On Diversifying Outside of CryptoCurrencies

in #investing6 years ago



Let's make no bones about it, cryptocurrency has been the best investment (or gamble) one could have done in the past 5 years. It personally lifted me up quite a bit and I think we haven't seen the end of it yet.

But, we have to be careful and learn from history.

High Risk / High Rewards

When I went to the financial planner, I was presented with the investor risk tolerance questionnaire. It's a standard operating procedure to understand how someone deals with the risk associated with investing. Then everyone is graded on a normal distribution scale.


If you are the kind of person that is able to deal with market swings of over 200%, you belong in that category. Not everyone can stomach that kind of volatility, that's for sure...but so far it has paid off.

Past Performance Are Not Indicative Of Future Results

That is where I (and people with a high-risk tolerance profile) have to be careful. It's easy to get cocky, believing that it can only keep going up and up. Only to realize 2 or 3 years later that you are back where you had started. I'm old enough to remember the 2000 Dot Com Boom and Bust.

Companies had crazy valuation without ever selling a thing or even having a product. Just having a cool name like "pets.com" was enough for people pore in over $300M dollars into it.

If that doesn't remind you of the current ICO situation, I don't know what is. I was looking at a project called "BYTOM" that mooned yesterday. This project is now evaluated at over 1 Billion Dollars. That's a lot of money and the website seems have been done by a complete beginner. Tons of grammatical errors and I really don't see any real-life application on it.

Fortunately, I have a mentor who himself was one of those companies that went through the DOT COM Bubble. He told me the story of how he went from a valuation $1 per share to almost $60 and then back down. He is a very successful businessman, but he is truly helping put everything in perspective.

Good Ol' Diversification

I know you've probably heard that one a thousand time and to be honest, it's really not sexy. There is simply no market like cryptocurrency. Steem alone in the last month went up by 78.41%. That's the kind of gains that make your palm sweat.

So what am I doing? I personally do not liquidate my position in any cryptocurrencies BUT I'm shaving off the top every month. I hold on to my principal like grim death, but I generate some extra tokens via curation and authorship and move that into the kind of investment that makes sense to me...things such as land and other real tangible assets.


If you have nothing to lose, I would say cryptocurrencies are your best bet right now. It has a crazy upside potential. BUT if you are heavily invested in crypto with almost no real life assets, maybe it's time to think of purchasing something like stocks, bonds, lands, gold or whatever is more stable over the long term.

Tell me your thoughts below.


I do think diversifying is the wisest option for people who already have a lot of crypto. It will simply give mental peace which is very important, especially in your case with a baby coming :)

Nevertheless, since crypto is just beginning, holding the right ones will still provide massive gains in the coming years, the issue here is knowing which ones are the "right" tokens, I hope steem ends up being one of them.

A much needed reflection. Most professional investors sell half their investment when they double thereby pulling out original principal and then playing with the houses money.

Take some gains from this beautiful creation that is Crypto and diversify. If Crypto should fail you will be less disappointed than leaving everything on the craps table hoping for another 6.

I personally take gains every so often and add to my stock portfolio to keep investments mostly passive. One day I hope to truely diversify into rental real estate.

You have index funds?

Yes, I 100% agree - for those in a good place through their crypto investments, you'd be crazy to leave all your eggs in one basket.

I too think the crypto market still has a LOT of upside, especially over the next 5 to 10 years, but there's also a chance Bitcoin gets hacked/broken tomorrow and the whole thing turns to s**t.

Being a paper millionnaire means nothing - you might be an ex-paper-millionnaire just a fast. And all you have is a good hard-luck story to tell.

There's no need to cash out, but even moving, say 10% out of crypto into something else makes a lot of sense. It can still be invested, but just not in something as high-risk. You won't make the crazy returns, but you'll also have something safer to fall back on. And, you'll still have your 90% riding the crazy, crypto rolla-coaster.

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Diversify is always better as you spread out the chances of losses.

The future of blockchain based cryptocurrencies is bright and I am confident that blockchain is the way ahead. Decentralised and hybrid apps will take over the market in the coming years. For that you need to be prepared to have some cryptocurrencies in your kitty. Very soon companies might even start paying salaries in bitcoin/ethers or other cryptocurrencies.

Amazing post dear, thanks for sharing with us

I like the concept of diversification, however, in this current era, everything you would have diversified in, is about to come to an end.


The stock market is about to crash, and then crash, and then lose all credibility as the DTCC shenanigans are made known to the people.
And then the stock market is going to crash for good.
So, unless you register your stock with the company, which means taking possession from your broker (they hate this) then you don't own any stock.


Bonds have been in super-bubble territory for a while. If... no, when, the derivatives market implodes, say so long to the bond market.


Gold is much more common than we are lead to believe. Further, it won't be long till we can vibrate gold out of rocks. And the supply of gold will jump. Then the supply of gold will be, go get however much you need.


Property values are in the stratosphere (or in the tank) and they are only held up by the banks being able to lend more and more on a house. This is going to come to an end as cryptos knock out the last pillar holding up banking. Then there will be none who can buy a house at the high rate. No loans, no leverage.

So, if you do not live in it, and expect that place to be your fallback position when things go nuts as the dollar collapses, than it isn't a good investment.


Silver has a lot of new uses coming online. It will become the worlds most valuable industrial resource. And since all the stockpiles have been used up keeping the COMEX lie going, then the price of silver will skyrocket. (because the new technologies using it are going to be worth that much)

It is so true to get more and nore into real lives if your crypto banks are already filled up...but in my country the scenario changes here the crypto has been banned..that sucks...
I had made an investment....
You have any suggestions on that how to deal with the problem....

Cryptocurrency has turned the lives of many people around in a positive way. I have friends who have become billionaires. As a girl, I was a little bit sceptical to key in at first. I am regreting now, so much because right now I would have had enough money to become a whale or at least a Dolphin but no, I was there doubting and doubting.

I have learned to be a risk-taker. In the future, I will key into opportunities nomatter the risk involved . I f I lose, I lose. The richest men in the world are risk takers.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 67368.20
ETH 2618.26
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.68