index Fund.
For investors who identify with a Growth risk appetite in the cryptocurrency context (where Conservative = 100% BTC).
Assets weighted by 90d trading volume + 1% GVT to support the platform.
Excludes stablecoins. ETC excluded due to elevated fundamental risk.
Asset offerings subject to GV availability.
For a more detailed description of the rationale of index funds and the use of volume as the key metric see:
The Altcoin Index Fund is more aggressive in its allocations compared to the Blue-Chip Index. It covers approximately 75% of the altcoin trading volume as of the time of writing. Compared to the blue-chip index, the top altcoin index represents much higher exposure to volatility both to the upside and the downside. However these should generally appreciate against BTC in the long run, given the longer-term trend of decreasing BTC dominance in the overall market over the last several years.
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