Looking for OPERATORS - Testing the cryptocurrency exchanger. Looking for operators - Ethtrade

In few days we'll start testing the exchanger. It will exchange the cryptocurrency to Visa, MasterCard and other payment instruments.
The operator is a partner who can independently exchange the cryptocurrency to other payment instruments inside our exchanger and receive an interest for it.
It can be said that the operator is the exchanger, who can set his price and his payment instruments.
Now we need operators to buy and sell cryptocurrencies for visa, mastercard, cash, paypal and others.
Start Working With Us
The advantages of being an operator:
- The operator also receives the status 1 level higher than he has. That is, if had a metropolis, he gets a serenity.
- Favorable exchange without commission.
- The ability to have own exchange rate.
- Automated system and a minimum of actions.
- Stable income. <-- For LIFE
Leave a request for support. HERE
Be sure to specify the exchange type you will use. We can specify several examples:
Btc - Visa
Eth - Feat
Btc - Paypal
Visa - EthA tiempo para el CONCURSO DE OCTUBRE - Inversion con regalo de 4500$$$$ - ETHtrader
If you are ready to be an operator follow this link and leave a message